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1 Carleton RtI training session April 30, 2013 Diane Torbenson RtI Greenvale Park Elementary School

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1 1 Carleton RtI training session April 30, 2013 Diane Torbenson RtI Coach @ Greenvale Park Elementary School

2 2  RtI stands for RESPONSE to INTERVENTION  RtI is a process for helping students become successful. The process focuses on how a specific student responds to the specific intervention.  RtI includes these steps:  Identify a struggling student  Implement an intervention to solve the problem  Check to see if it worked (by monitoring data)  I basically am a coach for the teachers.

3 3 THANK YOU Tutors are a vital part of our schools. This opportunity is important work. We love having volunteers/tutors come into the schools to work with children. We depend upon you! YOU MAKE A DIFFFERENCE!

4 4 General Management During Tutor Session

5 5 1. Build Relationships:  Get to know the child.  Introduce yourself.  Ask the child their name and possibly their interests, yet don’t probe for personal information.  Listen and let the child know you care about them.  Be friendly – yet firm  You have a task to do in a certain amount of time.  Be sure to use this time wisely and keep the child on task.  It is ok to say NO and set boundaries for behavior.  Encourage the child to WORK HARD, SHOW RESPECT, and help others to BELONG.

6 6 2. Be Positive and give specific praise:  Praise goes a long way in helping a child succeed.  When a child makes a mistake, try avoiding telling them they are wrong.  Instead, try asking them to look again and see if there is another solution. You could also say, “Let’s try this again.” or “Can I help you?”  Effective praise is specific, not general.  It is better to say, “Good work, you answered 4 out of 5 questions correctly today.” Instead of just saying “Good Job.”  Another example is to say, “Do you know what really smart thing you did today?” Then tell the child what you noticed them doing well.  One more example is to find “½ rights”. In a math problem this could be they started the problem correctly or they did all of their subtraction right. This makes the child less defensive if you redirect them.

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8 8 3. Show Interest:  Show interest in the child.  Look directly at the child when speaking to them.  Keep the child focused and on task.  Sit next to the child.  Explain plan for the session.  Be clear when giving directions.

9 9 4. Be Patient:  Show empathy.  The child may need directions repeated or paraphrased.  They often need multiple opportunities before understanding the skill.  Allow the child time to think and speak.  It is ok to make mistakes.  Tutors often work with children who are below grade level or behind on their work. Expect slow progress!

10 10 5. Establish Routine:  Tell the child the plan for the session and follow this plan.  Ex. First we will read this story, and then you will retell it to me in order. I will help you determine the main idea and 3 details.  If you do more than one task with children during each session, it is best to have a set order. (Keep order each session.)  Children like consistency and routine.  If you have a set time for the session, it may be wise to show a timer. Children may be ok with working on a challenging task for 10 minutes. They often like knowing how much time is left.

11 11 6. Avoid Behavior Problems:  Use terms “Work, Respect and Belong” with children.  Ex. You are doing careful work on your cursive.  Ex. Please be respectful in the library.  Use terms “Expected and Unexpected” to explain behaviors.  Ex. It is expected that you would work on this story.  Ex. It is unexpected that you talk back to me.  DO NOT ALLOW inappropriate or disrespectful behavior.  If you allow it one time, children learn that they can do this every time you come.  Be clear about what you expect. If a child behaves inappropriately, say in a kind way, “No, you cannot do this here. It doesn’t help you learn.”  Tell the teacher about behavior problems.  If behavior is disrespectful during the session, end session early and return the child to the room.  Ask teacher for suggestions.  Avoid getting into a power struggle with the child about his/her behavior.  If you feel that the behavior is not ok, you are probably right. Stopping this behavior early is best. 

12 12 7. Keep Child Motivated:  Make learning fun and interesting.  For young children, if works to act like this task is a game.  Keep child busy during session.  Could offer a fun activity at end of session (as reward).  Show genuine interest in this task or skill.  Give reasons why this task is important to learn.  Stay positive.  Break down the task enough so child is successful.  Minnesota Reading Corps Trainers tell me that if a child is successful at something, they will want to do this more often.  Success is more of a motivator than interest.  If something appears too hard, people often want to quit.

13 13 8. Have Fun:  Students LOVE when college students come to their rooms, and they usually enjoy this extra time and attention.  Enjoy this time with the child.  Often college students tell us their time with the students is a highlight of their week.  KNOW THAT YOU ARE IMPORTANT to the child and the school!

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