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  Diana Kasbaum – DPI Mathematics Consultant  Kenneth Davis – DPI Mathematics Consultant In your folders.

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3   Diana Kasbaum – DPI Mathematics Consultant  Kenneth Davis – DPI Mathematics Consultant In your folders

4  Fueling Innovation and Discovery  Mathematical Sciences:  Mathematics  Statistics  Operations Research  Theoretical Computer Science  Application in:  Modern communication  Transportation  Science  Engineering  Technology  Medicine  Manufacturing  Security  Finance

5   Nominate an outstanding secondary teacher today!  $10,000 Award  Free Professional Development Presidential Awards For Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Brochure

6  Principles to Action – Executive Summary  Published by NCTM  Highlights the Guiding Principles for School Mathematics  Defines the Mathematics TEACHING practices

7  1.Establish mathematics goals to focus learning 2.Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving 3.Use and connect mathematical representations 4.Facilitate meaningful discourse 5.Pose purposeful questions 6.Build fluency from conceptual understanding 7. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics 8.Elicit and use evidence of student thinking 8 TEACHING practices

8   Free internet-based math challenge/competition open to high school juniors and seniors  Scholarships of $1,000 to $20,000  Last year’s challenge: LUNCH CRUNCH: CAN DELICIOUS BE AFFORDABLE AND NUTRITIOUS? This problem asks teams to determine a student's caloric requirements based on his or her individual attributes, assess the percentage of U.S. students who meet the definition of an "average" student, and develop a budget-friendly lunch plan to satisfy nutritional standards and students' palates. Moody’s Mega Math Challenge

9   Describe the behaviors and habits of mind that are exhibited by mathematically proficient students.  These K-12 Mathematical Practice Standards are just as important as the Content Standards  Do you see them embedded in daily instruction in the mathematics classroom? Standards for Mathematical Practice

10   What do they look like in mathematics classrooms? WI Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning

11   Core Values lay the Foundation  Pivotal Understandings provide the cross-cutting of “Big Ideas” that bring coherence to students’ experiences in HS math  Equivalence  Rate of Change  Predictability  Comparisons Pivotal Understandings for High School Mathematics DRAFT

12   Info-graphic on purpose and type of assessments Balanced Assessment System

13   …at least 3 credits of Mathematics; that could include  Computer Science that includes Algorithmic Problem Solving, Applications Development, Computational Design and Intelligence, Computational Thinking, and Management Information Systems  One CTE course  Effective for students graduating 2016-2017 school year Changes to Graduation Requirements

14   List of online resources and discussion communities available for Wisconsin Educators.  Wisconsin Connected Educator

15  Share with High School Mathematics Dept.

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