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Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528.

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Presentation on theme: "Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528."— Presentation transcript:

1 Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528 Název projektu: ICT ve výuce Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity: III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název ověřovaného materiálu: Digitální učební materiál pro výuku anglického jazyka VY_32_INOVACE_JAA_215 Ročník: 3. Vzdělávací obor:Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast: Gramatika pro 3. ročník Hotelové školy obor Hotelnictví Téma:Phrasal Verbs II Jméno autora:Ing. Zdeněk Brabec Vytvořeno dne:30.12.2012 Metodický popis, (anotace) Výukový materiál slouží k seznámení, procvičování, upevnění znalostí a komunikativní dovednosti specifické gramatiky a slovní zásoby a je doplněný o přiložené pracovní listy, které žáci vypracovávají v hodině po shlédnutí prezentace.

2 Phrasal Verbs II

3  English language full of phrasal verbs used in different situations and meanings. This presentation introduces a few of them in everyday situations:  TURNSWITCH TAKE PUTFALLRUN  DOMAKE FILL  WARNING: English uses hundreds of phrasal verbs in thousands of meanings!!!

4 Phrasal Verbs II  TURN ON --- put into operation – Turn on the oven.  TURN OFF --- switch off – Turn off the lights before going to bed.  TURN UP / DOWN --- Turn up the radio, I can‘t hear it. Turn down your stupid music. I don‘t want to listen to it.  TURN ROUND / AROUND -- Turn round, I‘m not dressed yet. Turn around, you look great in the new dress.  SWITCH ON / OFF = TURN ON / OFF

5 Phrasal Verbs II  TAKE AWAY = remove --Take it away, I can‘t eat it.  TAKE ON = hire new people --The company is taking on new staff  TAKE OFF = put down / start a flight --- Take off your coat, it is fairly warm in here. The plane is taking off soon, it‘s approaching the runway.  TAKE OVER = gain control --- The new management is taking over the company in crisis.  PUT ON = wear --- Put on something warm, it‘s cold outside.  PUT OUT = extinguish fire --- Put out your cigarette!  PUT OFF= postpone --- We must put off the meeting till 3pm.  PUT DOWN = remove clothing --- Put down your dirty clothes.

6 Phrasal Verbs II  FALL IN LOVE WITH SB = unexplainable with pure reason…. = I think I am falling in love with her.  FALL OVER / OUT OF / OFF = lose balance and unintentionally get down without grace --- He fell over a curb. It fell out of the box. He fell off the old ladder.  RUN OUT OF = not to have anything left --- We have run out of petrol, I forgot to buy some in the morning, sorry.  RUN AWAY = escape --- The prisoners ran away through the hole in the fence. 

7 Phrasal Verbs II  DO WITH / WITHOUT = live with / without – I can do with only 2 pounds a day. I can‘t do without coffee.  DO AWAY WITH = end up with / give up / quit --- She did away with all her bad habits and started a new life.  MAKE UP sb‘s. MIND = take a decision / choose --- You must make up your mind, you can‘t marry both of them.  PUT UP WITH = bear / withstand --- You must put up with his moods, he the boss and nobody can change him.  GET ON WITH = be on friendly terms --- I get on with my mother-in-law.  FILL IN / UP = write in / complete / make full --- Please, fill in your name and address. Fill up the tank, please, premium unleaded. 

8 WORKSHEET  Use the appropriate phrasal verb:  ………………… the radio, it is too loud.  He ……. the wall and broke his arm.  I can‘t ………………. tea. I drink 7 cups a day.  I …………………… my ex-wife, we have no problems to talk together.  Can you …………………… the questionnaire, please?  You can’t buy both of them, ………………….. and choose one.  ……………………….. the tank, we are driving far away tonight.  I think I …………………………….. with her, I can’t sleep and my heart beats so fast.  We have ……………………… coffee, would you like a cup of tea?  The python can’t …………………………, it is in the cage.  …………………………. your new dress when we are going out tonight.  Madam, you do not have to ……………… everything, this is a dentist’s surgery.  They …………………………. the morning meeting because of bad traffic.  ……………………… the gas stove, I’d like to cook something.

9 WORKSHEET  POSSIBLE SOLUTION:  Turn down the radio, it is too loud.  He fell off the wall and broke his arm.  I can‘t do without tea. I drink 7 cups a day.  I get on with my ex-wife, we have no problems to talk together.  Can you fill in / out the questionnaire, please?  You can’t buy both of them, make up your mind and choose one.  Fill up the tank, we are driving far away tonight.  I think I’ve fallen in love with her, I can’t sleep and my heart beats so fast.  We have run out of coffee, would you like a cup of tea?  The python can’t run away, it is in the cage.  Put on your new dress when we are going out tonight.  Madam, you do not have to put down / take off everything, this is a dentist’s surgery.  They put off the morning meeting because of bad traffic.  Turn on / switch on the gas stove, I’d like to cook something.

10  REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF MATERIAL:  Sources:  Photo: Author  References:  MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, ISBN 05215377622.  THOMSON, A.J.; MARTINET, A.V.. A Practical English grammar - fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 – 19- 431348 – 4.  PROCTER, Paul E. a kol. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992, ISBN 0582842239.  SPENCER, David. Gateway B1+. England: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-41763-2.  SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook - the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-438754-5.  SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 0-19-470225-1. 10

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