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1 APUSH Weber

2 Agenda Benchmark exam Market Revolution lecture (20 minutes)
Explicating quotes from Voices of Freedom in groups (15 minutes) Individualism discussion (30 minutes) Reading for Friday debate (time permitting)

3 The Factory System Samuel Slater establishes first factory in 1790
First large scale factories in 1814 in Waltham, Mass. Then Lowell, Mass. Nature of work shifted from skilled artisan to that of factory worker. Mass production of interchangeable parts assembled into standardized products. New England textile mills relied primarily on female and child labor. South lagged behind the North in terms of factory production.

4 Ch. 9, Image 15 Mill Pond and Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. This painting from the early 1830s shows the most famous of the early factory towns. The artist’s prominent depiction of trees surrounding the factory, and their reflection in the river water where a man maneuvers his small boat, suggests that nature and industry can coexist harmoniously. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

5 Ch. 9, Image 16 A broadside from 1853, illustrating the long hours of work (twelve hours per day, with thirty minutes for lunch) in the Lowell mills and the way factory labor was strictly regulated by the clock. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

6 Ch. 9, Image 17 Women at work tending machines in the Lowell textile mills. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

7 Ch. 9, Image 18 A photograph from around 1860 of four anonymous working women. Their stance and gaze suggest a spirit of independence. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

8 Growth of Immigration Economic expansion fueled demand for labor
German and Irish settled primarily in Northern cities. Reasons for migration (push and pull factors) Filled mainly low-wage unskilled jobs

9 Nativism Racist reaction to immigration
Response to growing Catholic presence (Irish) Nativists blamed immigrants for: Urban crime Political corruption Alcohol abuse Undercutting wages

10 Individualism Freedom linked to availability of land (Manifest Destiny) National myth and ideology surrounding the “West” Transcendentalists responded to competitive materialists individualism of emergent capitalism with idea of self-realization through which individuals remake themselves and their own lives Ralph Emerson (“Self-Reliance”)

11 Ch. 9, Image 20 The daguerreotype, an early form of photography, required the sitter to remain perfectly still for twenty seconds or longer. The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, depicted here, did not like the result. He complained in his journal that in his “zeal not to blur the image,” every muscle had become “rigid” and his face was fixed in a frown as “in madness, or in death.” Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

12 Ch. 9, Image 21 In part as a reaction against the expansion of cities and factories, a group of artists known as the Hudson River school devoted themselves to portraying the glories of nature. Thomas Cole’s The Falls of the Kaaterskill (1826) depicts a spectacular site in the Catskill mountains of New York state. Apart from a lone figure overlooking the falls, no human being intrudes into the landscape. Cole chose not to include in his painting a house that had been built at the falls a few years earlier. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

13 The Second Great Awakening
Added religious element to celebration of individual self-improvement, self-reliance, and self-determination. Charles Grandison Finney became a national celebrity for his preaching in upstate N.Y. Democratized Christianity Promoted doctrine of human free will Used opportunities of market revolution to spread their message

14 Ch. 9, Image 22 Religious Camp Meeting, a watercolor from the late 1830s depicting an evangelical preacher at a revival meeting. Some of the audience members seem inattentive, while others are moved by his fiery sermon. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

15 Limits of Prosperity Opportunities for the “self-made man”
Jacob Astor and Heratio Alger Market revolution produced a new middle class. Barred from schools and other public facilities most free African Americans and women were excluded from economic opportunities.

16 Cult of Domesticity New definition of femininity emerged based on values of love, friendship, and mutual obligation Virtue became personal moral quality Women should find freedom fulfilling their duties in their sphere

17 Ch. 9, Image 27 A page from the drawing book of Lewis Miller, a Pennsylvania-German folk artist, reflects the nineteenth-century cult of domesticity, which stressed women’s moral influence within the home. On the left, a woman prays that God will make her children “do thy will.” On the right, a mother exclaims, “Happy world, if all were Christians!” Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

18 Early Labor Movement Some felt that the market revolution reduced their freedom Economic swings widened gap between rich and poor First workingman’s parties est. 1820s Strikes were common by the 1830s Wage-earners evoked “liberty” when calling for improvements in the workplace Some described wage labor as slavery: “wage slaves”

19 Ch. 9, Image 31 The Shoemakers’ Strike in Lynn— Procession in the Midst of a Snow- Storm, of Eight Hundred Women Operatives, an engraving from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, March 17, The striking women workers carry a banner comparing their condition to that of slaves. Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 2nd Edition Copyright © W.W. Norton & Company

20 Voices of Freedom You picked a quote from Emerson’s “The American Scholar” and from Orestes Brownson’s “The Laboring Classes” to explicate. Now, share with the class in discussion groups. 1. How does Emerson define the freedom of what he calls “the single individual?” 2. How does Brownson define economic freedom for workers? 3. What does the contrast between these two documents suggest about the impact of the market revolution in America?

21 Individualism What are some examples of individualism, the competitive me-first attitude, in modern society? How do you think these things came about? Are they products of human nature or of social convention? Do you think there are different kinds of individualism? If so, how would you classify them?

22 Emerson’s Individual Focus quote:
“It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great individual is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

23 Ch. 10 Politics We will be debating whether the election of 1828 was a democratic revolution tomorrow. Read ch. 10 in preparation and for Thursday’s test.

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