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It’s crunch time! Select the correct answer to the cereal-related questions.

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2 It’s crunch time! Select the correct answer to the cereal-related questions.


4 sample Fill in the blank: "Silly rabbit! _____ are for kids!" A. Pop Tarts B. Trix C. Cheerios

5 sample Fill in the blank: "Silly rabbit! _____ are for kids!" A. Pop Tarts B. Trix C. Cheerios

6 1 What's the only industry to spend more money on TV commercials each year than the cereal industry?" A. Beverage companies B. Automobile manufacturers C. Mattress warehouses

7 2 Which cereal contains the most sugar? A. Sugar Smacks B. Sugar Pops C. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs

8 3 The U.S. cereal industry uses enough sugar every year to cover every single American with how much sugar? A. 1/2 pound B. 1 pound C. 3 pounds

9 4 Which is the best-selling cereal of all time? A. Rice Krispies B. Cheerios C. Corn Flakes

10 5 Kellogg’s and Post each have a cereal called what? A. Raisin Bran B. Corn Flakes C. Shredded Wheat

11 6 Which athlete has NOT appeared on the Wheaties box? A. Mary Lou Retton B. Michael Jordan C. Bjorn Borg

12 7 Which of these was not a real cereal? A. Ice Cream Jones B. Pacman C. Tofu Puffs

13 8 Finish the jingle: “Honeycomb’s big. Yeah, yeah, yeah…” A. “It's not small. No, no, no.” B. “Really, really big. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” C. “Super massive huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

14 9 What is the name of Cap’n Crunch’s ship? A. SS Milky B. SS Guppy C. USS Enterprise

15 10 What breakfast cereal was originally called Elijah’s Manna? A. Corn Flakes B. Post Toasties C. Elijah’s Manna


17 1 What's the only industry to spend more money on TV commercials each year than the cereal industry?" A. Beverage companies B. Automobile manufacturers C. Mattress warehouses

18 1 What's the only industry to spend more money on TV commercials each year than the cereal industry?" A. Beverage companies B. Automobile manufacturers C. Mattress warehouses

19 2 Which cereal contains the most sugar? A. Sugar Smacks B. Sugar Pops C. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs

20 2 Which cereal contains the most sugar? A. Sugar Smacks B. Sugar Pops C. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs

21 3 The U.S. cereal industry uses enough sugar every year to cover every single American with how much sugar? A. 1/2 pound B. 1 pound C. 3 pounds

22 3 The U.S. cereal industry uses enough sugar every year to cover every single American with how much sugar? A. 1/2 pound B. 1 pound C. 3 pounds

23 4 Which is the best-selling cereal of all time? A. Rice Krispies B. Cheerios C. Corn Flakes

24 4 Which is the best-selling cereal of all time? A. Rice Krispies B. Cheerios C. Corn Flakes

25 5 Kellogg’s and Post each have a cereal called what? A. Raisin Bran B. Corn Flakes C. Shredded Wheat

26 5 Kellogg’s and Post each have a cereal called what? A. Raisin Bran B. Corn Flakes C. Shredded Wheat

27 6 Which athlete has NOT appeared on the Wheaties box? A. Mary Lou Retton B. Michael Jordan C. Bjorn Borg

28 6 Which athlete has NOT appeared on the Wheaties box? A. Mary Lou Retton B. Michael Jordan C. Bjorn Borg

29 7 Which of these was not a real cereal? A. Ice Cream Jones B. Pacman C. Tofu Puffs

30 7 Which of these was not a real cereal? A. Ice Cream Jones B. Pacman C. Tofu Puffs

31 8 Finish the jingle: “Honeycomb’s big. Yeah, yeah, yeah…” A. “It's not small. No, no, no.” B. “Really, really big. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” C. “Super massive huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

32 8 Finish the jingle: “Honeycomb’s big. Yeah, yeah, yeah…” A. “It's not small. No, no, no.” B. “Really, really big. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” C. “Super massive huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

33 9 What is the name of Cap’n Crunch’s ship? A. SS Milky B. SS Guppy C. USS Enterprise

34 9 What is the name of Cap’n Crunch’s ship? A. SS Milky B. SS Guppy C. USS Enterprise

35 10 What breakfast cereal was originally called Elijah’s Manna? A. Corn Flakes B. Post Toasties C. Elijah’s Manna

36 10 What breakfast cereal was originally called Elijah’s Manna? A. Corn Flakes B. Post Toasties C. Elijah’s Manna


38 tie What Kellogg’s cereal was promoted in 1931 ads reading, “What a pity when constipation can be overcome so easily”? A. All Bran B. Oat-Os C. Grape Nuts

39 tie What Kellogg’s cereal was promoted in 1931 ads reading, “What a pity when constipation can be overcome so easily”? A. All Bran B. Oat-Os C. Grape Nuts


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