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16th Street Light Rail Station Workshop Sponsored by Friends of Light Rail & Transit.

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Presentation on theme: "16th Street Light Rail Station Workshop Sponsored by Friends of Light Rail & Transit."— Presentation transcript:

1 16th Street Light Rail Station Workshop Sponsored by Friends of Light Rail & Transit

2 A five hour, fast paced design workshop Sponsored by three agencies and five associations Organized to identify opportunities to revitalize one of the oldest LRT stations in the system

3 Workshop Schedule Welcome Session I Lunch Break Session II Next Steps

4 Images from the Tour

5 Morning Work Session Small Group Discussion - Five Tables Sky’s the Limit Likes, Dislikes & Opportunities Presentations

6 Afternoon Work Session Five tables with professional designers mixed with other attendees Dozens of renderings produced Results shared - Many creative ideas

7 Key Recommendations Relocation of LRT Station to East New Treatments on Parking Structure Land Use Review and Support (TOD) Transit and User Improvements Creation of “Town Center” Visual and Architectural Improvements

8 Relocation of LRT Station


10 New Treatments on Parking Structure

11 Land Use Planning



14 Creation of Town Center


16 Architectural Improvements


18 Follow-up and Next Steps Activities to date… Re-Connection with Participants Acknowledgments Workshop Summary Produced Circulation Future work… FLRT Review Regional Transit Board City Council Review Support Future Efforts Follow-up Workshops

19 Workshop Steering Committee Facilitation Team Nick Docous, Marq Truscott and Dave Shpak Organizational Support AIACADAAPAASLA City of SacramentoRegional Transit Friends of Light Rail & Transit

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