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Presented by Jack Crooks President Black Swan Capital Agora Financial Investment Symposium - Vancouver 24 July 2009.

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1 Presented by Jack Crooks President Black Swan Capital Agora Financial Investment Symposium - Vancouver 24 July 2009



4 Source: Stephen Jen, Morgan Stanley

5 Major “green shoots” disappointment – rethink! - Double-dip recession - China disappointment - Emerging market crisis Capitulation out of EM Money flow out of China European banking risk Global Rebalancing Hide in US Treasuries

6 Overconsumption Overproduction CA Deficit Nations CA Surplus Nations United States China …an end to the symbiotic relationship!

7  Potentially an end to the Export Model  Subpar global growth for years [Industrial production crushed for majors]  Heightened pain for emerging markets  Deflation the problem now, not inflation

8 US-China Symbiotic Relationship Single Currency Zone Argument

9 US-China Symbiotic Relationship Game Over? Single Currency Zone Argument Money Locked Inside the System US Consumer Wealth Fading Crunch Cap Invest @ 45% GDP Seemingly costless Chinese capital? Property & Stock Bubbles X X X X X Chinese Government Explicit Stimulus X X Forcing Asian Trade Partners to Adjust [China surplus up, but exports to West down]

10 Source: Leto Research

11 Free CreditCredit Crunch Lower CA Deficit Means US Requires Less Int’l Funding Consumption Savings Implicit Weak Dollar Policy 50% 6-mo $35T Legacy Non-bank


13 Eurostat reports today industrial new orders in the Eurozone declined by 30.1% from a year ago. In Germany, the decline was 32.2%. This is the tenth consecutive month of sharp declines averaging above 30% per month. It seems that industrial contraction in Europe today is twice as bad as in 1929-1930. The fact that export powerhouse Germany leads the collapse raises questions about the euro, whose exchange rate is literally killing German manufacturing. Leto Research, 7/22/09

14  Front-end load infrastructure build  $1.7 trillion spent in first half, in a $4 trillion economy ▪ Massive inefficiencies and excess capacity ▪ Bubble Trouble…cap controls and fixed currency ▪ Stocks/Real Estate/Banking Lending  Demand slack and no exports mean…  Rising unemployment = Social tension  More consolidation of state power and belligerence

15 Japan Creditor Superpower 1988 BOJ formula as US Current Account Improved 1.Boost stock & property market 2.Give buffer for export companies to turn inward 3.Stock & property trigger wealth effect 4.Stimulates consumers & residential investment China Creditor Superpower US Stock Market Crash Credit Crunch

16  Commodities get whacked! 50% fall left?  Stocks tumble!  The US dollar surges on another major global risk bid!

17  Black Swan Capital Website  Black Swan Email –  Black Swan Offerings  Currency Currents: Daily Free Global Macro Commentary  Subscription-based letters: ▪ Options ▪ Forex & Futures ▪ Emerging Market Currencies ▪ Currency ETF’s  Managed Currency Accounts

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