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RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute Web-based PhenX Protocols using Reseach Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) Carol M. Hamilton.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute Web-based PhenX Protocols using Reseach Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) Carol M. Hamilton."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute Web-based PhenX Protocols using Reseach Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) Carol M. Hamilton Helen Pan, Nathan Gaddis April 28, 2014

2 22 Web-based Protocols using REDCap REDCap Consortium and Application Web-based PhenX Protocols in REDCap Go, no-go for further development If “go” – then prioritization of PhenX measures/protocols for REDCap

3 33 REDCap Consortium and Application The REDCap Consortium is composed of 998 active institutional partners from Clinical & Translational Science Awards (CTSA), General Clinical Research Center (GCRC), Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) and other institutions in 79 countries. Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is an online tool to collect and manage data.

4 44 Pilot Pilot: Top 10 (use frequency) PhenX measures; 15 protocols Web-based PhenX Protocols in REDCap Username: guestgue Password: goRilla82gGgoRilla82oRilla82 My Projects – REDCap PhenX Demo “Data Collection Instruments” in left panel “Select record”, “Save and Continue”

5 55 Summary Web-based protocols enable online data collection, suggested by PhenX RISING (and others) Advantages –Relatively easy development and implementation in REDCap –Promotes use of PhenX measures among the REDCap consortium Disadvantages –Users need access to REDCap

6 66 Discussion Do we move forward with additional measures? If so, which ones? By most popular? By Mode of Collection – total 339 –Self-administered Questionnaires (149) –Interview Administered Questionnaires (153) –Bioassay (28) –Clinical Examination (21) –Physical Measurement (33) –Medical Records Abstraction (7) –Secondary Data Analysis (6)

7 7

8 8

9 9 15 PhenX protocols From top 10 measures

10 10 Follow-up question appears with skip-logic when “Yes” was selected for the 1 st question Save and go to next Form/Protocol

11 11 Can specify multiple answers accepted

12 12 Can specify multiple answers NOT accepted

13 13 --- Protocol Text --- Protocol Image --- record 3 measurements and calculate average

14 14 Follow-up questions only appear when “yes” is selected for previous question

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