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QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Occupational Qualification Development QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
NQF Act NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK ACT (No 67 of 2008) The NQF is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality-assured national qualifications Objectives of the NQF: Create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths Enhance the quality of education and training Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities QCTO Advocacy – November 2014 2
Improvements in NQF landscape:
NQF Act (No 67 of 2008) makes provision for an integrated NQF comprising three sub frameworks, each developed and managed by a Quality Council Sub Framework Quality Council responsible General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework (GFETQSF) Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi) Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework (HEQSF) Council on Higher Education (CHE) Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework (OQSF) Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) QCTO Advocacy – November 2014 3
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCs and SAQA All three QCs must deliver on functions – Sect 27 NQF Act In summary QCs Responsible for the development of qualifications and part-qualifications Quality assure those qualifications and part-qualifications Recommend Qualifications to SAQA for registration SAQA given role to enhance ‘communication, co-ordination and collaboration’ between the QCs. Register Qualifications on the NQF. QCTO Advocacy – November 2014 4
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO mandate in SDA QCTO was established through the SDA The QCTO is responsible for: establishing and maintaining occupational standards and qualifications the quality assurance of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace designing and developing occupational standards and qualifications and submitting them to the SAQA for registration on the NQF ensuring the quality of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace (SDA, 2008, Section 26H) QCTO Advocacy – November 2014 5 5
QCTO utilises delegation method in executing its functions
NQF Act (Act No 67 of 2008) - Section 32 SDA (Act 97 of 2007) - Section 26(I)(1)(a-e) Give the QCTO the power to delegate any of its function. Committee Any other body capable of performing the function An employee CEO of the QCTO Committee of the QCTO National Artisan Moderation Body established in terms of Section 26A A SETA Any other suitable body QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
NQF Level MoHET Determination on NQF Sub-frameworks and Qualification Types (Government Gazette No – 30 August 2013 ) 10 Doctoral Degree Doctoral Degree (Professional) * 9 Master’s Degree Master’s Degree (Professional) 8 Bachelor Honours Degree Post Graduate Diploma Bachelor’s Degree Occupational Certificate (Level 8) 7 Bachelor ‘s Degree Advanced Diploma Occupational Certificate (Level 7) 6 Diploma Advanced Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 6) 5 Higher Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 5) 4 National Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 4) 3 Intermediate Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 3) 2 Elementary Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 2) 1 General Certificate Occupational Certificate (Level 1) Improved NQF landscape QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
Occupational Qualification
SDA: ‘Occupational Qualification means a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or profession resulting from work-based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work experience unit standards’ QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Purpose of Occupational Qualifications
The purpose of an occupational qualification is to qualify a learner to practice an occupation, reflected on the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) or an occupational specialisation related to an occupation that is reflected on the OFO this includes those occupations for which a artisan qualification is required (trades) QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Occupation qualification & curriculum
Occupational Purpose Knowledge / Theory (Min 20%) Practical (Min 20%) Work experience (Min 20%) External, summative assessment Occupational Certificate QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Role players in the development of QCTO qualifications
Applicant – person submitting a request to develop an occupational qualification Development Quality Partner (DQP) means a body delegated by the QCTO to manage the process of developing specific occupational qualifications, curricula and assessment specifications; Qualification Development Facilitator (QDF) means a person registered by the QCTO to facilitate the development of occupational qualifications; Community of Expert Practitioners (CEPs) means a group of people qualified in the relevant occupation with a minimum of at least 5 years minimum number of current relevant years of experience in that particular occupation or are recognised by the practitioners of the occupation as experts; Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) means a body delegated by the QCTO to develop assessment instruments and manage external summative assessment of specific occupational qualifications; QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Functions of the DQP Coordinate and fund the qualifications development process Appoint the qualifications development facilitator and learner qualifications development facilitator where appropriate Manage the qualifications verification process Prepare the qualifications development process report QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Deliverables The Occupational Qualifications Document An occupational qualification defines the learning required to be competent to practice an occupation or an occupational specialisation. (QCTO will submit this document to SAQA) The Occupational Curriculum Document The purpose of the occupational curriculum document is to enhance the quality and consistency of learning and of the internal assessment of each of the components of learning. National occupational curricula will be registered with QCTO. Occupational Assessment Specifications Document All occupational qualifications will be assessed externally through an appropriate nationally standardised integrated summative assessment. QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Curriculum Document Is based on an occupational profile derived from the occupational purpose and the associated occupational tasks or outcomes. Occupational curricula provide an outline of the following: learning components - knowledge module specifications, practical skills module specifications and work experience module specifications. internal assessment guidelines for the knowledge and practical skills components and requirements for the assessment of the work experience exemptions from or entry requirements to each component skills development provider accreditation requirements for the knowledge and practical skills components and workplace approval requirements for the work experience component. QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Revised development process
Qualifications registered on the OQSF
Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework (OQSF) 1. Legacy qualifications 2275 747 2. National N Certificates (N4-N6) + National Diploma Report 191 Part 2 (Qualifications offered by TVET Colleges – Instructional programmes in the RSA) Next slide 3. New QCTO occupational qualifications 18 - Quals are registered with SAQA 43 - Quals are in the process of registration with SAQA QCTO Advocacy – November 2014 16
QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
National N- Diplomas Occupational Certificate National N Diploma: Financial Management Financial Administration Officer National N Diploma: Business Management National N Diploma: Human Resource Management National N Diploma: Marketing Management National N Diploma: Public Management National N Diploma: Public Relations General office clerk/officer National N Diploma: Legal Secretary National N Diploma: Management Assistant National N Diploma: Medical Secretary Secretary National N Diploma: Educare Early Childhood Development Practitioner Level 5 National N Diploma: Hospitality and Catering Services National N Diploma: Tourism Events Manager/Tourism National N Diploma: Engineering Studies: National Diploma: Building Construction: Manufacturing National Diploma: Manufacturing and Assembly National Diploma: Civil Engineering and Construction: Fabrication National Diploma: Engineering National Diploma: Physical Planning Design and Management: Engineering Engineering Technician National N Diploma: Textiles National N Diploma: Clothing Production Clothing Production Technologist Textile Production Technologist National N Diploma: Commercial Promotion National N Diploma: Art and Design Painter (visual arts) Graphic designer National N Diploma: Interior Decorating Interior Designer National N Diploma: Popular Music: Studio Work National N Diploma: Popular Music: Performance National N Diploma: Popular Music: Composition Composer Performance artist Studio work National N Diploma: Hair Care National Trade Certificate National N Diploma: Farming Management To be discussed with Agriseta QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
Principles of the reconstruction: The project to reconstruct the NATED Report 191 Part 2 courses is built on the following principles: The qualification will result in an Occupational Certificate as stipulated by the (OQSF) Occupational Sub-framework policy document The qualification is intended for a National footprint and a mass education profile The Qualification will have an entry requirement as Level 4 with certain specifications as per individual qualification The exit level of the qualification will be at Level 5, but does not exclude level 6 components as needed within certain modules, to allow for smoother articulation into HEI related qualifications The curriculum is a modularised type curriculum which consists of the following type of learning: Knowledge/theory type learning Practical skills and a Workplace component All components need to be completed to gain access to the External Integrated Summative Assessment FET /TVET lecturers form a major component of the Community of Expert Practitioners The rest of the Community of Expert Practitioners will consist of the following constituencies: Professional Bodies, Associations, Employers, Unions and Relevant SETA’s as per learning area The entire qualification is industry lead, thus investigation into different sectors of industry and their expectations of the learners competencies are analysed and fed back into the curriculation process Articulation possibilities into (HEI’s) Higher Education Institutions are also explored and consulted on via forums such as (SATN) South African Technology Network initiatives to create possible seamless progression into the Diploma level 6 The reconstruction process could also include current Unit Standard Based qualifications to limit proliferation of occupational qualification. The QCTO will act as the DQP and QDF in all projects QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
Qualifications on the OQSF
Legacy qualifications were re-registered from 01/07/2012 up until 30/06/2015. The teach out period will apply as follows - the last date of enrolment will be 30/06/2016 and the last date of achievement is 30/06/2019 QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Qualification Registered in 2013 Occupational Certificate: Plumber
DQP AQP SAQA QUAL ID QUALIFICATION TITLE CREDITS NQF LEVEL CURRICULUM CODE REGISTERED QUALIFICATIONS AND OR LEARNING PROGRAMMES TO BE REPLACED + RECORDED TRADES TO BE REPLACED Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) National Artisan Moderat ion Body (NAMB) 91782 Occupational Certificate: Plumber 360 4 SAQA QUAL ID : Further Education and Training Certificate : Plumbing, Level 4, Credits 160 SAQA QUAL ID : National Certificate: Construction Plumbing, Level 3, Credits 146 The following trades recorded on the NLRD are being addressed by this qualification: Chemical Plumber (Incl. Sheetmetal Working), NLRD ; Plumber, NLRD 60810; Plumber, NLRD 60916; Plumber, NLRD 60800; Plumber, NLRD 60885; Plumber, NLRD 60973; Plumber, NLRD 60880; Plumber, NLRD ; Plumber, NLRD 60982; Plumber, NLRD 60863; Plumber, NLRD 60957; Plumber and Sheet-Metal Worker, NLRD 60983; Plumber and Sheet-Metal Worker, NLRD 60958; Plumber and Sheetmetal Worker, NLRD QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
Registration end date – Last date of enrolment – Last date achievement Registration end date – 2007/09/12 Last date of enrolment – 2009/09/12 Last date of achievement – 2012/09/2012 QCTO Advocacy on Quals – July 2014
Registered Qualifications
QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVEL CREDITS SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 1 Occupational Certificate: Purchasing Office 6 161 91788 CIPS 2 Occupational Certificate: Compliance Officer 240 91671 CISA 3 Occupational Certificate: Electrical Line Mechanic (Overheard Lines Mechanic) 4 510 91781 NAMB Occupational Certificate: Insurance Agent (Insurance Underwriter) 5 156 91784 INSETA Occupational Certificate: Plumber 360 91782 Occupational Certificate: Electrician 91761 7 Occupational Certificate: Electroplater 411 91783 8 Occupational Certificate: Melter 361 91877 9 Occupational Certificate: Moulder 364 91785 10 Occupational Certificate: Toolmaker 432 91796 11 Occupational Certificate: Retail Manager (Retail Store Manager) 507 91789 W&R SETA 12 Occupational Certificate: Office Administrator (Public Service Administrator) 42 91994 PSETA 13 Occupational Certificate: Engineering Patternmaker 376 93623 14 Occupational Certificate: Financial Markets Practitioner 120 93603 SAIT 15 Occupational Certificate: Supply and Distribution Manager (Supply Chain Manager) 93544 CIPS Africa 16 Occupational Certificate: Tax Professional, Level 8 400 93624 SAITP 17 Occupational Certificate: Airline Ground Crew 125 93791 TETA 18 Occupational Certificate: Railway Signal Operator (Functional Yard Operator) 100 93794 QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Qualifications in process of registration at SAQA
QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVEL CREDITS SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 1 Occupational Certificate: Nurseryperson (Nursery Supervisor) 3 85 AGRISETA 2 Boilermaker 4 395 NAMB Welder 373 Occupational Certificate: Health Promotion officer: (Community Health Worker) 163 HWSETA 5 Occupational Certificate: Bricklayer 326 6 Occupational Certificate: Carpenter 360 7 Occupational Certificate: Glazier 365 8 Occupational Certificate: Fitter and Turner 548 9 Occupational Certificate: Occupational Trainer, Level 4 124 SABPP 10 Occupational Certificate: Plastics Manufacturing Machine Setter 432 11 Occupational Certificate: Armature Winder 607 12 Occupational Certificate: Metal Machinist 324 13 Occupational Certificate: Transportation Electrician (Automotive Electrician) 362 14 Occupational Certificate: Mechanical Fitter 410 15 Occupational Certificate: Emergency Service and Rescue Official (Mines Rescue Service Worker) 32 MQA 16 Occupational Certificate: Goldsmith 575 17 Occupational Certificate: Principal Executive Officer 7 150 POA 18 Occupational Certificate: Supply and Distribution Practitioner 5 142 CIPS Africa 19 Occupational Certificate: Deck Hand (Able Seaman ) Level 3 123 TETA QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Qualifications in process of registration at SAQA
QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVEL CREDITS SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 20 Occupational Certificate: Port Manager 6 132 TETA 21 Occupational Certificate: Taxi Driver 3 72 22 Occupational Certificate: Train Driver 4 121 23 Occupational Certificate: Transport Clerk (Transport Coordinator) 5 24 Occupational Certificate: Truck Driver 130 25 Occupational Certificate: Train Controller (Train Control Officer) 128 26 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician Strata Control Practitioner (Underground Hardrock) 198 MQA 27 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician (Strata Control Practitioner) Coal 264 28 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician (Sampler Mining) (Hardrock) 168 29 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician (Mine Ventilation Officer ) 214 30 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician (Mine Ventilation Observer ) 137 31 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician (Surveyor Mining) 218 32 Occupational Certificate: Mining Technician Strata Control Observer (Underground Hard Rock) 108 33 Occupational Certificate : Lubrication Equipment Mechanic 440 NAMB QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Qualifications in process of registration at SAQA
QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVEL CREDITS SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 34. Occupational Certificate: Tax Technician 6 399 SAIT 35 Occupational Certificate Electrical Substation Operations technician (Power Systems Controller) 5 510 ESKOM 36 Occupational Certificate : Organisation Risk Manager (Risk Practitioner) 125 The Institute of Risk Management SA 37 Occupational Certificate : Organisation Risk Manager (Organisational Risk Officer) 8 265 38 Occupational Certificate : Boat Builder and Repairer (Boat Builder) 4 360 NAMB 39 Occupational Certificate : Boat Builder and Repairer (Ship Builder) 437 40 Occupational Certificate : Vehicle Painter (Automobile and Marine Painter) 366 41 Occupational Certificate : Bus Driver 3 120 TETA 42 Occupational Certificate : Chef 380 43 Occupational Certificate : Metal Machinist (Automotive Machinist) 540 QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
FET ACT 16 (2006) A college may apply to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations established in terms of section 26G of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998), for accreditation as a Skills Development Provider in order to offer qualifications registered on the sub-framework for Trades and Occupations contemplated in section 7(c) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008). QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
Thank you! Enkosi! QCTO Advocacy – November 2014
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