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Barbara A. Marinak, Ph.D. Mount St. Mary’s University.

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1 Barbara A. Marinak, Ph.D. Mount St. Mary’s University



4  Implications of CCSS for students with specific learning disability  Humanizing RTI for the purpose of nurturing expertise and collaboration

5 Intervention or Instruction?

6 Intervention or Instruction

7  While catalyzed by special education legislation, RTI is essentially a model of school reform with widespread implications for how all school personnel are prepared and how they implement instruction. (Richards, Pavri, Golez, & Canges, Murphy, 2007).

8  Common Core State Standards are radically redefining what it means to be a proficient reader and writer.  Special education teachers must be trained in CCSS core expectations.

9  Students with specific learning disability must be included in effectively differentiated core reading instruction and daily intervention aligned to the CCSS.

10  Assess comprehensively. Narrowly focused assessments lead to limited interventions. For example, assessing and intervening in a reading sub skill such as rate, nonsense word recognition, or phonemic awareness results in minimal gains in the sub skill and no gains in reading comprehension. IES, 2009

11  Must utilize diagnostic and formative assessments that reflect the complexity of core reading. Example: QRI-5

12  Students with specific learning disability must receive comprehensive instruction delivered by highly effective teachers and interventionists.  Methodologically prioritize and bundle CCSS Example: inferencing, guided listening, compare/contrast

13  Highly effective educators are: ◦ Are responsive to students’ needs ◦ Are willing and able to differentiate ◦ Emphasize higher order thinking in questioning, discussion, and tasks ◦ Are reflective and energized by instructional collaborations that bridge the methodological divide



16 Attributes AnacondaReticulated Python African Python Indian PythonBoa Constrictor Where do they live? How do they have babies? What do they look like? How do they catch their prey?


18 Attributes AnacondaReticulated Python African Python Indian PythonBoa Constrictor Where do they live? How do they have babies? What do they look like? How do they catch their prey?

19  Need to view intervention as the opportunity to provide more explicit instruction with challenging texts and rigorous responding opportunities  Persistent eye on core!

20 *represents time spent with grade level rigor

21  Intervention cannot be considered effective unless it provides for greater levels of proficiency in core.

22  Advocates for students with specific learning disability must push back against the notion that a single number derived from a CCSS terminal assessment can represent a student's college/career readiness.

23  Be simple  Be concrete  Be unexpected  Be credible  Encourage emotions  Share stories Made to Stick (Heaths)

24  Create and communicate a systematic and comprehensive vision for RTI- with input from stakeholders.  Avoid decision paralysis.  Listen to how the vision is being discussed and interpreted by the stakeholders. Clarify confusion/misconceptions.

25 “ We need to stop thinking about kids in silos and focus our efforts on effective reading instruction… everywhere.” Ellen Fogelberg, Literacy Director Evanston District 65 Evanston, Illinois  All literacy professional development is conducted by district reading specialists.  School psychologists receive on-going PD from reading specialists.  School psychologist do literacy case studies.

26 RTI can become dehumanizing by overemphasizing data and underemphasizing the educators working on behalf of students.  Personalize communication about struggling readers by holding face-to- face discussions. Reserve e-mail for scheduling.

27  Honor incidental collaboration.  Actively listen before offering suggestions or making a decision.

28 Advocate for RTI by taking actions that are consistent with your vision.  Classroom teachers always speak first.  Promote commitment to students by honoring all expertise at the RTI table.

29 Feelings inspire people to act.  Be sure to link the efforts of teachers and interventionists to the gains made by students.  Attribute growth to the specific actions of the team working on their behalf.

30 Share the stories of everyone who is working consciously and consistently on behalf of struggling readers.  Articulate the attributes of instruction that caused students to gain in proficiency.

31  For example, growth in monitoring meaning can be attributed to standardizing a prompting protocol for clarification.

32  Effectiveness can be replicated only if it is defined and understood.

33  RTI presents a unique opportunity for on-going professional learning during what is sure to be a nomadic journey.

34 Effective instructors are proximal - at all times- to teaching and learning.

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