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Microarray Normalization
Xiaole Shirley Liu STAT115 / STAT215
Affymetrix Microarray Imagine Analysis
Affymetrix GeneChip Operating System (GCOS) Gridding: based on spike-in DNA cel file X Y MEAN STDV NPIXELS cdf file Which probe at (X,Y) corresponds to which probe sequence and targeted transcript MM probes always (X,Y+1) PM
Normalization Try to preserve biological variation and minimize experimental variation, so different experiments can be compared Assumption: most genes / probes don’t change between two conditions Normalization can have larger effect on analysis than downstream steps (e.g. group comparisons)
Median Scaling Linear scaling
Ensure the different arrays have the same median value and same dynamic range X' = (X – c1) * c2 array1 array1 array2 array2
LOESS LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoothing, more general form is LOESS Fit a smooth curve Use robust local linear fits Effectively applies different scaling factors at different intensity levels Y = f(X) Transform X to X' = f(X) Y and X' are comparable
Quantile Normalization
Bolstad et al Bioinformatics 2003 Currently considered the best normalization method Assume most of the probes/genes don’t change between samples Calculate mean for each quantile and reassign each probe by the quantile mean No experiment retain original value, but all experiments have exact same distribution Probes Experiments Mean
How to Visualize Microarray Normalization?
Dilution Series RNA sample in 5 different concentrations
5 replicates scanned on 5 different scanners Before and after quantile normalization
MvA Plot M=log2R- log2G log2R vs log2G A=(log2R+log2G)/2
Values should scatter around 0 log2R vs log2G Values should be on diagonal
Before Normalization Pairwise MA plot for 5 arrays, probe (PM)
After Normalization Pairwise MA plot for 5 arrays, probe (PM)
Gene Expression Index
Affymetrix Microarray Expression Index
How to summarize probes in a probeset? Brighter PM usually carries more information, but not always the case (cross-hybridization)
MAS4 GeneChip® older software Microarray Analysis Software 4.0 uses AvgDiff A: a set of suitable pairs chosen by software Remove highest/lowest Calculate mean, sd from remaining probes Eliminate probes more than 3 sd from mean Drawback (naïve algorithm): Can omit 30-40% probes Can give negative values
MAS5 GeneChip® newest version
Tukey Biweight down-weights points far from the estimated center of the data scatter, robust statistics resistant to outliers CT* (change threshold) a version of MM that is never bigger than PM If MM<PM, CT* = MM If MM>PM, estimate typical case (Tukeybiweight) MM for PM (~70% PM) If typical MMs > PM for, set CT* = PM - Works OK but ad hoc
Li & Wong (dChip) Important observation: relative values of probes within a probeset very stable across multiple samples.
Model-Based Expression Index
Look at multiple samples at a time, give different probes a different weight Each probe signal is proportional to Amount of target sample: qi Affinity of specific probe sequence to the target: fj q1 q2 Probes sample 1 sample 2 f1 f2 f3
Li & Wong (dChip) Model Iteratively estimate θi and φj to minimize εij
Try to minimize the sum of squared errors Error Concentration Probe affinity Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 … φ φ2 φ3 Probe Probe Probe3 … q1 q2 q3
RMA = Robust Multi-chip Analysis
Irizarry & Speed, 2003 1: Probe intensity background adjustment 2: Quantile normalize the Log transformed background adjusted PM 3: Robust probe summary
RMA Background Subtraction
Observed PM = Signal + Background noise Signal ~ exponential; BG ~ normal Background estimated from MM + =
Why Log(PM) Captures the fact that higher value probes are more variable Assume probe noise is comparable on log scale
RMA For each probe set, PMij = qifj Fit the model:
aj is expression index, bj is probe effect Log2n() stands for logarithm after quantile normalization of n samples
RMA Examples… Iteratively refit aj and bj using median polish
Alternately remove (subtract) row and column medians until sum of absolute residuals converges For complex data structures, can efficiently find a “general picture” of the data Robust to outliers in large data sets Similar to dChip, but minimize error at logPM, so less weight on large PMs
Gene Expression Index Method Comparison
Method Comparison Standard
Spike-ins: introduce markers with known concentration (intensity) to RNA samples Should cover a broad range of concentrations Run two samples with and without spike-in, see whether algorithm can detect the spike-in (differential expression) Dilutions: Serial dilutions: 1:2, 1:4, 1:8… Latin square spike-in captures both approaches above Compare both accuracy qualitatively and expression index quantiatively
Latin Square Spike-ins
Method Comparison of Spike-in
MAS4 MAS 5 dChip RMA Red numbers indicate spiked genes This is the first Lesson in a 3 part series: Lesson 1 - Introduction to GeneTraffic, and Creating GeneTraffic Projects Lesson 2 - Microarray Data Assessment Lesson 3 - Data Analysis Using GeneTraffic
Summary Cel file and cdf file. Array normalization: Loess, qnorm
Assumptions Normalization visualization: MA plots Gene Expression Index RMA models probe effect in expression arrays Use MM to correct background Qnorm log (PM) Median polish, model probe behavior to get expression index Method comparison
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