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W.E. McCarthy 2002. JANE’S JELL-O DATABASE Employee (SSAN, Name) Purchase (Pur Invoice #, Date, *Supplier #, *Emp. SSAN) Supplier (Supp #, Name, Ind.

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Presentation on theme: "W.E. McCarthy 2002. JANE’S JELL-O DATABASE Employee (SSAN, Name) Purchase (Pur Invoice #, Date, *Supplier #, *Emp. SSAN) Supplier (Supp #, Name, Ind."— Presentation transcript:

1 W.E. McCarthy 2002


3 JANE’S JELL-O DATABASE Employee (SSAN, Name) Purchase (Pur Invoice #, Date, *Supplier #, *Emp. SSAN) Supplier (Supp #, Name, Ind. A/P) Restoration (Res. Slip #, Res. Date, Res. Fee, *Artisan Name, *Emp. SSAN) Artisan (Art. Name, Art. Hour Charge, Art Reputation, Ind. A/P) Sale (Sale Invoice #, Date, No. of Items, *Cus #, *Emp. SSAN) Customer (Customer # Individ. A/R) underline = primary key * = foreign (posted) key

4 W.E. McCarthy 2002 JANE’S JELL-O DATABASE -- continued Inventory-Item (Inv. Item Tag #, Purchase Del. Cost, Sale Del. Cost, % of Res. Time on item, *Pur Invoice #, *Restor. Slip #, *Sale Invoice #, *Inventory Type, *Initial Res. Categ., *Final Res. Categ.) Inventory-Type (Inventory-Type, YTD Unit Sales, YTD Dollar Sales, *Prod. Group Name) Product-Group (Prod. Group Name, YTD Unit Sales, YTD Dollar Sales) Restoration-Category (Restoration Category #, Res. Cat. Description Rest. Category-Inventory Type (*Res Cat #, *Inven. Type, Stan. Sale Price, Stan. Pur. Price) underline = primary key * = foreign (posted) key

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