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Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Gene Expression Associated with Different Light Conditions in Brachypodium distachyon By Jared Streich, Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Gene Expression Associated with Different Light Conditions in Brachypodium distachyon By Jared Streich, Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Gene Expression Associated with Different Light Conditions in Brachypodium distachyon By Jared Streich, Research lead by Sam Fox and Dr. Todd Mockler

2 Introduction Light sensitive proteins called phytochromes and cryptochromes regulate and or trigger certain biochemical and cellular processes.

3 Phytochromes and Cryptochromes What is a phytochrome and cryptochrome?

4 Brachypodium distachyon Grass model organism for monocot plants Ideal for research Accession Bd21 used

5 Arabidopsis thaliana vs. Brachypodium distachyon Arabidopsis is limited in modeling monocots plants Brachypodium is a monocot

6 Question What are the affects of light quality on Brachypodium distachyon growth, development and regulation of gene expression?

7 Goals Identified physiological differences Create lists of up and down regulated genes Mapped metabolic pathways Identified phytochrome and cryptochrome genes

8 Hypothesis Plants grown in certain colors of light will have differences in physiology and gene expression.

9 Experiment Composition – Analyze gene expression characteristics – Analyze growth and development – Conclude relations of both

10 Gene Expression Red Blue White + Far-red White Vs. Dark (Control)

11 Gene Expression

12 Gene Data Analysis Microarray technology used to analyze cDNA

13 Gene Data Analysis Create clusters of up and down regulated genes via p-value

14 Conclusion: Gene Count Analysis Shared genes in red and white light Shared genes in blue light and white light Most down regulated genes in white light Most up regulated genes in blue light

15 Gene Data Analysis

16 Conclusion: Genes Isolated as Likely Candidates for Phytochrome and Cryptochromes in BD21 Phytochrome A Bradi1g10520.1 Phytochrome B Bradi1g64360.1 Phytochrome C Bradi1g08400.1 Cryptochrome A Cry1a Bradi3g46590.1 Cryptochrome B Cry1b Bradi5g11990.1 Cryptochrome C Cry2 Bradi3g49204.1

17 Physical Measurements Tissues length – Root length – Above ground tissue

18 Conclusion: Physiological Red: Most overall growth White: Most root growth White + far-red: Longest leaves Blue: slowed growth in all tissue types.

19 Biomass and Physiological Growth

20 Flowering Time All conditions flowered within all standard deviations

21 Summary Possibly identified phytochrome and cryptochrome genes Biomass varies by light condition Physiological growth varies by light condition Flowering time is not effected by light conditions

22 Future Directions: Continue with gene expression analysis Isolate and over express genes of interest Transgenic plants of other genus with isolated genes Affects of adding far-red on white light condition Research flowering time regulation

23 Acknowledgements Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dr. Kevin Ahern Dr. Todd Mockler Sam Fox Erik Rowley Jessica Murray Dr. Serge Filichkin

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