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1 Model Driven Development. 2 DoDAF/ModAF/ SysML and AP233 Architecture –DODAF MODAF Modelling –UML –SysML Interchange –AP 233AP 233 –XMI.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Model Driven Development. 2 DoDAF/ModAF/ SysML and AP233 Architecture –DODAF MODAF Modelling –UML –SysML Interchange –AP 233AP 233 –XMI."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Model Driven Development

2 2 DoDAF/ModAF/ SysML and AP233 Architecture –DODAF MODAF Modelling –UML –SysML Interchange –AP 233AP 233 –XMI

3 3 DoDAF Architecture: –“The structure of components, their relationships and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. “ DoD Public Documents –Volume 1 Architectural Framework –Volume 2 Product Description –Deskbook

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7 7 UML 1.4 Version of Unified Modelling language in most widespread use Wide set of support tools: –IBM/Rational Rose, Telelogic Tau, System Architect, QSEE.. Arises from Object-Oriented Software development –Previously data and code were kept separate, objects combine the two –Software objects mimic real world things –Objects have a type or class Viewpoints –Structure Class; object; component ; deployment –Behaviour Use case; state-chart; sequence; collaboration; activity

8 8 UML 2.0 UML 2.0 includes features which are helpful in Systems Engineering 1 : –Allows for more flexible System, Subsystem and Component representations –Structural decomposition e.g. Classes, Components, Subsystems –System and component interconnections via Parts, Ports, Connectors –Behavior decomposition e.g., Sequences, Activities, State Machines –Enhancements to Activity diagrams e.g. data and control flow constructs, activity partitions/swim lanes 1 Kobryn and Friedenthal, Systems Modeling Language™ Overview, 2003

9 9 UML 2.0 UML 2.0 includes features which are helpful in Systems Engineering (contd.) –Enhancements to Interaction diagrams e.g., alternative sequences, reference sequences, interaction overview, timing diagrams –Support for information flows between components –Improved Profile and extension mechanisms –Support for complete model interchange, including diagrams –Compliance points and levels for standardizing tool compliance –Does not preclude continuous time varying properties especially important for SE applications

10 10 SysML origins Systems Engineering requirements –Hierarchic levelling of detail –Functional decomposition: Function block diagrams –Physical interaction and continuous connections –Requirements – system relationship –Mathematical models Main authors – Cris Kobryn and Sandy Friedenthal (SysMl partners ( Support from –Object Management Group –Tool vendors Artisan, Telelogic, IBM/Rational, I-Logix –INCOSE –Industry BAE SYSTEMS, Deere & Company, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Thales Now at Draft 0.9

11 11 SysML Diagrams Viewpoints –Structure Class; object; component ; deployment ; assembly –Behaviour Use case; state-chart; sequence; collaboration; activity; state-machine; timing –Others Parametric ; requirements

12 12 SysML Example Vehicle system –The problem is derived from a marketing analysis which indicated the need to increase the acceleration of the vehicle form its current capability. – Appendix B of the Draft standard

13 13 Concept Diagram stereotype

14 14 Class diagram generalisation composition??

15 15 Requirement Diagram containment

16 16 Use case diagram actor Use case Sub use case Optional extension

17 17 Activity Diagram initial final fork merge decision join Sub-activity

18 18 Activity Diagram Swimlane (actor) signal action object

19 19 Class Diagram Data property Physical property operation association association with flow

20 20 State Machine Diagram Initial final state event transition guard state

21 21 Class Diagram Exclusive sub- assembly Meta data

22 22 Assembly Diagram port connector Connector type

23 23 Assembly Diagram swimlane connection stereotype

24 24 Parametric Diagram Parametric constraint parameter

25 25 : Timing Diagram

26 26 Sequence Diagram object Class of object Message (Async) Lifeline (time downwards)

27 27 Sequence Diagram Sub sequence

28 28 Issues Diagrams are not enough –Limited expressive power –Limited scope for verification Formal languages e.g. –OCL (Object Constraint Language) –Alloy from MIT –Comprehension –Construction Patterns and Problem Frames –Knowledge representation and reuse –Problem Frames (Jackson) Employee 1 0..* manager

29 29 Workshop 1 – Comprehension –What do these diagrams mean in English? 2 – Construction –Look at the collection of simple diagrams taken form various texts and papers Identify which kind of diagram most closely matches each diagram Take on diagram and re-write as a SysML diagram

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32 32 State machines in SysML 15 July 2004 – I-Logix announce that BAe systems are standardising on Statemate for development of Eurofigher Typhoon - using MDD – Model-driven Development Dec 14 2004 Statemate chosen for use by MBDA in the development of METEOR

33 33 Model–driven Development Design behaviour using diagrammatic notations Demonstrate and evaluate the behaviour early in the development process Generate the delivered code/part directly from the model, perhaps guided by the designer with additional decisions.

34 34 Statemate A state machine design tool based on David Harel’s state charts (incorporated into UML) Allows –Simulation – what would happen if the following sequence of events occurred. –Analysis – prove that the system can never lock up –Code generation – to C for loading into embedded processors

35 35 Basic State Machine The basic concepts in this notation are: –state A mode of the object/component/sub-system –transition A change of state caused by an event or input, perhaps back to the same state –event the input which causes a transition to occur –action An action which occurs when a transition is made

36 36 example s1 S2 S3 A boing B clack B bang A ping C clang C pong event ------- actionA hiss

37 37 Exercise 1.1. What sequence of noises does it make when the sequence ABACAC is in put? 1.2 What about BABAAC? 1.3 What kind of error in the machine does the sequence ACCBA reveal? 1.4 What kind error in the machine does the input BABC reveal? 1.5 What kind of error does the sequence ABAXAC reveal? 1.6 Give other examples of good and bad input.

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