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Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) Valerija Jusevičiūtė Deputy Director, Lithuanian Central State Archive.

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Presentation on theme: "Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) Valerija Jusevičiūtė Deputy Director, Lithuanian Central State Archive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) Valerija Jusevičiūtė Deputy Director, Lithuanian Central State Archive Vilnius, October 1, 2013 28th conference of the European Board of National Archivists (EBNA)

2 Lithuanian Central State Archive The Archives have been a member of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) since 2004. The of Image and Sound division of the Archives is the main repository of the cinema heritage in Lithuania and holds a total of 8.800 film titles.

3 In-house made film digitising equipment used before the project

4 International projects MIDAS (Moving Image Database for Access and Re-use of European film collections) (2007 - 2009): EFG (The European Film Gateway) (2009 -2011):

5 Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) The project is in conformity with the objective to ensure the preservation and spread of Lithuania’s cultural heritage in the world of the Lithuania’s Progress Strategy “Lithuania 2030”. The project meets the aim of the measure “Lithuanian Culture in the Information Society” implemented under Priority 3 “Information Society for All” of the Economic Development Operational Programme administered by the Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport.

6 Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) The project was funded by European Union and Lithuanian Republic according to the requirements of the European Union Structural Assistance to Lithuania for the planning period of 2007-2013. The project started on May 2010 and ran for 36 months. The budget of the project was € 2.7 million, (LTL 9.4).

7 Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) Objectives:  To create an archive of the digitised Lithuanian documentary cinema.  To create and provide a simple and fast online access to it.

8 Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema) Content:  1,000 Lithuanian documentaries created in 1919-1961: 1. Lithuanian chronicles from the pre-war period. 2. The chronicles of the Second World War years. 3. Post-war documentaries produced by the Lithuanian Film Studio and Lithuanian Television in 1946-1961. 4. The oldest Lithuanian feature films.

9 Ultrasonic Film Cleaner

10 Film viewing table

11 Equipment Disk Array Storage system 26 TB for editing and publishing. LTO tape library 4x LTO 5 drives, 280 tapes for long term storage and backup. Blade Center: 2x blades for database and application 3x blades for file management, 3x blades for transcoding. Network 10 Gbps Ethernet.


13 Software IBM GPFS, TSM HSM for file and tape management. Oracle Database for catalogue. Rhozet Carbon for transcoding. Diamant and Adobe Premiere for restoration and editing. Web based Java application for metadata management, search and Internet publishing. Adobe Flash Player for low quality preview on the Internet. Encoding is MPEG-4, H264 – 450.

14 Digital restoration

15 Film Scanner


17 Information system e-CINEMA A new information system e-CINEMA was created according to the newest European standards:  EN 15744:2009 Film identification – Minimum set of metadata for cinematographic works).  EN 15907:2010 Film identification. Enhancing interoperability of metadata. Element sets and structures.

18 Portal In Figures:  Official launch in March, 2012.  116 836 visitors till September.  87% positive feedback.  It is expected that the average positive estimate of the portal will reach 70% during the 5 years following the project implementation.

19 Portal Central access point to the digitised contents of Lithuania’s documentary film heritage. The electronic public service e-Cinema. The portal be linked to the national aggregator’s portal Digital objects will be accessible through EUROPEANA.

20 Internet Portal

21 Results Digitised 1 000 Lithuanian documentaries. Created and provided to the public the new portal www.e- and information online service e-Cinema.www.e- Created and developed the new film documents information system. Created 3 new workplaces at the Archive.

22 Benefit Access to the Lithuania’s film heritage has been increased and improved in the context of the global information society. Volume of valuable digital national and international content expanded. Favourable conditions for the digitisation of the film heritage objects stored in the Archives created. A new infrastructure of digital preservation by implementing innovations has been built. New skills in digitisation and digital preservation technologies acquired.

23 Benefit The digitised original film material is not meant for daily use and will have more possibilities to survive longer. The technical infrastructure for film tape handling, inspection, viewing and cleaning improved. The knowledge and skills in film handling and cataloguing. improved. The contents of the film descriptions enriched.

24 Benefit The Archives gained more competence and now are in a better position as a potential partner in the field of the national and international co-operation in the field of the implementation of various projects. Employees of the Archives feel professional pride for being able and skilled to perform their daily work in the field of the film heritage preservation in conformity with the existing European practice.

25 Problems Sustainability. Long term digital storage. Data migration.

26 Thank you! Questions? Valerija Jusevičiūtė Vilnius, October 1, 2013

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