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Is Chia the World’s Newest Supergrain? Wesley Ferrell 4-22-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Chia the World’s Newest Supergrain? Wesley Ferrell 4-22-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Chia the World’s Newest Supergrain? Wesley Ferrell 4-22-08

2 Salvia hispanica Family Lamiaceae(Mint) Genus Salvia (Sage) Summer-annual

3 Ch-ch-ch Chia! Introduced, 1981 Joseph Enterprises

4 History 3500 B.C. Ancient Aztecs Used for medicine, food and oil Consumed whole, as flour, and as a beverage “running food” Accepted as tribute

5 Modern Reappearance 1990’s Study by Dr. Vladimir Vukas Type II diabetes 10mm systolic/5mm diastolic drop in B.p. 32% decrease in c- reactive protein (CRP) Decreased fibrinolytic factors (blood thickening)

6 Antioxidants Chlorogenic acid Caffeic acid Myricetin Quercetin other flavonols

7 Omega-3 fatty acids Highest whole food source 100% daily recommended intake 3.5oz Chia vs 28 oz Atlantic Salmon B.p., heart attack, arthritis, cardiac arrhythmia, depression ALA, EPA, DHA Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio 14-25 times more Omega-6 in average diet

8 Omega-3 and Egg production 1995 study, chickens feed chia seeds chia vs flaxseeds and fish oil increased Omega-3 levels with no off- flavor

9 Dietary Fiber 30% daily recommended intake Soluble fiber forms gelatin in water May form physical barrier in stomach Carbohydrate digestion is slowed Stabilizes blood sugar Increased energy sense of fullness

10 Other Benefits Absorbs 12-14 times its weight in water –prolongs hydration –helps maintain electrolytes 6x more calcium than whole milk 3x more iron than spinach as much vitamen C as 7 oranges 15x more magnesium than broccoli

11 Conclusions More research to come Will soon adopt a more prominent role in nutritional diets Soon to be marketed in tortilla chips, breads, muffins, cookies, and salsa

12 References Ayerza, R, and W. Coates. “Dietary levels of chia: influence on hen weight, egg production and sensory quality, for two strains of hens.” British Poultry Science 43 (2002):283-290 “Chia Seed: The Ancient Food of the Future.” Kreiter, Ted. “Seeds of Wellness: Return of a Supergrain.” Saturday Evening Post. 40 (2005): 106-107. “Omega-3 Fatty Acids.” University of Maryland Medical Center. “Salvia hispanica L.”United States Department of Agriculture. Http:// Sellman, Sherrill. “Salba: A Gift from the Ancient Aztecs.” Total Health Magazine. 29.1: 52-53

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