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ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Hold On, You Lost Me! Mary M Rydesky.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Hold On, You Lost Me! Mary M Rydesky."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Hold On, You Lost Me! Mary M Rydesky

2 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky

3 Scenario 1  You are in a time crunch & need information. Which questions do you seek?  Why  What  How  If

4 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Questions 1 2 3 4

5 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Scenario 2  Which kind of learner are you?  Imaginative  Analytic  Common Sense  Dynamic Imaginative Analytic Common Sense Dynamic

6 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Basic Premise  Differences in approach to perceiving & processing define learning style  Sensing & feeling  Thinking & judging  Watchers & doers  Four preference combinations

7 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky  Favored learning style  Is efficient for you  Affects evaluation of presenters  Affects learner communications  Drives your training approach

8 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Four Stages Share EngagePerform Practice

9 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Eight Stages Share EngagePerform Practice L R R RL R L L FEELING THINKING DOINGWATCHING 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 abstract concrete reflectiveactive

10 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Who Leads? Trainer Active Learner Active

11 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky The First Three Steps  Connect  Attend  Image  Content  Concept  Context But first….

12 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Scenario 3  Session is a Leadership Retreat  What are the learner outcomes? Leadership is a study in __________ LeadershipContent Concept _________

13 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Mat4 is a study in….  Engaging  Sharing  Practice  Performing

14 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Value of 4Mat  Stretch exercises to improve trainer’s non-preferred learning modes  4Mat is a study in _________

15 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky What is 4Mat  4Mat aligns the work of many learning theorists in a practical tool for EPSS  4Mat’s facts include _________

16 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky  The text & seminars include _____  Develop ‘ concept’  Develop lesson plan for all four learner types so they  Are personally engaged  Understand the shared knowledge  Take part in rigorous practice  Perform the learning

17 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky If 4Mat Works…  How do I apply it to my needs?  Leadership  Skills  Customer service  Company code of behavior

18 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky

19  Bernice McCarthy & Jeanine O’Neill-Blackwell  2007 ASTD Press  (reference CH8124)   Free web training hour May 15th

20 ASTD 2012 MMRydesky Resources  Deborah. 4MAT System.  Learning Styles & the 4MAT System: A Cycle of Learning tbnw=130&prev=/ tbnw=130&prev=/  Leon, Eal, & Przasnyski. (2006) Captivate Your Students' Minds: Developing Interactive Tutorials to Support the Teaching of Spreadsheet Modeling Skills.  McCarthy & O’Neill-Blackwell (2007).Hold On, You Lost Me! ASTD Press.  National Park Service. Civil Disobedience. (Click on 4Mat wheel for each section)  Niskanen, J. 4Mat Unit Plans.  4MAT - Delivering Instruction That Everyone Can Understand p:// cAxGTpjqM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3D4mat%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom. microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26sa%3DN p:// cAxGTpjqM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3D4mat%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom. microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26sa%3DN  College of the Southwest. SOE's Conceptual Framework.

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