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Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Kings Park Central School.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Kings Park Central School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Building Level Data Teams in the Enhancement of the RTI Process Kings Park Central School District Friday, October 3, 2014

2 Addressing RTI through Data Teams Welcome o Goals and Objective for this workshop o Parking Lot Questions o Introduction Who’s Who Why RTI (Response to Intervention)? o Moving Upstream “A Story of Prevention and Intervention” o Applying a Tiered Model o Medical Model o Data Team The ABC’s of Data Data in Action

3 Moving Upstream

4 Applying a Tiered Model K. Stahl, 2014 Tier 3 5% Tier 2 15% Tier 1 80%

5 Reading Intervention Response to Intervention (RTI) Tier I 80% Tier II 15% Tier III 5% At least 3 times Monthly Weekly Whole Class Small Group * Small Group ** *Tier II: Small Group is administered by Classroom Teacher or Reading Teacher **Tier III: Small Group is administered by Reading Teacher/Reading Specialist Intensity Progress Monitoring RTI Tiers

6 Reading Intervention “A Medical Model Analogy ” Tier I: Teacher (General Practitioner ) o Minimal to Moderate Support (Daily/Weekly) Tier II: Reading /Classroom Teacher (Specialist) o Moderate Support (Cycle Approach/Moderate Frequency) Tier III: Reading Teacher (ER) o Intensive Support (Short Duration/High Frequency) Data Team/Residency Learning Walks o Opportunities to review multiple points of data to improve student outcomes

7 The Center on Response for Intervention at American Institutes for Research (2014)

8 ABC’s of Data Teams… Rick DuFour / Group vs Teams

9 “The Who” Building Principal/Administration Building Psychologist Reading Specialists Math Specialists Grade Level Teachers Support Staff (I.e. Speech and Language Therapists)

10 “The What” STEP 1 : Conduct universal screening and ongoing collection of data. STEP 2 : Analyze assessed strengths and challenges to determine the root causes. o What have you observed? o What information do the data provide? o What are the strengths, challenges, and inferences? o What is the root cause? STEP 3 : Establish SMART goals: Set, review, and revise the goals. SMART refers to: o specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. STEP 4 : Select scientifically research-based interventions.

11 Medical Model vs. RTI/Data Team Medical ModelRTI / Data Team Universal Screening o Progress Monitoring o Tier II/Tier III Intervention o Monitoring assessment data (i.e. STAR, benchmarks, curriculum-based measures, optional assessments) o Goal-driven intervention plan Health Screening Tests o Some symptoms that bear watching o A few treated Immediately o Monitoring vitals (i.e. Temperature, blood pressure, pulse) o Prescriptive health care plan Source: Getting the Most Out of STAR Enterprise by Renaissance Learning

12 Responding to Data

13 Data Team In Action!! DATA TEAM QUESTION: Determine if the instructional decision to utilize Wilson’s FUNDATIONS for whole class instruction in Kindergarten and Grade 1 was effective? School Year Alphabetic Principle Phonemic Awareness PhonicsStructural Analysis Probable Reader Transitional Reader Late Emergent Early Emergent Kindergarten Spring ‘13 92.237.3 27.530.442.224.52.9 Grade 1 Spring ‘14 9985 68.272.924.32.80 School Year Alphabetic Principle Phonemic Awareness PhonicsStructural Analysis Probable Reader Transitional Reader Late Emergent Early Emergent Kindergarten Spring ‘14 93.955.1 40.842.941.813.32 DOMAIN SCORES ~ % of students approaching mastery COHORT A COHORT B DOMAIN SCORES ~ % of students approaching mastery THINK/PAIR/SHARE: What recommendations would you make as a data team member? OUR GOALS: 1. Continue whole class delivery FUNDATIONS in Grade 2 2. Change how Kindergarten is serviced by Speech & Reading teachers 3. Grade 2 is the bulk of our Reading Specialists’ schedule this year.

14 YOUR TURN: Evaluate School-Wide Intervention Strategies Use the data below to determine if progress was made towards our 2013-14 school year goal. GOAL: to facilitate fidelity to our district’s RTI plan for Grade 4. Screening 2012-13 50 th - 99 th PR25 th -49 th PR1 st -24 th PR Fall70.7%16.9%12.4% Spring74.2%16.5%9.4% Screening 2013-14 50 th - 99 th PR25 th -49 th PR1 st -24 th PR Fall70.3%19.4%10.2% Spring76.2%17.9%6.0% THINK/PAIR/SHARE: What does the data tell us? What questions come to mind? What goals need to be set for the 2014-15 school year?

15 Data and the Instructional Support team Resources –Take Away o RTI Resource Guide Review Flow Chart Record Sheet RTI Referral Form Check List (Draft) RTI Placemat

16 Benefits of being “Data Wise” Whip around o What are your next steps? Questions o Parking Lot

17 Resources Bean and Lillenstein (2012): Response to Intervention and the changing roles of schoolwide personnel. The Reading Teacher 65 (7), 491-501. Renaissance Learning. (2012) Getting the most out of STAR Reading Enterprise and STAR Math Enterprise Using Data to Inform Instruction and Intervention. Stahl, K. (2014) Using your RTI model to differentiate and support ELA common core learning standards. The NYS RTI – TAC Conference. New Rochelle: New York. The Center on Response for Intervention at American Institutes for Research (2014). Retrieved from Ventura, S., White, M., Gregg, L., Campsen, L., Besser, L., Nielsen, K., Allison, E., Connie, A.R., Córdova, J. Pitchford, B., Doubek, B., Peery, A., (2010) Data Teams: The Big Picture—Looking at Data Teams Through a Collaborative Lens. Retrieved from ms-the_big_picture_-_rti_exceprt.pdf

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