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(New England, Middle & Southern)

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1 (New England, Middle & Southern)
Colonial Regions (New England, Middle & Southern)

2 New England Colonies Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire
Rhode Island

3 New England Colonies Massachusetts
Massachusetts Bay Company Puritans, came for religious freedom. Settled present day Massachusetts 1st settlement, Boston. Same location as John Smith and the Pilgrims.

4 New England Colonies Geography
Boston was settled along the Charles River Negative: Rocky hard soil Positive: Forests with natural resources Oceans and Rivers provided aquaculture

5 New England Colonies Religion
Settled as an example for the rest of the world. 1630: 700 people 1640: 20,000 people Education Very important Should be able to read the bible Free schools to all children Way of Life Covenant A special promise or agreement. Every free man promised that his family would live by the rules of the Puritan church. New England Colonies Religion

6 New England Colonies Conflict in the promise land?
Puritans wanted everyone to have the same views. Is that realistic? Roger Williams Everyone should tolerate different religious beliefs. Anne Hutchinson Believed that people could talk directly to God. Both were tried in court Williams Providence, Rhode Island 1st European Colony that was religiously free Hutchinson Portsmouth, Rhode Island

7 New England Colonies Still more conflict?
Thomas Hooker Each church should be independent Should choose own leaders 1636 100 followers went with him to Connecticut.

8 New England Colonies Conflicts all around….
More English settlers equals? Less land for Native Americans. Roger Williams paid the Narragansett for their land. Pequot War of 1637 Peace for 40 years Colonists traveled to present day New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. Wampanoag Leader: Metacoment King Phillip Son of Massasoit Fought to keep the Wampanoag lands Last stand of Native American Resistance. New England Colonies Conflicts all around….

9 Middle Colonies Delaware Pennsylvania New York New Jersey

10 Middle Colonies New York- New Jersey Peter Stuyvesant Duke of York
Gift to Berkley and Carteret Middle Colonies

11 Quakers 1681 King Charles granted William Penn land
“quake before the power of the lord. Jailed for beliefs in England. Wanted Religious freedom. Quakers: Society of friends. God was in their heart, no need for ministers. Plain clothes furniture and food. Anti slavery Respecting Native Americans Quakers

12 Quakers and Compromise
Pennsylvania “Penn’s Woods” Settlement of Philadelphia Brotherly Love Penn sent a letter to the Lenni Lenape Live peacefully Neighbors and Friends Paid for the land. Peaceful relations. Quakers and Compromise

13 Middle Colonies- Where did Delaware come from?
Rapidly growing Nation. Part of Penn became Delaware. Europeans came looking for a better life. ,000 ,000

14 Middle Colonies Geography
Atlantic Ocean to the Appalachian Mountains. Rivers crisscrossed the colonies. New York Harbor, busiest port of the 13 colonies. Rich farm land. Main food region. Breadbasket of the colonies. Grew a lot of wheat.

15 Middle Colonies – Variety of people.
Dutch had already settled by 1600’s. Jewish people from Portugal. German farmers Called Penn. Dutch Built first Conestoga Wagon.

16 Middle Colonies- Variety of people.
Scots- Irish Came from Scotland through Northern Ireland. Africans Enslaved Some were free Few had same rights.

17 Middle Colonies-Overview
Variety of people. Variety of skills and trades. The start of the cultural blend in America.

18 The Southern Colonies Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina

19 Southern Colonies -Founders
King Charles 1 Lord Baltimore a charter. Catholics- Freedom of Religion. Founded Maryland. Controlled by Proprietors. Men who control the land.

20 Southern Colonies-Beyond Maryland
Maryland had spread to Virginia. 1663 King Charles II gave 8 proprietors Carolina which split. James Oglethorpe 1729 Received a charter to found Georgia(after King George II). Started a colony for debtors and poor people in America. Debtors People who owe money. Southern Colonies-Beyond Maryland

21 Southern Colonies- Georgia
Chief Tomochichi Leader of the Yamacraw. Lived on land located around creeks and rivers. Met with Oglethorpe Signed a treaty for Savannah, Ga.

22 Other benefits of Georgia.
Separated Carolinas from the Spanish and French land in America. Saying, “England would get rich by sending their poor abroad.” Other benefits of Georgia.

23 Southern Colonies- Geography
Foothills of the Appalachian Atlantic Coast Red Clay Great for growing: Corn tobacco Growing season was 7 months. Rice Indigo Plant that produces a blue dye Southern Colonies- Geography

24 Georgia’s dark side Oglethorpe did not allow slavery.
Proprietors “rented” enslaved Africans from South America. 1750’s slavery was established. Slavery grew from 1,000 to 4,000. ,000 people in GA. 4,000 lived in slavery. Georgia’s dark side

25 Southern Colonies- Overview
Maryland was founded for Religious freedom for Catholics. 1732 Georgia became the 13th colony. Been over 100 years since the first settlement had been established. In less than 50 years, the 13 colonies will become the United States of America.

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