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A Guide to Post 9/11GI Bill Educational Benefits Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Illinois State Approving Agency.

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1 A Guide to Post 9/11GI Bill Educational Benefits Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Illinois State Approving Agency

2 Thank you! Thank you for serving our nations’ veterans. The certifying officials are vital partners in this process. Your activities support the successful transition back into civilian life for these individuals. If you have any questions, ask your State Approving Agency and we will help you find the answer.

3 Illinois State Approving Agency (SAA) The SAA approves the following types of programs: Colleges and Universities Vocational Schools Business Schools Professional Schools Vocational Flight Schools High Schools Apprenticeships On-the-Job Training Programs Entrepreneurship Courses The SAA conducts “Outreach” by: Conducting Transition Assistance Briefings (TAP) Through publications and printed materials Presenting at Veterans’ meetings Administration of a GI Bill Effectiveness Survey

4 GI Bill Benefits: Entitlement Eligibility for any one Chapter of the GI Bill limited to 36 months. Eligibility for multiple Chapters of the GI Bill limited to 48 months total; maximum of 36 months from one Chapter. (i.e. 36 months CH30 and 12 months CH 1607) Individuals transferring to the Post-9/11 GI Bill from the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30) will be limited to the amount of remaining Chapter 30 entitlement. If the individual has exhausted Chapter 30 benefits they may be eligible for 12 months of Post 9/11 GI Bill.

5 Important Information About the GI Bill The Main Component: Education and Training Time Considerations: Veterans Have 10 years after separation from service to use their GI Bill Education Benefit under the Montgomery GI Bill Veterans Have 15 years after separation from service to use their GI Bill Education Benefit under the Post 9/11 GI Bill GI Bill Benefits May Apply to: Veterans Eligible Dependents (CH 35 and CH33) National Guard and Reserve Members

6 GI Bill Benefits: Approved Programs Education and Job Training Programs: –Colleges and Universities –Vocational and Trade Schools –Flight Schools –Apprenticeship and On-the-Job Training –Licensing and Certification tests Post 9/11 GI Bill: Only programs approved under chapter 30 and offered at a College or University. If eligible under previous GI Bills, the student is “grandfathered” into the above programs.

7 May not receive GI Bill Benefits for: Courses that don’t lead to an educational, professional, or vocational objective –Bartending Courses –Non-accredited independent study classes –Self-improvement courses –Audited courses Courses already successfully completed

8 GI Bill Benefits Overview “Old GI Bills” The Montgomery GI Bill, REAP (CH 1607) and Montgomery GI Bill SR (CH 1606) are entitlement programs that directly pay veterans a monthly benefit based on eligibility, rate of training, and type of training. Base Amount of Monthly Benefit for University and College Training (Full-time -12+ credits/term): –Chapter 30: $1426 –Chapter 1606: $337 –Chapter 1607: 90 days but less than 1 year: $570.40 (40% CH 30) 1 year but less than but less than 2 years: $855.60(60% CH 30) 2 years or more: $1,140.80 (80% CH30) College Funds/Kickers/Enlistment Incentives added to Base Amount

9 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Eligibility Individuals who served on active duty after 09/10/01 will be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill if the individual: Served on active duty (Title 10 for Reserve/Guard) for an aggregate period of at least 90 days. Served at least 30 continuous days on active duty and received a disability discharge.

10 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Eligibility Service Requirements (after 9/10/01 serve an aggregate of) % of Maximum Benefit Payable 36 months 100 30 continuous days ( Must be discharged with a disability) 30 months, but less than 36 months90 24 months, but less than 30 months80 18 months, but less than 24 months70 12 months, but less than 18 months60 06 months, but less than 12 months 50 90 days, but less than 06 months 40 100

11 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Eligibility Period In general, individuals will remain eligible for benefits for 15 years from: Date of last discharge; or Release from active duty of at least 90 continuous days.

12 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Tuition and Fees Charged Individuals are eligible for the applicable percentage (based on aggregate active duty service) of the lesser of—  Tuition and fees charged; or  Highest amount of tuition and fees charged for full-time, undergraduate training at a public university or college in the State the student is attending. (Determined by the State Approving Agency) Current Max Rates in Illinois: $629.75 for tuition per credit hour/$16,367 fees (These figures are subject to change each year.)

13 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Monthly Housing Allowance Equivalent to the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents –Amount determined by zip code of the IHL where the student is enrolled. –Prorated based on the percentage of the maximum benefit payable. Monthly Housing Allowance not paid in following situations: –Active duty –Training at ½ time or less –Training pursued exclusively via distance learning

14 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Book Stipend Up to $1,000 per year –Prorated based on the percentage of the maximum benefit payable. Paid proportionally for each quarter, semester or term attended. Active duty members are not eligible.

15 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Transfer of Entitlement On or after August 1, 2009, DOD may allow an individual to elect to transfer entitlement to one or more dependents if he/she — –Has served at least 6 years in the Armed Forces; and –Agrees to serve at least another 4 years in the Armed Forces. –Spouses may use transferred benefits after 6 years of service; dependent children after 10 years. DOD determines eligibility for transferability and may, by regulation, impose additional eligibility requirements and limit the number of months transferable. If approved, the recipient becomes a “clone” of the sponsor.

16 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Transfer of Entitlement Application process for Post 9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Entitlement (TOE): 1.The eligible person applies for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. This may be done either on-line ( or by completing VA Form 2.The applicant applies through the Department of Defense for authorization to make the transfer. There is a web portal on the VA’s GI Bill website to make this request. 3.If approved, the recipient applies for the Post 9/11 GI Bill either on-line or by completing VA Form 22- 1990e.

17 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Transfer of Entitlement Delimiting Date for Spouses –15 Year Delimiting Date for Veteran –Earlier Date set by Veteran –Revocation by Veteran Delimiting Date for Dependent Children –26 th Birthday of Dependent Child; or –Earlier Date set by Veteran; –Revocation by Veteran; Veteran and Dependents both responsible for overpaid benefits

18 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Yellow Ribbon Program Only individuals entitled to the 100 percent benefit rate (based on service requirements) may receive this funding. Universities and Colleges may voluntarily enter into an agreement with VA to pay tuition and fees charged that are not covered under chapter 33. VA will match each additional dollar funded by the school. The school contribution MUST appear on the student account statement. The combined amounts may not exceed the full cost of the school’s tuition and fees charged.

19 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Yellow Ribbon Program The list of schools participating in this program can be found on This process requires an annual renewal of your school’s participation. The VA will send out these applications to the schools in the late March or April timeframes. They are often not sent to the certifying officials but to the school administration. The school has control over the types of programs this program applies to, the amounts covered and the number of students the school will “admit” into this program.

20 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Overpayment of Benefits An individual who does not complete all courses in the certified period of enrollment will be charged an overpayment equal to the amount of ALL educational assistance paid for that period of enrollment. Tuition and Fee payments paid to the school on behalf of the veteran will be charged to the veteran. Overpayments made in error to the schools are still considered the veterans’ responsibility. Schools will follow their established student refund policy. Veterans may (or may not) receive a refund from the school!

21 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Return of Funds Tuition and Fee payments should be returned to VA by the institution if: –1.) The student died during the term and would have been due a refund. –2.) The student never attended. –3.) The institution received a payment for an individual that is not a student. –4.) The institution received a duplicate payment for a student.

22 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Return of Funds Institutions may return tuition and fee payments to VA by: a) Returning the electronically received Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payment using ACH return code R31. b) Returning the government-issued paper check to the: U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service P.O. Box 51318 Philadelphia, PA 19115-6316 c) Sending a school-generated check to the Agent Cashier of the Regional Processing Office of jurisdiction. The check must include student’s full name and social security number.

23 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Important Updates Visit frequently for important “real-time” The US DVA had announced that starting the week of January 25 2010, they began sending out letters to those who received the $3,000 advance for the Fall Term. The VA has indicated that those individuals who had not contacted the VA regarding this overpayment began to get $750 per month deducted from their BAH payments starting with the April,1 payment.

24 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Important Updates The average processing time for claims was reported by the VA to be 10-12 weeks for initial claims. The goal is to process claims in 24 days. BAH payments was adjusted in July 2010. The Chicago area BAH rate dropped from $1742 to $1689 per month. The VA has announced that they began to apply the 2010 BAH rates on September 1, 2010.

25 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: BAH Rate Update Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: BAH Rate Update 2009 BAH2010 BAHIncrease/ Decrease Champaign Urbana10451188143 Rock Island92993910 Peoria1029110475 Great Lakes11411281140 Scott AFB1056113175 Chicago17421689-53 Springfield/Decatur92297250 Joliet Army Depot1228127547 Rockford965105691

26 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Legislative Updates The main piece of legislation in Congress that address the Post 9/11 GI Bill; –S 3447 The Post 9/11 GI Bill Veterans Education Assistance Act. Also known as “GI Bill 2.0” Some of the proposed changes include; –Adding Apprenticeship, OJT and Vocational (NCD) programs to the Post 9-11 GI Bill. –Authorize Title32 AGR personnel to have Post 9-11 eligibility. –Allow disabled veterans to receive BAH for on-line education. –Streamline tuition payments to fully cover costs at all public schools and establish a baseline for all private and graduate schools.

27 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits: Legislative Updates There are other pieces of legislation to upgrade the Post 9-11 GI Bill. Some of the key points include; –Increase the reporting fees paid to schools. (HR3579) –Allow automatic transfer of GI Bill benefits to a spouse if the service member dies on active duty. (HR6372) –Include Non-College Degree programs in the Post 9/11 GI Bill. (HR3813) –Visit: for updates on these and other pieces of legislation.

28 Illinois National Guard Scholarship The National Guard Scholarship Program pays tuition and certain fees for either undergraduate or graduate study at all Illinois public universities and community colleges for Illinois National Guard service members. Basic Eligibility: Completed 1 year of service in the Illinois National Guard Enlisted member or officer Enrolled at a public Illinois 2-4 year college Not in default of any student load or owe a refund on any state or federal grant. Maintain acceptable grade point average. ***See for forms and details.

29 Illinois Veterans’ Grant (IVG) The Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program pays tuition and mandatory fees for either undergraduate or graduate study at all Illinois public universities and community colleges for Illinois Veterans who qualify. Basic Eligibility: Must have one full year of active duty in US Armed Forces with an honorable discharge Have resided in Illinois within six months before entering the service Return to Illinois within six months after discharge from the service ***See for forms and details.

30 Questions and Contact Info Ask to speak to a: Veterans Education and Training Specialist Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs Illinois State Approving Agency Springfield Office (217) 782-7838 Chicago Office (312) 814-2460 Springfield Fax (217) 524-8394 Chicago Fax (312) 814-2764 Outside of Illinois visit: The National Association of State Approving Agencies http://www.nasaa-vetseducation.org for contacts in your state.

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