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Sample Interest Meeting PowerPoint Budapest Summer 5-week Program University of Delaware – Institute for Global Studies.

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1 Sample Interest Meeting PowerPoint Budapest Summer 5-week Program University of Delaware – Institute for Global Studies


3 Budapest Essentials Capital of Hungary 1000-years of history Beautiful architecture Great food Affordable location (3 meals for $25/day) Local transportation both reliable & easy “Walkable” city

4 Newest Metro line close to campus

5 Budapest Essentials Weather in June: 70’s to 80’s Cool evenings Pack for spring and summer (sweater/jeans and shorts/sandals) Photo taken at outdoor theater on Margits Island – we’ll try to catch a show!

6 Budapest Essentials Safety & Security No immunizations required Safe city, but… Pick-pocketing is an issue (closely watch your belongings) Don’t go out alone at night – go out with friends

7 Program Basics Dates Host institution # students Majors welcome

8 Courses Title / credits Requirements fulfilled # classes/week Course structure

9 Airfare Students book their own tickets to/from Europe Arrive June 8 Faculty will schedule airport bus for set times Or meet group at accommodation Free to travel before or after program!

10 Housing Mid-priced hostel Double occupancy 4 students share bath Free Wifi in rooms TV in downstairs lounge 1 key per room - need to schedule plan with roommate! Safe neighborhood

11 Costs Program fee = $2,000 Includes: Housing Local transport pass City tour & 1 daytrip Concert & 3 museums 10 group meals Health insurance Tuition & Fees DE Res. $2,044 + 45 Non-Res. $5,486 + 45 Program Fee, Tuition & Fees = $4,100-$7,500

12 Other Costs & Totals Additional costs: Airfare ($1,400) Airport taxis($60) Meals ($600) Incidentals ($400) Estimate total (Tuition & Fees, Program Fee, airfare, meals, etc.): $6,500 - $10,000

13 Budapest Scholarships: Both merit and need awards available No extra essay Automatically considered Recommended GPA of 3.0 and higher for consideration Also contact the Office of Financial Aid to see if loans might be available.

14 Budapest Requirements: Apply on-line 1 recommendation (from a professor) No charges until accepted Once accepted: initial payment due in 10 days final balance due early-June

15 Budapest Deadlines: Application & recommendation DUE November 20, 2014

16 Budapest – Summer 2014 Questions: Your name (Program Faculty Director) Email Phone Website

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