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Kristy A. Brandabur, RMA, CHLC, CBMFC, RA CI7083- Application of Instructional Design and Technology in Medical Education.

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2 Kristy A. Brandabur, RMA, CHLC, CBMFC, RA CI7083- Application of Instructional Design and Technology in Medical Education

3 Originally developed in the 1970-1980’s by psychologists Howard Gardner, Peter Salovey, and John Mayer. Re-introduced in 1995 due to Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence” Goleman’s newest focus is on “Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships”.

4 EQ theory provides a framework to identify people’s “behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills and potential.” (Chapman, 2000) Directly linked to the concept of love and spirituality. Compassion and humanity in the workplace.

5 To be successful you must have self-awareness, control, and management over your own emotions. Understanding emotions of others. The following link is an interview with Daniel Goleman regarding Emotional Intelligence.

6 Self-awareness Self-regulation Internal motivation Empathy Social Skills

7 Ability to recognize and understand personal moods. 1. Self-confidence 2. Realistic self-assessment 3. Self-deprecating sense of humor

8 Ability to control or redirect disruptive moods 1. Think before speaking or acting 2. Trustworthiness 3. Integrity 4. Comfort with ambiguity 5. Openness to change

9 Passion to work for internal reasons 1. Work is not for monetary or status reasons 2. Inner vision 3. Joy 4. Curiosity in learning 5. Pursue goals with excitement 6. Optimistic

10 Ability to understand the emotional makeup of others 1. Cross-cultural sensitivity 2. Service 3. Concern, not necessarily compassion

11 Ability to manage relationships and build teams 1. Common ground 2. Build rapport 3. Effectiveness in leading change 4. Persuasiveness

12 Human resources Planning Job profiling Recruitment Interviewing Management development Customer relations/service

13 IQ determines our level of intelligence EQ determines our level of success at what we do Success requires more than intelligence, it requires the personal edge IQ does not necessarily equate to success

14 g/philosophy_101/paper1/goleman.htm g/philosophy_101/paper1/goleman.htm intelligence/ intelligence/

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