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Ch 4 Sect 2 Energy Transfers and Transformations.

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1 Ch 4 Sect 2 Energy Transfers and Transformations

2 Movement of Energy  Energy naturally moves from areas of high energy to areas of low energy  Ex-heat radiating off of a stove  Transferring energy  Energy stays in same form but moves to another object  Transforming energy-  Energy changes forms as it moves

3 Energy Transfers  Electrical outlet can transfer electricity  Example-Vandegraff machine  Outlet Machine Human  Heat energy can be transferred  Example-boiling water  Stove Pot Water

4 Energy Transformations  Energy is like money in that it can be used in different forms  Electrical energy can be transformed to  Light energy, Heat energy,  Other examples?

5 Energy Transformations CCCChemical energy is transformed by living organisms and machines HHHHumans covert chemical energy into kinetic energy CCCChemical energy in the body is stored as ATP or Adenosine Tri-Phospate

6  Machines also transfer chemical energy into kinetic energy  Chemical energy used by machines is usually gas or diesel  Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow  4 steps that an internal combustion engine uses  Any engine in any gas powered vehicle

7 NRG Conversion in an Engine  Sucks the air/gas in (intake)  Squeezes the air (compression)  Bang (gas ignites, causes explosion)  Gasoline engines have a spark plug  Diesel is explosive enough that it needs no spark  Blows air out (exhaust)  How Car Engines Work How Car Engines Work How Car Engines Work

8 Mass, Atoms and Energy  Mass in motion has energy  Mass is made up of smaller parts called atoms  Atoms can be joined or broken apart to produce energy

9 Nuclear Fusion JJJJoining of 2 atoms to make 1 atom BBBBonds of both atoms are broken and reformed to make one atom WWWWhen bonds are broken energy is released MMMMass of the atom increases NNNN uuuu cccc llll eeee aaaa rrrr F F F F uuuu ssss iiii oooo nnnn B B B B aaaa ssss iiii cccc ssss

10 Nuclear Fission  Taking one atom and breaking it down to two or more atoms  Energy is released when the chemical bonds are broken  Mass of the atoms decrease  Nuclear Fission Basics Nuclear Fission Basics Nuclear Fission Basics

11 Mechanical Energy  Mechanical energy is the sum of total potential energy and total kinetic energy  Mechanical Energy = Pot Energy + KE  Energy converts back and forth from PE to KE but mechanical energy always stays the same  Ex. PE=70% and KE=30% ME=100% PE=40% and KE=60% ME=100% PE=40% and KE=60% ME=100%

12 Law of Conservation of Energy CCCConservation of energy states that energy can neither be created or destroyed, therefore amount of energy always stays the same

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