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MTSS – What’s That? Session 1 Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI 2 ) – Work we are doing Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)  What is this.

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Presentation on theme: "MTSS – What’s That? Session 1 Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI 2 ) – Work we are doing Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)  What is this."— Presentation transcript:


2 MTSS – What’s That? Session 1 Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI 2 ) – Work we are doing Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)  What is this new term from the state?  What do we need to know right now? How are the 2 Different? Connected?

3 Introduce the MTSS Framework Begin to become familiar with differences between RtI 2 and MTSS Session Goals

4 Warm Up With a partner brainstorm and list everything that you know about RtI 2 Use Column 1 of the Reflection Form provided Use Column 1 of the Reflection Form provided Start with the meaning of RtI 2 – What does Response to Instruction/Intervention really mean? Start with the meaning of RtI 2 – What does Response to Instruction/Intervention really mean? Be sure to include examples of site practices Be sure to include examples of site practices You have 3 minutes to create the list You have 3 minutes to create the list Save your list for later Save your list for later

5 MTSS Requires a system of supports that: Embraces and addresses the diverse needs of ALL students, Acknowledges that some students will need additional support and interventions, Acknowledges that, at some point, all students will need differentiation. Supporting students to become College and Career Ready…

6 Time to Reflect All students need differentiation. Do you agree? Why/why not? Read CCSS excerpt Read CCSS excerpt Cite evidence from the reading and your work implementing RtI 2 Cite evidence from the reading and your work implementing RtI 2

7 Data-Driven Instruction Cycle Data-Driven Decision Making Process Ongoing formative assessment provides evidence to identify instructional/learning issues. Disaggregate Data Disaggregate Data by: Student, Teacher, Standard, & Skill Develop SMART Goals From Data with 2 Criteria: (1) Student Achievement (2) Student Growth Design Corrective Instruction Action Plans Target and improve student misconceptions; Improve instructional practice Implement Corrective Instruction Action Plan; provide feedback to improve teachers’ practices; adjust student and teacher goals as the data determines Monitor Instructional Delivery - assess with the same level of rigor; revise instructional plan as needed Collect Data Frequently Through the use of aligned assessments

8 RtI 2 RtI 2 is a critical subset of the DDI processes in our schools – during school-wide data analysis work, we must not lose sight of the needs of our individual students.

9 Students receive high- quality core and universal instruction aligned to the Common Core; instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of ALL students in every classroom. ≈ 80% of Students Tier II ≈ 5% Tier I Tier III The RtI 2 Framework For students who did not progress or respond to Tier I efforts as expected and who require additional strategic and targeted instruction and supports. Students receive targeted intervention designed to increase the rate of progress. These students have been through both Tier I and Tier II instruction and supports, but showed minimal response.

10 RtI 2 v. MTSS: What’s the Difference? RtI 2 is a critical subset of the DDI processes in our schools – during school wide data analysis work, we must not lose sight of the needs of our individual students. Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) refers to a comprehensive framework that provides academic and behavior supports to students based upon need.

11 A Framework Definition Whole school, data-driven, prevention-based framework for improving learning outcomes for EVERY student through a layered continuum of evidence-based practices and systems.

12 Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)…. … is a term that refers to the framework to organize academic and behavioral help for all students … is a system that includes the use of student data to guide strategic instructional plans for ALL: accelerated  students who need opportunities for accelerated learning to ensure ongoing engagement re- teaching and scaffolding  students approaching grade level proficiency who need re- teaching and scaffolding intensive instructional  students performing two or more grade levels below assigned grade level and consequently need intensive instructional supports

13 Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) A New Perspective

14 Identifying which student needs help Identifying what help each student needs Intervention for a FEW students Prevention for ALL students Using the programs and people available to serve some Intentional design and redesign of services and supports matched to ALL needs of all students MTSS Paradigm Shifts TO… FROM…

15 Time to Reflect Working with your partner, revisit your Reflections Form and…. In the bottom portion of the first column, add any practices that you forgot to include initially In the bottom portion of the first column, add any practices that you forgot to include initially In the second column, summarize info that you have learned about MTSS In the second column, summarize info that you have learned about MTSS You have 5 minutes to refine and summarize You have 5 minutes to refine and summarize Share your observations with others at your table Share your observations with others at your table Be sure to complete the “eval” on the back side of the form Be sure to complete the “eval” on the back side of the form

16 Next Steps Continue to discuss MTSS (Session 2 = Feb/March 2015) Determine what we can do differently to prep for 2015-16 school year Look at MTSS/RtI 2 and the connection to the Common Core State Standards

17 Questions?Comments?

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