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Presentation on theme: "G IFTED I DENTIFICATION M AYFIELD C ITY S CHOOL D ISTRICT ch."— Presentation transcript:



3 K INDERGARTEN P LACEMENT Contact Student Pupil Services for packet of information and to schedule an initial assessment. Adhere to the deadlines for application if you are considering Early Entrance for your child. The State of Ohio requires districts to follow their Board adopted Acceleration Policy when considering a child for Early Entrance to Kindergarten. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Early Entrance A referral must be submitted by either the parent, teacher (preschool/kindergarten), or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Kindergarten Acceleration

4 E ARLY E NTRANCE TO K INDERGARTEN Packet of information is received and completed from Student Pupil Services. Child passes initial screening for Kindergarten Readiness School Psychologist administers the WISC-IV Test for a Superior Cognitive Identification. (Needs to be 127 or Above.) The Gifted Intervention Specialist or AEP Coordinator will administer the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test for a Specific Academic Identification. (Identification-95% or higher in either Math/Reading.) The AEP Coordinator will administer the Iowa Acceleration Scale to candidates for Early Entrance. A team meeting will take place where all of the data will be presented to determine if a candidate should be enrolled for Early Entrance. TEAM MEETING PROCESS TEAM MEETING PROCESS

5 A CCELERATION P ROCESS A Referral is made for Acceleration to the AEP Coordinator by either the current Teacher, Parent, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. A Permission to Test form must be signed and returned prior to any further testing or data collection.

6 T ESTS A DMINISTERED FOR A CCELERATION WISC_IV By School Psychologist Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test By GIS/AEP Coordinator Iowa Acceleration Scale By AEP Coordinator BACK

7 T EAM M EETING P ROCESS Progress Monitoring Meeting Discussion of process, student progress, (if appropriate) finalize placement Second Meeting Presentation of data collected, proposed placement discussed, plan for implementation, transition period set. Instructions for Appeal.Instructions for Appeal Initial Team Meeting Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Team Members included: Parents, Building Administrator, AEP Coordinator, Teacher(s), GIS, School Psychologist

8 F IRST G RADE P LACEMENT Regular Classroom Teachers will consult with the building Gifted Intervention Specialist. Enrichment and Extension activities will be collaboratively collected and/or created to provide appropriate academic rigor. Differentiation A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration

9 S ECOND G RADE P LACEMENT Regular Classroom Teachers will consult with the building Gifted Intervention Specialist. Enrichment and Extension activities will be collaboratively collected and/or created to provide appropriate academic rigor. Differentiation A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration District Wide Testing will be administered to collect data for possible Gifted Identification. Click on the icon to continue with next steps. District Wide Testing

10 T HIRD G RADE P LACEMENT Regular Classroom Teachers will consult with the building Gifted Intervention Specialist. Enrichment and Extension activities will be collaboratively collected and/or created to provide appropriate academic rigor. Differentiation A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration District Wide Testing will be administered to collect data for possible Gifted Identification. Click on the icon to continue with next steps. District Wide Testing

11 F OURTH G RADE P LACEMENT Direct Gifted Service begins in Fourth grade. The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration District Wide Testing will be administered to collect data for possible Gifted Identification. Click on the icon to continue with next steps. District Wide Testing

12 F IFTH G RADE P LACEMENT The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration District Wide Testing will be administered to collect data for possible Gifted Identification. Click on the icon to continue with next steps. District Wide Testing

13 S IXTH G RADE P LACEMENT The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration District Wide Testing will be administered to collect data for possible Gifted Identification. Click on the icon to continue with next steps. District Wide Testing

14 S EVENTH G RADE P LACEMENT The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration

15 E IGHTH G RADE P LACEMENT The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration

16 H IGH S CHOOL P LACEMENT The Gifted Intervention Specialist is responsible for creating a Written Education Plan (WEP). This form will focus on specific goals and objectives that the GIS and Regular Classroom Teacher will carry out throughout the school year. Gifted Service A referral must be submitted by either the parent, a teacher, or Gifted Intervention Specialist. Mayfield follows the RTI process for acceleration. Several interventions will be initiated prior to considering a student for acceleration. Initial assessments will be conducted and submitted to the AEP Coordinator for review. Click on the icon to the left to continue with next steps. Acceleration

17 D ISTRICT W IDE T ESTING Second Grade students take the Cognitive Abilities Test. (CogAT). Score requirements Third and Fifth Grade Students will take the IOWA Achievement Test. (Complete Battery) Score requirements Fourth and Sixth Grade Students will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Score requirements S tudents who miss the District Wide Testing or students new to the district will be administered the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test Score requirements

18 S CORE R EQUIREMENTS FOR D ISTRICT TESTING IOWAAchievement Test 95% + is required in any subject area for identification. Cognitive Abilities Test A Cognitive Skills Index (CSI) of 127 + (K-2) and 128+ (3-12) for Superior Cognitive identification. Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test 95% + is required in Math and/or Reading for identification. WISC-IV Assessment A score of 127 + is required for identification.

19 A PPEAL PROCESS An appeal must be made in writing to the Superintendent within thirty (30) calendar days of the parent/guardian receiving the committee’s decision. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall review the appeal and notify the parent/guardian of his/her decision within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving the appeal. The Superintendent or his/her designee’s decision shall be final.

20 G IFTED S ERVICE - E LEMENTARY Gifted Intervention Specialists (GIS) are available at the Elementary level to provide services to teachers and students in grades K-5. The GIS provides consultation services to Regular Classroom Teachers in grades K-3. Direct service with the GIS, begins in 4 th grade and continues through 5 th. Service delivery may be in the form of: differentiation of curriculum, co-teaching, social/emotional support, subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration, or pull-out/resource room. Opportunities to participate in contests and enrichment activities are also provided.

21 G IFTED S ERVICE - M IDDLE S CHOOL A Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) is available at the Middle School level to provide services to teachers and students in grades 6-8. The GIS provides consultation services to Math and Language Arts Teachers through common planning. Direct service with the GIS is focused in the subject of Math and the GIS co-teaches with the Regular Classroom Teacher to provide appropriate curriculum. Service delivery may be in the form of: differentiation of curriculum, co-teaching, social/emotional support, subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration, or pull-out/resource room. Opportunities to participate in contests and enrichment activities are also provided.

22 G IFTED S ERVICE – H IGH S CHOOL A Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) is available at the High School level to provide guidance services to students in grades 9-12. The GIS coordinates NHS, informational seminars, Practice ACT, AVIS assemblies, Honor assemblies, and college entrance guidance. The GIS develops a GSAP with each student to set goals for each 9 weeks. These goals are revisited through meetings with the students. The GIS is also a faculty advisor to the Academic Boosters.

23 D IFFERENTIATION Differentiation is defined as classroom instruction that modifies the current curriculum content, the teaching process, or the student product according to the individual student’s readiness, needs, and/or interest. CONTENTPROCESSPRODUCT

24 C ONTENT D IFFERENTIATION Content Differentiation could include: curriculum compacting, adjusting the pace of instruction, increasing the complexity of learning, pre-assessing skills and knowledge to match students with activities based on readiness, need, or interest, providing choices to allow for greater depth of learning and advanced exploration, selection of resources at varying levels. BACK

25 P ROCESS D IFFERENTIATION Process Differentiation could include: teaching to the readiness, need, or interest of students, critical and creative thinking activities, layered lessons, tiered assignments, learning centers, contracts, projects, technology, independent study. BACK

26 P RODUCT D IFFERENTIATION Product Differentiation is the “End Results” of teaching topics, concepts, or themes to students. Differentiation of Products refers to any product that differs and consists of depth of subject matter already mastered. BACK



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