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September 2013. General Updates Updated forms – on Ingham ISD website Click on “District Support Services” On left side of screen click.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2013. General Updates Updated forms – on Ingham ISD website Click on “District Support Services” On left side of screen click."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2013

2 General Updates Updated forms – on Ingham ISD website Click on “District Support Services” On left side of screen click on “Pupil Membership” Under Pupil Membership click on “Forms” Learn Live Lead records are available Call, email, fax requests: Kelly Jackson Phone: 517.244.1207 Fax: 517.676.8007 Compulsory attendance age raised to 18 for current 10 th graders

3 Friendly Reminders Fill out all forms completely Special Education Code on SE Worksheet = Program in which student is receiving services NOT description of student disability



6 Resolving UIC Duplicates UIC = Unique Identification Code (UIC) Used to identify students in MSDS If two or more students are linked to the same UIC: Could result in FTE > 1.00 Pose problems for reporting and data linking

7 Resolving UIC Duplicates (cont.): Districts make the first attempt to resolve UIC duplicates Determine if the students are actually the same person Same name, DOB, etc If NO – contact sharing district and determine who needs to request a new UIC If Yes – contact sharing district and determine where student attended on count day Adjust FTE as appropriate If UIC conflict cannot be resolved, include communications with sharing district in count packet

8 Districts should resolve UIC Duplicates by collection certification deadline.

9 Reminder: Teachers employed by the district providing instruction MUST hold a valid Michigan educator certificate New desk audit procedure requires ISD auditors to check certification status on 10% of teachers in every district MICHIGAN ONLINE EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION SYSTEM (MOECS) Teacher Certification

10 If it is determined that a teacher providing instruction is not certified or their certification expired: The portion of FTE earned per student per class taught by that teacher will be deducted A report is made to the Office of Professional Preparation Services (OPPS) Sample size is expanded OPPS website contains information regarding the types of teacher certifications, endorsements and substitute permits - Type OPPS in search box Teacher Certification (cont.)



13 Make sure the certificate is not expired

14 Make sure it is a Teacher Certificate

15 Days and Hours Reports  Due September 27, 2013  Do not include professional development days in your count of days of instruction

16 Days and Hours Reports continued:  Partial day counts as ONE DAY of instruction when counting total days towards meeting minimum day requirement  ½ day = 1 day of instruction  Exam day = 1 day of instruction whole number  Total number of days should always = whole number

17 GAD and Exit Codes  Appeal window closed 9/18/2013  Audit window begins 10/21/2013  Auditing: 1. Change requests – for any students who were not active in 2012-13 school year. 2. Rotational Audits of active cohorts for high schools

18 GAD and Exit Codes Exit Code Changes  Requests and documentation due by October 11, 2013  List of supporting documentation is the same

19 GAD and Exit Codes Exits to Cyber or Virtual Schools:  Out-of-State = Homeschool exit code = 14  In-State (EEM)  Public = 08  NonPublic = 15

20 General MDE and CEPI Information  Exit Date  Last date of student attendance, or day after, but not later. Not day records request received.  Attendance and Truancy  Legislators want a definition for truancy and consistency across districts for excused and unexcused absences.  Potential for 2014-2015 SY to have to report students who have 10 or more unexcused absences Sec 94(9) of SAA (legislative intent)

21 General MDE and CEPI Information Educational Record  The term “education record” is defined as all records, files, documents and other materials containing information directly related to a student and maintained by the education agency or institution, or by a person acting for such agency or institution (34 CFR §99.3). This includes all records regardless of medium, including, but not limited to handwriting, videotape, audio tape, electronic or computer files, film, print, etc.  Discipline records are part of education record  FERPA – see MPAAA website

22 General MDE and CEPI Information  Program Data Alert  Warning  LEP, Spec. Ed., Homeless, etc. not indicated upon enrollment  Mid-year TSDL  Required for migrant students  Optional all others  If choose to enter at end of 1 st semester then won’t have to re-enter these classes/teacher at EOY

23 General MDE and CEPI Information  Interviews for Attendance Irregularities  Continuing  Include building staff involved in attendance and PA

24 School Aid Act - Revisions Membership Blend 90% October Membership Count 10% Supplemental Count in February of current year Due Dates Both Counts MSDS Submission = 5 th Wednesday after count October Count = November 6, 2013 February Count = March 19, 2014 MSDS Certification = 6 th Wednesday after count (not 7 th ) November 13, 2013 March 26, 2014

25 School Aid Act - Revisions Days and Hours 2013-2014  Minimum Days = 170 or what provided in 2009-2010, whichever is more  Minimum Hours = 1,098; up to 38 Prof Development hours included  Up to 6 days of forgiven time for circumstances beyond control 2014-2015  Minimum Days = 175  Minimum Hours = 1,098  NO Professional Development hours included  Up to 6 days of forgiven time for circumstances beyond control  MME day(s)

26 School Aid Act - Revisions  Kindergarten Start Age = 5 on or before Kindergarten Start Cutoff Date Kindergarten Start Cutoff Dates: 2013-2014: 5 on or before November 1 2014-2015: 5 on or before October 1 2015-2016 and beyond: 5 on or before September 1

27 School Aid Act - Revisions Kindergarten Start Age – Parental Notification  Parent of child residing in district born between the kindergarten start cutoff date (November 1, 2013) and December 1 must notify the district in writing by June 1 (or if child becomes resident after June 1 by August 1) that they intend to enroll their child in kindergarten.  The district/charter school must report to the MDE by December 31 how many children enrolled under the parent notification provision.  Parent notifications are NOT transferable.  If a November 1 – December 1 kindergarten student moves into your district:  Not counted in membership = no  Was counted in membership in previous district = yes  MDE Memo and chart

28 School Aid Act - Revisions Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment  Limit on number of college courses in which student may enroll:  Not more than 10 overall  First enrolls in college course grade 9: 2 per year, grades 9,10,11 + 4 per year grade 12  First enrolls in college course grade 10: 2 per year, grades 10+ 4 per year grades 11,12  First enrolls in college course grade 11 or 12: 6 per year grade 11 & 12 but ≤ 10 total both years

29 School Aid Act - Revisions Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment  Amount LEA responsible for paying to eligible postsecondary institution = lesser of1. Actual course cost and fees 2. Pro-rated portion of weighted average foundation AWF = $7,262 for 2013 $3,631 per semester, $2,421 per trimester Both HS and PS on Semesters and HS 6-class period day: ($7,262 ÷ 2) ÷ 6 = $605.17 (7262/12) HS on Trimester & PS semesters and HS 5-class period day: ($7,262 ÷ 15) x 1.5 = $726.20  No need to complete reduced schedule forms  Revised form

30 School Aid Act - Revisions If “N” inicate why Relates to maximums as defined on previous slide If “N” indicate why

31 Legislative Change Postsecondary Dual Enrollment  Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act (PA 160 of 1996) was amended in 2012 to include language that requires repayment of postsecondary tuition when a course is not completed by a student. See MCL 388.514(9)  If the student does not complete the eligible course as determined by the eligible postsecondary institution, and if the school district has paid money for the course on behalf of the student, all of the following apply:

32 Legislative Change Postsecondary Dual Enrollment a) PS institution shall forward to the school district any funds that are refundable due to non-completion of the course. b) The school district shall then forward to the eligible student any refunded money in excess of the amount paid by the school district for the course on behalf of the eligible student. c) The eligible student shall repay to the school district any funds that were expended by the school district for the course that are not refunded to the school district by the eligible postsecondary institution.

33 Legislative Change Postsecondary Dual Enrollment d) If the eligible student does not repay this money, the school district may impose sanctions against the eligible student as determined by school district policy. e) This subdivision does not apply to an eligible student who does not complete the course due to a family or medical emergency, as determined by the eligible postsecondary institution.

34 School Aid Act - Revisions 2013-2014 Section 25e of SAA Enrollment of pupil in a district or intermediate district between pupil membership count day (October count) and supplemental count day. (February count)  Allows for pro-rated FTE for student enrolling in District “B” after being counted by District “A” in the October membership count submission.  Pupil must have been claimed for at least some FTE for fall count; 25e = transfer process.  New FTE amount for District “B” prorated based on the Oct FTE

35 School Aid Act - Revisions 2013-2014 Section 25e of SAA  FTE Pro-rated based on 1/180 of the foundation allowance for each day in which the pupil was enrolled and in attendance. (current language)  MDE common calendar  Attendance date used in calculation  District “B” must  Conduct UIC Student History check to determine if student was claimed for October FTE  Submit SRM in MSDS within 30 days of first date of attendance  Enter Sec. 25 component for each student claiming  New FTE ≤ Oct Membership FTE  Submit request and supporting documentation to IISD  Voluntary!

36 School Aid Act - Revisions Requests for FTE adjustment per Sec. 25e Required Documentation – attach to Request Form 1. Copy of district enrollment form – DATED and signed. 2. Copy of attendance verification for first day of attendance STW program will be the 10 days of log-in plus mentor contact 3. Copy of residency verification 4. Student Schedule Start document collection day after count – October 3


38 School Aid Act - Revisions Requests for FTE adjustment per Sec. 25e  Inaccurate SRM/Request will be denied not changed Detailed specific training end of October – First week of November

39 PAM Revision Work-Based Learning  CTE WBL in-district placement can now be either paid (new) or unpaid  New forms  Training Plan  Training Agreements  In-District Placement Agreement

40 PAM Revisions Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, Independent Study (PAM 5-O-A)  Virtual Learning on-site with certificated teacher = no change  Virtual Learning on-site with adult present (NEW)  Certificated teacher assigned as mentor and act as teacher of record  Regular daily attendance  Limit on number  Self-Scheduled Virtual Learning  Certificated teacher assigned as on-site mentor  Limit on number  Attendance = attending on-site course concurrently enrolled in on count day (NEW) Does not have to attend building during time off-site class is scheduled

41 PAM Revisions Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, Independent Study (PAM 5-O-A)  Distance Learning = no change  Independent Study = no change  Limited number  Grade eligibility:  Virtual Learning: K – 12  Distance Learning: K – 12  Independent Study: 9 - 12

42 PAM Revisions Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, Independent Study (PAM 5-O-A) Number of courses allowed per count:  Unlimited: Virtual Learning with certificated teacher Distance Learning  Combined maximum of 2: On-site with adult Independent Study Self-scheduled


44 PAM Revision Seat Time Waivers (PAM 5-O-B)  Must meet both Attendance and Participation  Attendance = log-ins to course  Ten (10) days of log-in to at least one course still required  Blended STW = Physical attendance for day/time scheduled  Participation = Two-way mentor contact  Mentor Contact must be interactive and occur each and every week for the 4 week period beginning with count day. Wednesday Tuesday = week.

45 General MDE and CEPI Information

46 PAM Revision Seat Time Waivers (PAM 5-O-B)  No extension of time period for log-ins nor for weekly mentor contact time allowed for days when school is not in session.  If winter break is 4 school days or longer, requirement for weekly tw0-way interaction does not apply for that week. Does not change log-in requirement.

47 Seat Time Waiver  Three Options 1. Genesee ISD (GenNet) 2. IISD Project ReImagine 3. District STW  Attendance Data is required in General Collections  Attendance = weekly mentor contact  Field Audit – Back-up documentation for Mentor Contact and Log-ins

48 PAM Revision Cyber Schools (PAM 5-O-C) Expanded Online Learning (PAM 5-O-D)  Written for Section 21f of SAA  Effective January 2014 (second semester)  District must allow up to two online courses per term, semester, or trimester with consent of parent from courses listed in statewide catalog  Courses can be offered by primary district or another district  District has option of denying registration in the courses  Appeal process when denied  Primary district pays cost of course (up to 1/12 of foundation) 80% upon registering and 20% upon completion  Grades 5 – 12  District must provide course syllabus and list in statewide catalog

49 PAM Revision Homebound and Homebased Discipline - Mandatory  General Education :  Required periods of instruction MUST occur each and every week of the count period  GE – two 45-minute periods of instruction per week  Pro-rate to part time if not delivered – proration based on hours per week during the 4 week count window  Week = Wednesday to following Tuesday  {[(Minutes per session times total # sessions in 4 weeks) ÷ 20] x (# days in year)} ÷ 60 ÷ 1098  Doctor’s statement required – if missing claim as part time; same proration

50 PAM Revisions Homebound Instruction Special Education Students  1. Instructional services required = two 1-hour, nonconsecutive sessions per week, each week of 4 week count window.  AND  2. Doctor statement  Missing 1.) or 2.) FTE = Zero  No part time pro-rating allowed for special education pupils for missing required elements  Pro-rating only allowed if schedule is less than full schedule

51 PAM Revision Non-Public and Homeschool at Public Site  FTE calculated on actual “butt in seat” time and not # classes  [ [(Number of minutes per day) x (Number days per year)]÷ 60 ] ÷ 1098  Only one form for both elementary and secondary

52 General MDE and CEPI Information Non-Public Shared Time and Homeschool  FTE calculated on actual “butt in seat” time and not # classes  [ [(Number of minutes per day) x (Number days per year)]÷ 60 ] ÷ 1098 x ÷ 60 ÷ 1098 ÷ 60 x ÷ 1 098..\2013-2014\Nonpublic Homeschooled Pupils 2013-2014.xls

53 PAM Revision Non-Public Shared Time at Non-Public Site  Same formula  [[(Number of minutes per day) x (Number days per year)]÷ 60]÷ 1098  Can include passing time if passing is from one public school course to another  Professional development time is not included

54 General MDE and CEPI Information Part Time Pupils  FTE calculation cannot include professional development time  A GE homebound student who does not receive all required instruction can be counted as part time

55 Revised Forms Early Childhood Special Education Absence.1754 Same: Pupil absent for one or more of their scheduled days during the count week: A. Unexcused absence – must be present on that same day within 10 scheduled school days in order to calculate FTE based on IEP schedule B. Excused absence – pupil must be present on the same day(s) within 30 calendar days in order to calculate FTE based on IEP schedule C. No school days – not considered present

56 Revised Forms Early Childhood Special Education Changes:  1. Added “Program Days per Week”  2. Added “Weeks per Year” Calculation = # days ÷ Days per week  Can be a fraction ( 174 days ÷ 5 = 34.80 weeks)  3. Weeks per year will automatically fill

57 1.1. 2 2 P:\Pupil Acctg\2013-2014\Absence_Form_Early_Childhood_340.1754 13-14.xls

58 Revised Forms Part Time Students Changes:  1. Will do calculations if enter data in Excel form  2. K – 5 use different columns than grades 6 - 12  3. If grades 6, 7, or 8 don’t have specific class hours:  Change formula column L =IF(OR(D15<6,D15="K"),ROUND(G15/H15,2),(I15/K15))  Enter incorrect grade but correct on form manually after printing

59 P:\Pupil Acctg\2013-2014\Part-Time Pupils 2013-14.xls Formula

60 Forms New/Revised: Non-Public and Homeschooled Pupils Section 25 Requests Revised ECSE.1754 Absence List WBL Training Plan and Agreements Elementary and Secondary Absence Lists Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment Virtual, Distance Learning, Indep. Study Part Time Students Truancy Referral Form

61 The Early College (TEC) Lead Support/Contact: Peter Lincolnhol 483-1640 Shared Educational Entity (SEE) Entity Code = 00800 Program Participation Code = 3500

62 Due Dates:  November 7, 2012 – count packets to IISD and certify data with CEPI  November 14, 2012 – Final certification with CEPI and notify IISD of changes

63 Resources State Aid Act: Michigan Pupil Accounting and Attendance Association – MPAAA: Pupil Accounting Manual:,4615,7-140-6530_6605-22360--,00.html MSDS Manual and Component Matrix:,4546,7-113-986_50502---,00.html Ingham ISD Pupil Accounting Information and Forms:

64 CONTACT INFORMATION Ellen PerryKelly Jackson Pupil Accounting AuditorPupil Accounting Technician (517) 244-1203(517) 244-1207 Liz LentzJim Perry Supervisor Attendance Officer (517) 244-1288(517) 525-5245

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