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Ruby on Rails CSE 190M, Spring 2009 Week 7. Customizing Our Views In our blog example, our entries were ordered from oldest to newest We can order them.

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1 Ruby on Rails CSE 190M, Spring 2009 Week 7

2 Customizing Our Views In our blog example, our entries were ordered from oldest to newest We can order them newest to oldest if we wish @entries = Entry.all.reverse! Maybe we only want to show the 5 most recent entries @entries = Entry.all.reverse!.slice(0,4)

3 Adding Additional Views Last week we showed how Scaffold generates a bunch of standard views and a template layout If we wanted additional actions we: – Add the action in our controller – Create the corresponding view – Update our routes.rb file map.resources :obj_plural => { :action => method } e.g. map.resources :entries => { :preview => get }

4 Templates with Layouts Scaffold creates a Layout that works as a template for our objects layouts/entries.html.erb This template displays the same thing for each of the actions for that object, and then yields to the corresponding view to display the unique content If we want, we can make one single template to be used by all objects by making one named "layouts/application.html.erb"

5 Partial Layouts Sometimes we may want the same bit of code to show up in multiple templates (e.g. navigation bar) We can display partial pages in our templates or views, and they are called "partials" Partials can be in any of the views or layouts folders By convention, they start with an underscore views/layouts/_top_nav.html.erb We can render our partial in a template wherever we want it to be displayed "layouts/top_nav" ) %>

6 Rails on Webster In your public_html directory, make a folder for your Ruby apps /home/rctucker/ruby_apps Create your Rails app in this folder rails –d mysql my_app In your public_html folder, make a symlink from the public folder of your app to a folder with the name of your app ln -s ruby_apps/my_app/public my_app Create/modify.htaccess file in your public_html folder. Add the following line (using your username and application name instead) RailsBaseURI /rctucker/my_app Add the following line to your environment.rb file config.action_controller.relative_url_root = "/rctucker/my_app" Restart your app touch my_app/tmp/restart.txt View app at

7 "Restarting" Your Rails App Instead of using WEBrick, we are using a plugin so that Apache can run your Rails apps Unlike when you run your application locally, when your application is on Webster, it is always running If you make changes to your app that require you to restart it (such as changes to routes.rb or anything else in the config folder) you must restart your application Restart your app on Webster by modifying a file named restart.txt in your tmp folder touch my_app/tmp/restart.txt

8 Other Resources At the end of the quarter, Webster will disappear, but… As students, you have web space on a server called Dante through your UW accounts – Dante already has Ruby and Rails installed for you (MySQL is not installed) You can find documentation on how to get your Rails applications up and running on Dante here:

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