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Prepositions of Place. behind detrás de between entre (dos)

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositions of Place. behind detrás de between entre (dos)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositions of Place

2 behind detrás de

3 between entre (dos)

4 among entre (un número sin determinar)

5 in front of delante de

6 next to al lado de

7 on encima de

8 above encima de (sin tocar)

9 under debajo de

10 below debajo de

11 in en

12 opposite enfrente de

13 at the end of al final de

14 near cerca de

15 on the left of a la izquierda de

16 on the right of a la derecha de

17 against contra

18 in the middle of en el medio de

19 on the corner en la esquina

20 El perro está delante del fuego. The dog is in front of the fire.

21 La actriz está encima de la mesa. The actress is on the table.

22 El ratón está debajo de la mesa. The mouse is under the table.

23 Los libros están al lado de la silla. The books are next to the chair.

24 La silla está entre los libros y la planta. The chair is between the books and the plant.

25 El gato está detrás de la planta. The cat is behind the plant.

26 El actor está en la bañera. The actor is in the bath.

27 The hotel is opposite the pub. El hotel está enfrente del pub.

28 The church is at the end of the road. La iglesia está al final de la carretera.

29 The cottage is near the graveyard. La casa de campo está cerca del cementerio.

30 The post office is on the left of the newsagent’s. Correos está a la izquierda del kiosko.

31 The library is on the right of the chemist’s. La biblioteca está a la derecha de la farmacia.

32 They are next to the window.

33 The pens are on the table.

34 The paper is under the hand.

35 The paper is between the teacher and the boy.

36 They are in the classroom.

37 The student is in front of the paper.

38 The window is behind the teacher.

39 behind

40 between

41 on the left of

42 on the right of

43 at the end of

44 in

45 in front of

46 opposite

47 next to

48 near

49 on

50 under

51 Marga Renedo G ó mez

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