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Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum The Open University May 18th 2011

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1 Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum The Open University May 18th 2011
Inclusive Practice and Open Educational Resources: a research-informed workshop Professor Christine Hockings Institute for Learning Enhancement University of Wolverhampton

2 Outline Principles of inclusive learning and teaching - ESRC/TLRP WP research & OER development Developing inclusive L&T in your institution Changing the script - ‘the artisan teacher

3 Research project Learning and teaching for social diversity and difference in HE
How do teachers engage diverse groups of students? How do they academically engage all students? How can we facilitate development of inclusive learning environments? What are the implications for policy and practice in university teaching? Key concepts

4 Academic engagement in diverse groups occurs when teachers
Create safe, inclusive spaces Get to know students as individuals Establish ground rules for collaborative learning Develop strategies that harness students’ experience and knowledge Start with what students know, then apply theory (biographical turn) Connect with students’ lives, backgrounds and future aspirations Facilitate uncertainty, confusion & difference Encourage public articulation of thinking & collaborative problem solving Teach reflexively and with sensitivity to individual & cultural differences Mindful of own beliefs and identity and their impact on student learning Coordinate interaction, mixing different student (with a purpose) Anticipate students’ requirements and interests Respond flexibly to emerging needs and interests of student

5 Inclusive L&T principles in practice
Learning to Teach Inclusively Module Human resources Strategies that harness students’ experience and knowledge (16/30) Mathematics. Articulating thinking publically (17/30) Digital Media Sensitive to the cultural diversity of the group (22/30) Unit 2

6 Engaging & developing inclusive L&T
To what extent do you/your colleagues practice inclusive L&T already? How do you know? What factors help or hinder inclusive practice in your institution? What role could Open Educational Resources play in developing inclusive L&T in your institution?

7 Change the script - The artisan teacher
Knowledgeable group size time Mindful Principled rooms targets Innovative Creative Practical efficiency resources bureaucracy We can all become artisan teachers

8 Becoming an artisan teacher
Principles of inclusive L&T Community of Practice of Artisan Teachers Safe space for reflection & development Structural integration, co-ordination & review If we can all become artisan teachers, we will retain and engage more students in learning that is relevant and meaningful to them.

9 User engagement & collaboration
End of Project Conference – 20th September 2011 Download video clips in original quality & use them for your own staff development Jorum: Download and test the materials and module and test with your colleagues Request video clips that would be useful Contribute to the body of inclusive video materials Participate in a module / video user group - Project blog: Open to all ideas and suggestion.

10 Some recent papers on inclusive L&T
Hockings, C (2011) Hearing voices, creating spaces: the craft of the ‘artisan’ teacher’ in a mass higher education system. Critical Studies in Higher Education Hockings, C. (2010). Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education: a synthesis of research. York HEA. Hockings, C., Cooke, S., & Bowl, M. (2010). Learning and teaching in two universities within the context of increasing student diversity: complexity, contradictions and challenges. In M. David (Ed.), Improving learning by widening participation. London: Routledge. May, H & Bridger, K. (2010) Developing and embedding inclusive policy and practice in HE. York: HEA [

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