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University of Pennsylvania 1 1 Export Controls at Penn Missy Peloso October 12, 2011.

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1 University of Pennsylvania 1 1 Export Controls at Penn Missy Peloso October 12, 2011

2 University of Pennsylvania 2 2 Export Control Laws (ECLs) are federal laws that govern how items, technology, and data may be exported from the U.S. or shared with foreign persons within the U.S. Protect national security Prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Further U.S. foreign policy and Trade agreements Preserve U.S. economic competitiveness What are the Export Control Laws “ECLs”?

3 University of Pennsylvania 3 What is an export? Shipment of goods out of the U.S. Electronic transmission out of the U.S. Release of technology to a foreign national in the U.S. (deemed export) 3

4 University of Pennsylvania 4 An important note! Exports include: Emails and calls to people who are not U.S., whether the sender/caller realizes that or not Carrying data abroad on a computer or portable storage device (external hard drive, memory stick, etc.), whether it is accessed or not Remote access to a U.S. server from abroad 4

5 University of Pennsylvania 5 What is a U.S. person? The following individuals are U.S. Persons: A U.S. citizen A U.S. permanent resident (green card holder) An individual with formal asylum status in the U.S. Additionally, businesses and organizations incorporated in the U.S. (U.S. entities) are included in the definition of U.S. persons. 5

6 University of Pennsylvania 6 Three primary federal agencies are responsible for ECLs Department of State through the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) administered by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) Department of Commerce through the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Department of Treasury through the Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC) (also NRC and Department of Energy) 6

7 University of Pennsylvania 7 7 –OFAC administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions against targeted foreign countries, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, and those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. –Sanctions are country specific and include financial transactions –Specially Designated Nationals are persons, businesses and nations designated by OFAC for sanctions In general, it is prohibited to provide anything of value to designated parties. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Department of Treasury ("OFAC")

8 University of Pennsylvania 8 OFAC “Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs) Nations with comprehensive trade sanctions: Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Libya Nations with partial trade sanctions Western Balkans, Belarus, Cote d’Ivoire, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, Sierra Leone, Syria, Zimbabwe, persons undermining the sovereignty of Lebanon Individuals and Businesses 8

9 University of Pennsylvania 9 OFAC Licenses Program specific, but within a program –General licenses apply to the described activities within the sanctioned nation and specific permission for the use of that license is not required –Specific Licenses may be granted for activities not covered by a general license. No uniform licensing procedure –Expect licensing process to be protracted –No guarantee license will be granted Availability of licensing depends on the proposed activity and the location 9

10 University of Pennsylvania 10 –Sharing research materials –Engaging the services of persons to develop new informational materials or support of research activities (i.e., just hiring Iranians to work on an archeological site may be prohibited!) –Providing marketing and business services –Performing analysis of research samples from a university in an embargoed location Examples of OFAC PROHIBITED Activities :

11 University of Pennsylvania 11 –Determines regulatory authority for new technologies through Commodity Jurisdiction process –Administers the ITAR (primarily military and listed on the United States Munitions List (USML)). Defense articles Defense services Related technical data –For a list of controlled technologies see 22 CFR 121.1 ( l_itar/ITAR_Part_121.pdf ) l_itar/ITAR_Part_121.pdf Department of State (DDTC)

12 University of Pennsylvania 12 Examples Defense Article: an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) (drone) is developed with Department of Defense funding for use in surveillance activities (USML Category VIII a). Defense Service: a foreign national graduate student is part of the project team and has access to all information related to the UAV. The provision of the technical information about the UAV to the foreign national is a defense service. Technical Data: the design information including technical specs, blueprints, etc. for the UAV. 12

13 University of Pennsylvania 13 DDTC Export Licenses The export of defense articles, defense services or ITAR controlled technical data requires a license from DDTC. Applicable exemption for technical data: A U.S. company may export unclassified controlled technical data to a U.S. person employed by that company overseas. A U.S. company employee may also travel abroad with such technical data so long as the information is not shared with foreign nationals abroad. A record of the export must be maintained including a description of the data, method of transmission, and date and time of the export. 13

14 University of Pennsylvania 14 The EAR covers –technologies and technical information with both commercial and military applications, (chemicals, biologicals, telecommunications, software, computers, etc.). –military items not enumerated on the USML. –Solely civil use items depending on the end use/end user Department of Commerce (EAR)

15 University of Pennsylvania 15 The Commerce Control List (CCL) The CCL is a positive list. Controlled items and technologies are specifically enumerated and assigned an export control classification number (ECCN) Any item not specifically enumerated is designated as EAR99 15

16 University of Pennsylvania 16 BIS Export Licensing Licensing requirements for items on the CCL depend on: –What the item is –Where it is going –What it will be used for –Who will be using it The ECCN provides the information needed to make the determination of whether or not a license is required for an export 16

17 University of Pennsylvania 17 BIS license exceptions Many licensing exceptions exist under the EAR. Applicability depends on the ECCN and the destination. Ones commonly used in the academic environment include: –TMP: temporary exports of equipment or technical data –APP: exports of some computers –BAG: export of personal items Work with the Export Compliance office to determine if a license exception is applicable to your activity. 17

18 University of Pennsylvania 18 Public Domain Exclusion Information in the public domain is not subject to controls. Examples include information available at newsstands or bookstores Available in libraries or online Available for subscription purchase without restriction on who may purchase Patents Software made available at cost (not encryption) Conferences, exhibitions, and trade shows that are generally accessible to the public –Anywhere for the EAR –In the U.S. for the ITAR 18

19 University of Pennsylvania 19 Educational exclusion Educational Information is generally excluded from the ECLs, but is important to understand the related definitions: ITAR: information concerning general scientific, mathematical or engineering principles commonly taught in schools, colleges, and universities. EAR: information released by instruction in catalog courses and associated teaching laboratories of academic institutions. University teaching activities are thus generally not subject to these regulations, but still need to be aware of OFAC. 19

20 University of Pennsylvania 20 Fundamental Research Fundamental research means basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly…as distinguished from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security concerns.” - National Security Decision Directive 189 20

21 University of Pennsylvania 21 Fundamental Research Exclusion (EAR) University based research. Research conducted by scientists, engineers, or students at a university normally will be considered fundamental research (“University” means any accredited institution of higher education located in the United States.) 21

22 University of Pennsylvania 22 Fundamental Research Exclusion (ITAR & EAR) University research will not be considered fundamental research if: 1. The University or its researchers accept restrictions on publication of scientific and technical information resulting from the project or activity, or 2.The research is funded by the U.S. Government and specific access and dissemination controls protecting information resulting from the research are applicable. 22

23 University of Pennsylvania 23 Examples of Specific Controls Requirement of pre-publication review AND approval Limitation on participation to U.S. persons or citizens Requirement of prior approval for foreign person participation 23

24 University of Pennsylvania 24 Fundamental research True or false: Because Penn performs fundamental research, the ECL’s do not apply to research activities at Penn! 24

25 University of Pennsylvania 25 Caution! 25 Existing Information or Technology University Research Activities Research Results Not all university research without publication restrictions is uncontrolled. If the pre-existing information is in the public domain, and there are no restrictions on who may participate, then the entire project is fundamental research. If the pre-existing information is in the public domain but there are restrictions on who may participate, then the research activities are controlled, even though the results may be freely published. If the pre-existing information is not in the public domain (proprietary), then it is controlled, and the activities using that information are controlled, even though the results may be freely published.

26 University of Pennsylvania 26 Identifying Controlled Research Use of equipment or materials enumerated in the CCL or ITAR (required to sign statement relating to export controls) Language in the RFP, BAA or award documents identifies export controls There are restrictions on publication or on who might participate Proprietary information is being used in the conduct of the research International collaboration International travel or presentation at international conferences outside the U.S. Presentations at closed conferences or meetings Contracts with government sponsors such as DoD, DOE, DARPA, etc. funding research with potential military applications 26

27 University of Pennsylvania 27 What does this mean for Penn researchers? 1.It is important for you to identify research subject to ECLs and verify if the fundamental research exclusion applies. 2.It is important that you understand that international shipments are always subject to applicable ECLs 3.It is important for you to verify that international travel and financial transactions are permissible under existing ECLs. It is the responsibility of PIs to identify potential controls and work with export control staff and ORS to make sure that ECLs are not violated.

28 University of Pennsylvania 28 Process for export control evaluation Who has jurisdiction? Is a license required? How is license obtained? 28

29 University of Pennsylvania 29 Assistance in determining if activities are controlled If you need assistance in making a determination of whether or not your activity is controlled and if so under which regulations, contact the Director of Export Compliance at 215-746-0234 or 29

30 University of Pennsylvania 30 If your Activities are controlled Contact the Director of Export Compliance for assistance with developing an appropriate Technology Control Plan (TCP). The TCP: Identifies the reasons for control Identifies who is responsible for the controls Establishes security procedures to prevent inadvertent export of the controlled technology Ensures compliance with ECLs at Penn 30

31 University of Pennsylvania 31 Steps for Exporting Research Materials Verify that shipments are permissible (perform restricted party screening) Identify what controls are applicable for the proposed shipment Identify licensing requirements or applicable exception and recordkeeping requirements Obtain licenses as required Register the export if necessary 31

32 University of Pennsylvania 32 International Travel and Hosting International Visitors Check to make sure you are not doing business with banned parties Make sure lab tours and other activities are compliant with ECLs 32

33 University of Pennsylvania 33 Violations of ECLs Violations of the ECLs can result in both institutional and individual penalties including: large fines, imprisonment debarment from future export activities. Penalties associated with violation of the ECLs are mitigated by self- reporting the violation. If you become aware of an ECL violation at Penn please contact one of the following: Director, Export Compliance: Elizabeth Peloso (215-746-0234) Office of General Counsel: Robert Firestone (215-746-5266) Compliance hotline: (215-P-COMPLY) or 33

34 University of Pennsylvania 34 Further information 34

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