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ICT Solutions for an ageing society.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Solutions for an ageing society."— Presentation transcript:

1 I-stay@home: ICT Solutions for an ageing society

2 I-stay@home Project 3 Year European Project to investigate how ICT can help support elderly and disabled with challenges:- Isolation Security Health Financial Disability Independent Living

3 What is I- Stay at Home about ? –Josephine Lambert, 76 years old: –“Even though all these technical devices scare me a bit, I will try to test some of the solutions in my home. Life is getting harder for me since I am not becoming any younger, but I do not want to leave my home, I have lived there for almost 30 years now. I hope there will be ways for me to avoid the retirement home in future. Leaving my home scares me more than the technical equipment.”

4 Ageing Populations According to EU’s 2012 Ageing Report, by 2060:- Small population rise to 517m (from 502 in 2010) 15 – 64 yr olds decline from 67% to 56% 65 and over increase from 17% to 30% Significant impact on economies & welfare across Europe

5 I-stay@home project –I-stay@home project (2012-2015) is being part funded by the EU via the European Regional Development Fund Interreg IVB programme. –INTERREG IVB North West Europe (NWE) Programme is a financial instrument of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy. –Over seven years the programme is investing €355 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) into the economic, environmental, social and territorial future of North West Europe (NWE). The fund is used to co-finance projects that maximize the diversity of NWE’s territorial assets by tackling common challenges through transnational cooperation.

6 The Partners –Lead Partner: Joseph-Stiftung, Bamberg, Germany –De ideale Woning c.v., Antwerp-Berchem, Belgium –EBZ Business School, Bochum, Germany –Foundation Smart Homes, Eindhoven, The Netherlands –Habinteg Housing Association Ltd, London, United Kingdom – Le Foyer Rémois, Reims, France – Rheinwohnungsbau GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany –Staedion, The Hague, The Netherlands –SOPHIA living network GmbH, Bamberg, Germany –Vilogia, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France –Volkshaard cvba, Ghent, Belgium –De Woonplaats, Enschede, The Netherlands

7 The IT Partners –Aareon France SAS, Meudon la Forêt, France –Subpartners of Aareon France: –Intent Technologies, Paris, France –Isen Ecole d‘Ingenieurs, Lille, France

8 8 Europe's Largest Systems Provider to the Property Sector

9 Benefit from Best Practice Shared Across European Housing Sector Over 2,800 Customers / 110 in UK Over 9 Million Units of Rental Stock / 600,000 in UK Proven Over 1,100 Employees / 97 in UK 20 European Offices / 3 in UK Resourced 2013 Revenue of €173.4m / £11.6m in UK 2013 Ebit of €27.11m / £2.4m in UK Financially Secure

10 Products to be tested / incorporated in ISAH WITHINGS Smart Body Analyzer WS-50 Vivago Watch SOPHITAL® MiBida iRobot Roomba® WITHINGS Pulse (O2) ComfiCare Lightwave RF Ucam247 Outdoor WiFi IP Camera

11 Products to be tested / incorporated in ISAH Stove Guards - SAFERA Siro R Stove Guard Innohome Stove Guard Kit SGK500-3CC WITHINGS - Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor Salveo Tabtime Med-E-Lert GEOCARE® Sybility Voice Control –PilotOne En:key

12 - ISAH ICT PLATFORM Claims and demands Service provider N°1 ISAH ICT Platform Multimedia sharing : documents, videos, pictures… Social Market place : Elderly people submit demands and other tenants offers their services or help Text and Video chatting Health and care services Safety and privacy Household and provision Energy efficiency Communication Service provider N°n Housing ICT SYSTEM

13 Timetable : The project will run from 2012 till 2015. During this time, the partners will together deliver four phases of work: –1. Identify and consider the core concerns of older and disabled people in terms of their ongoing independence at home (2012). –2. Make a pre-selection of affordable ICT based products and services that are currently available (2013). –3. Live test the selected solutions in about 200 homes of tenants from the participating housing organizations (2014). –4. Publish details of the products and services via a database platform to make them better available for the elderly tenants and housing providers (2015). –






19 I-stay@home Project 3 Year European Project to investigate how ICT can help support elderly and disabled with challenges:- Isolation Security Health Financial Disability Independent Living

20 I-stay@home Project Four Phases Research into challenges faced and attitude to technology Evaluation of available technologies to assist 12 Month Pan-European test of solutions in tenant’s homes Project Evaluation

21 © Aareon UK 21

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