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10.12.2013 Exercises and Exercise Program Guide. 1 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm.

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Presentation on theme: "10.12.2013 Exercises and Exercise Program Guide. 1 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.12.2013 Exercises and Exercise Program Guide

2 1 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA CrunchVertical crunch Floor crunch Floor leg crunch Knee cross crunch Plyo-crunch Abdominals Obliques EIIAAEIIAA SquatTwo-legged squat One-legged squat Dynamic one/two legged squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles IAAIAA Abdominal Exercises I 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

3 2 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) RaisesSupported raise Side raise Front/back raise Knee-side touch Lower abdominals Hips EIIIEIII RotationSlow rotation Low/high rotation Explosive rotation Abdominals Obliques EIAEIA Abdominal Exercises II 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

4 3 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA Bicep curl Forward punch Uppercut curls Bicep brachiiEIAEIA Tricep extension Floor body up extension Chair extension Tricep brachiiEIAEIA Arm Exercises I 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

5 4 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Butterfly Forward/backward butterfly Upper arm / Abductor muscles IIII FlysChest/back fly Overhead fly Knee push up Push up Plyo-push up Single handed pushup Chest muscles / Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Triceps brachii EEIAAAEEIAAA Arm Exercises II 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

6 5 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA TableArm to side table Extension Table arms extended forward Core strength Lower back / Latissimus Dorsi Lower abdominals IAIA SquatTwo-legged squat One-legged squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles MHMH RaisesSide raise Front/back raise Knee-side touch Lower abdominals Hips Lower back / Latissimus Dorsi IIIIII Back Exercises I *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

7 6 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) RotationSide rotation Low/high rotation Abdominals Obliques EIEI ArchNormal arch Squat arch Squat to arch to jump Lower back / Latissimus Dorsi EIAEIA CrunchKnee cross crunch Core strength Abdominals Obliques A FlysChest/back fly Knee push up Push up Plyo-push up Chest muscles / Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Triceps brachii IIAAIIAA Back Exercises II *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

8 7 Exercise NameVariationsMain Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Knee press Full plank Whole body Core strength EIIAEIIA Knee raisesKnee raise Quick alternate knee raise Plyo-knee raise Abdominal Hip flexor IAAIAA LungeForward lunge Backward lunge Side lung Alternate lung Plyo-lunge Hamstrings Quadriceps Gluteals IIIAAIIIAA Leg Exercises I 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

9 8 Exercise NameVariationsMain Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) SquatTwo-legged squat One-legged squat Plyo-squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles IAAIAA RaisesSide raise Front/back raise Knee-side touch Lower abdominals Hips IIIIII Leg Exercises II 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

10 9 Exercise NameVariationsMain Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA Chest press & Push Up Forward press Squat & forward press Knee rested push up Knee rested + side push up Push up Push ups + side extension Plyo push up Chest muscles / Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Triceps brachii EIIIAAAEIIIAAA Shoulder Rotation Static forward/backward Dynamic forward/backward Deltoid sIAIA Chest & Shoulder Exercises I 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

11 10 Exercise NameVariationsMain Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Upward Extension Upward extension Lateral over extension Deltoid sIAIA RotationLow/high rotation Quick low/high rotation Abdominals Obliques IAIA Chest & Shoulder Exercises II 1 x 20 minutes Static/Dynamic (Advanced 4) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

12 11 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA CrunchVertical crunch Floor crunch Floor leg crunch Plyo-crunch Core strength Abdominals Obliques EIIAEIIA SquatTwo-legged squat Deep two-legged squat One-legged squat Dynamic one/two legged squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles IIAAAIIAAA Program – Back Pain I (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes (Advanced 4) 1 x 20 minutes stretching/recovery program (Body relaxation 1) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

13 12 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) TableArm to side table Extension Table arms extended forward Lower/upper backIIII RotationSlow rotation Low/high rotation Explosive rotation Abdominals Obliques IIAIIA ArchNormal arch Squat arch Squat to arch to jump Lower/upper backEIAEIA Program – Back Pain II (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes (Advanced 4) 1 x 20 minutes stretching/recovery program (Body relaxation 1) *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced

14 13 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) SquatTwo-legged squat Deep two-legged squat One-legged squat Dynamic one/two legged squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles IIAAIIAA Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIAEIA LungeForward lunge Backward lunge Side lunge Alternate lunge Hamstrings Quadriceps Gluteals IIIAIIIA *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced Program – Endurance, Strength & Speed I (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes Static (Advanced 4) 1 x 20 minutes Dynamic (Advanced 4)

15 14 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) CrunchVertical crunch Floor crunch Floor leg crunch Knee cross crunch Plyo-crunch Core strength Abdominals Obliques EIIAAEIIAA TableArm to side table Extension Table arms extended forward Lower/upper backIIII RotationSlow rotation Low/high rotation Explosive rotation Abdominals Obliques EIAEIA *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced Program – Endurance, Strength & Speed II (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes Static (Advanced 4) 1 x 20 minutes Dynamic (Advanced 4)

16 15 *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Static Isometric Press Palm press Knee press Knee rest plank Full plank Whole body Core strength EIIAEIIA SquatTwo-legged squat Deep two-legged squat One legged squat Dynamic one/two legged squat Core strength Isometrically - lower/upper back, abdominals, trunk muscles IIAAIIAA LungeForward lunge Backward lunge Side lunges Alternate lunge Hamstrings Quadriceps Gluteals IIIAIIIA CrunchVertical crunch Floor crunch Floor leg crunch Knee cross crunch Plyo crunch Core strength Abdominals Obliques EIIAAEIIAA Program – Slim, Cellulite, Tone & Shape I (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes Static (Advanced 2) 1 x 20 minutes Dynamic (Cellulite 1 - metabolic)

17 16 *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) TableArm to side table Extension Table arms extended forward Lower/upper backIIII RotationSlow rotation Low/high rotation Explosive rotation Abdominals Obliques EIAEIA FlysChest/back fly Knee push up Push up Plyo push up Chest muscles / Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Triceps brachii IIAAIIAA Program – Slim, Cellulite, Tone & Shape II (2 sessions per week) 1 x 20 minutes Static (Advanced 2) 1 x 20 minutes Dynamic (Cellulite 1 - metabolic)

18 17 Exercise NameVariations Main Muscle Targeted / Purpose Level* (E, I, A) Copy paste images here from previous pages Copy paste exercises from previous pages *Level: E = Easy, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced Create Your Own Program! X x X minutes Static/Dynamic (program name) – ~X reps per side

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