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“What Would Republican Jesus Do?” Calvin Penn 10-18-10.

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Presentation on theme: "“What Would Republican Jesus Do?” Calvin Penn 10-18-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 “What Would Republican Jesus Do?” Calvin Penn 10-18-10

2 What is your initial reaction to this picture?

3 When I first saw this poster, I didn’t like it. Though my political views are Democratic for the most part, I disliked this poster for it’s radical use of Jesus to make such a powerful statement against the Republican party.

4 This image comes from the website, which produces hundreds of pictures that are controversial politically, religiously, etc. It was produced in 2008, in the midst of the presidential campaign. This particular poster from the site is poking fun at a certain group’s core political and religious beliefs in an effort to persuade the audience politically.

5 Jesus in a suit with a $ lapel pin, holding a gun. War planes are flying overhead. Map of the world with a gas mask behind it. Soldiers raising a cross in the middle of oil production in a desert valley.

6 With that said, has your view of the poster changed? Why or why not? If not, do you think the creator failed his purpose?

7 After learning the background information about the poster and visiting the website that it came from, my view only strengthened. The author seemed even more radical in their views, which made me trust them less.

8 In your opinion, is the author credible?

9 The website that the poster originates from is copyrighted, is affiliated with a registered company, and contains contact information, making it credible, though it may not be politically correct.

10 What audience is the poster addressing, and how does that affect the poster?

11 I think the poster is addressing younger voters of both parties, but mostly Democrats, who would more likely agree with its message. The actual picture, with its colors and symbols, would appeal more to younger voters, who seem to have less of the prejudices that have affected earlier generations, and who seem to have a more open mind, politically and religiously.

12 What techniques were utilized by the creator of the poster?

13 Symbolism – Jesus is in a suit with a $ lapel pin, symbolizing Republicans, who are usually characterized as being rich and more religious. Color – Strong, bright colors against black give the poster an ominous effect. Images – The poster contains images within the whole to make a more well-rounded message. It makes their point clear.

14 Would this poster appeal more to your ethos, pathos, or logos?

15 Ethos – Makes me ask, “is the use of Jesus and the cross appropriate?” Pathos – The use of religious figures/symbols and guns makes the message more emotional. Logos – Makes me think about the argument to understand the message and take a political side.

16 Bibliography http://alechosterman.c om/WordPress/?tag=vis ual-rhetoric

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