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M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris.

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2 M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

3 Dynamic Spectrum e - acceleration at CME-driven shock fronts e - beams from flare sites Origin intense, continuous weak, diffuse/sporadic wide frequency band narrow frequency band fast frequency drift slow frequency drift Radiation Characteristics flare CME frequenc y time Players in the Solar Radio Drama Intensity M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

4 Both Both generated by the plasma emission mechanism at frequency: f = f p (kHz) = 9÷n(cm -3 ) i.e., fundamental and/or harmonic of the plasma frequency f = 2 f p (kHz)or fi fi Explains the observed frequency drift Radio emissions remotely measure plasma density in source region Plasma density decreases with increasing heliocentric distance Plasma density decreases with increasing heliocentric distance M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

5 confined beam/ radio source wide beam/ radio source flare iso-density contour (iso-frequency contour) 100 kHz shock front M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

6 Study characteristics of electron beams and topological structure of the IMF Study evolution and dynamics of CMEs, Sun to Earth M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

7 Ulysse s Use radio direction- finding to get line-of- sight source direction at each observing frequency Use density law to determine radio source location along line of site at each frequency fi Radio source centroid follows Archimedean spiral path Radio direction- finding from Ulysses gives 2-D trajectory without using a density model M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

8 Two s/c triangulation can give the 3-D radio source trajectory, without the need for a density model (simultaneous radio source direction-finding from two widely separated s/c) plasma density profile along type III trajectory “true” radio source intensity radiation propagation times M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

9 Source region & electron beam characteristics exciter longitudinal velocity gradient e - exciters arrive simultaneously at source region M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

10 Lift off of CMEs and type II events are usually preceded by very intense (violent), complex type III emissions These complex type IIIs have unusual characteristics in the 1 to 15 MHz band diminution in intensity near 7 MHz very narrow band features below 7 MHz M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

11 f = 9÷n n ~ 1/R 2 f ~ 1/R 1/f time 1/f ~ R = (v s /9 n o )(t - t o ) 1/f ~ R = (v s /9 ÷n o )(t - t o ) CMEs propagate at ~ constant speed through IPM (CME) liftoff time,t o CME Dynamics & Evolution: 1/f tracking harmonic emission fundamental emission Dynamic Spectrum fi Radio emissions organized along straight lines from solar origin v s = shock speed t o = liftoff time M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

12 Knowing the shock speed at 1 AU and by fitting the radio frequency drift, we get the “true” height & speed profile of the CME from Sun to 1 AU M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

13 White-light images at consecutive times Type II radio emissions at decreasing frequency Measure height vs. time Measure frequency drift € € Plane-of-sky height & speed of CME Coronal density profile can be measured “true” (radial) height & speed of radio source Coronal density profile “unkown” € € M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

14 20 January 2001 Consistency between White-Light & Radio Observations E90 o Flare site ≈ N7 o E46 o E47 o Radial propagation from 47 o ± 3 o E (“launch angle”) flare fi M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

15 Radio Measurements Radio dynamic spectra (intensities) from two viewpoints Radio dynamic spectra (intensities) from two viewpoints 3-D radio source location routinely deduced by triangulation 3-D radio source location routinely deduced by triangulation In-situ e- beams, Langmuir waves and Local radiation In-situ e- beams, Langmuir waves and Local radiation New and unique physics Intrinsic nature & characteristics of type II & III source Intrinsic nature & characteristics of type II & III source Evolution & dynamics of solar transient phenomena Evolution & dynamics of solar transient phenomena Characteristics of e- beams related to radio emissions Characteristics of e- beams related to radio emissions Remote radio probing of interplanetary plasma properties Remote radio probing of interplanetary plasma properties true source intensities true source intensities propagation time & effects propagation time & effects beaming effects beaming effects direct 3-D tracking of radio sources from Sun to Earth direct 3-D tracking of radio sources from Sun to Earth relationship of radio sources to white-light features relationship of radio sources to white-light features plasma density profiles along radio source trajectories plasma density profiles along radio source trajectories global 3-D reconstruction of IMF from active regions global 3-D reconstruction of IMF from active regions exciter speed profiles exciter speed profiles relation to Langmuir waves & local radiation relation to Langmuir waves & local radiation injection times & path lengths injection times & path lengths relationship of radio source region to interplanetary structures relationship of radio source region to interplanetary structures M. J. Reiner, 1 st STEREO Workshop, March, 2002, Paris

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