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KINGDOM PROTISTA. Archaebacteria /-----------------Eukaryotes------------------\ ------ Self-replicating RNA ------ Protocells ------ RNA-dependent protein.

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2 Archaebacteria /-----------------Eukaryotes------------------\ ------ Self-replicating RNA ------ Protocells ------ RNA-dependent protein enzymes ------ Circular DNA Plasmids w/protein synthesis ----- Mitochondria via endosymbiosis ------ Linear DNA as chromosomes ------ Mitosis & Meiosis ----- Cytoskeleton = Chloroplasts Eubacteria Amoeboids Euglenoids Dinoflagellates Brown Algaes Red Algaes Green Plants Fungi Animalia PAST PRESENT ciliates Ciliates

3 KINGDOM PROTISTA What is their Origin? - Prokaryotic Ancestors - Oldest Fossils = 2.1 Billion Years Ago - 60,000 Species Today - All are Eukaryotic Greek; “Protos” = “First”

4 KINGDOM PROTISTA They have what Characteristics? - Unicellular or Multicellular - Microscopic or as long as a Bull Kelp - Heterotrophic, Autotrophic or Mixotrophic

5 PROTISTA …can use what energy types? Animal-like Plantlike The Protozoa The Algae Ingestion Photosynthesis Heterotrophic energy Autotrophic energy Group name? Source? Appearance? (Two Groups) Or?

6 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Rhizopoda ( formerly Sarcodina) “rootlike feet” Ex - Moves by…Pseudopodia Amoeba Pseudes: “false” Pod: “foot” - Greek Others - Foraminiferans & Radiolarians



9 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Zoomastigina ( formerly Mastigophora) Ex - Moves by…Flagella Giardia lamblia Causes? Backpackers Disease

10 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Zoomastigina ( formerly Mastigophora) Ex - Moves by…Flagella Trichonympha Lives? Termite Intestine

11 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Zoomastigina ( formerly Mastigophora) Ex - Moves by…Flagella Trypanosoma Causes? African Sleeping Sickness Vector? Tsetse Fly

12 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Ciliophora (8,000 Species ) Ex - Moves by…Cilia Paramecium Trichocysts 

13 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Phylum Ciliophora (8,000 Species ) Oral groove, Gullet, Anal Pore Other terms to know: Micronucleus, Macronucleus Food Vacuole, Contractile Vacuole Heterotrophic (other), Conjugation

14 PROTOZOA (animal-like) Grouped by their method of movement. Phylum Sporozoa ( all are parasites) Ex - Reproduction:Spores Plasmodium Disease? Malaria (300 Million) Vector? Mosquito

15 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by Phylum Euglenophyta ( plant & animal characteristics) Ex - Moves by…Flagellum Euglena gracilis Terms: Red Eyespot, can be Heterotrophic No Cell Wall, has Chloroplasts types of Chlorophyll = by Color ?

16 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by types of Chlorophyll = by Color Phylum Bacillariophyta Ex - Color?Golden algae Diatoms Terms: Oils float. Diatomaceous earth. Moves. Carotenoids. Oils, not starch. Autotrophic & has Silica shells Tractor-tread strip down center

17 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by types of Chlorophyll = by Color Phylum ? Ex - Pfiesteria & Gonyaulax (Red Tide) Terms: Carotenoids. Phytoplankton. Spinning, Xanthophylls = Red Phylum Dinoflagellata Bioluminescent, “Fire Algae” Moves by… 2 Flagella

18 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by types of Chlorophyll = by Color Phylum ? Ex - Porphyra algae Phycobilins absorb deep water blue light. Multicellular, uses Holdfasts Phylum Rhodophyta Marine Deep Water Seaweeds Color? RED Source of Iodine & Agar

19 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by types of Chlorophyll = by Color Phylum ? Ex - & Volvox Symbiotic with Fungi = Lichens. Single-celled & Colonial forms Phylum Chlorophyta Closely related to true plants Color? GREEN Ulva

20 ALGAE (plant-like) Grouped by types of Chlorophyll = by Color Phylum ? Ex - Contains fucoxanthan (yellow-brown) Huge Colonial forms Phylum Phaeophyta Color? BROWN Macrocystis (60m) Source of Algin thickening agent All are Multicellular seaweeds


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