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CONVIO TRAINING 3 Data Entry Entering checks & offline registrations.

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Presentation on theme: "CONVIO TRAINING 3 Data Entry Entering checks & offline registrations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONVIO TRAINING 3 Data Entry Entering checks & offline registrations

2 Agenda 1)TeamRaiser - Adding Offline Registrants 2)Confirmed vs. Unconfirmed 3)TeamRaiser - Adding Confirmed gifts to a swimmer Checks Credit Cards Batch Best practices 4)TeamRaiser – Adding Confirmed gifts to an event 5)TeamRaiser – Add Unconfirmed gifts to an event 6)360 – Deleting, editing a donation 4) Reporting on what you have entered

3 SAA: What is ImportantWill Convio Help? Efficiency No offline donations entered by swimmers, less fields but more accuracy. No duplicates. No swimmer complaints. Simplicity eCRM means that Convio, for the most part, knows what we want. Less fluff, simple process. Accuracy One basic tie out report, created in advance. Benefits of Convio

4 Adding Offline Registrants Start in the TeamRaiser and Drill down 1)Find your TeamRaiser and manage it 2)Register a Participant 3)Search for the Participant – if they exist in 360 already, you can populate their info If you enter a participant without searching first, Convio thinks you are not only registering a new participant, but a new Constitueny It only looks for dupes by email, not name. If your participant shares an email with someone in 360, it will ask if you meant to enter that person. If the person only shares a name, it won’t catch it… SO SEARCH FIRST 4)Add emergency contact info as a best practice 5)Add the minimum goal or it won’t save 6)If you are waiving the fee, change to zero and click “Record Cash” to register the participant anyway 7)Convio will create a page for this participant

5 Confirmed vs. Unconfirmed Gifts 1)Confirmed = We have it. Either it is a credit card donation or a check we have in hand. It will show up in reports and on thermometers online. 2)Unconfirmed = We do not have it. It is the equivalent of a pledge. It will show up in reports but not on your TR landing page on the thermometer. 3)Why Enter an Unconfirmed gift? – A corporate donate we know we are receiving. 4)Who should be entering confirmed/unconfirmed gifts – Brand Database Administrators (BDAs) and BDAs only. 5)Why to avoid entering Unconfirmed Gifts – Double the work, double the messiness. 6)Never mark an unconfirmed gift as confirmed unless you have it in hand…. Audit, reliable financial records, tie out, etc. Huge liability.

6 Buckets 1)Confirmed vs. Unconfirmed 2)Online vs. Offline 3)Cash vs. Check vs. Credit Batch 1)Batch = donations being entered at once 2)20 checks per batch max 3)All Offline gifts need to be assigned a batch for financial tie out 4)Every Convio batch = ML scanned batch 5)Batch titles will be “Chapter acronym – Date of DB entry – Batch #” Balt – 3/11/2011 – 1 Bos – 9/11/2011 – 1 Chi – 9/11/2011 – 1 Dal – 9/11/2011 – 1 Gre – 9/11/2011 – 1 LIS – 3/9/2011 – 1 Nash – 9/11/2011 – 1 NPP – 9/11/2011 – 1 NS – 9/11/2011 – 1 RI – 9/11/2011 – 1 Sea – 9/11/2011 – 1 SF – 3/9/2011 – 1 Defining Gifts

7 Add a Gift Constituent 360 - Edit a Gift Start in TeamRaiser Find the Swimmer Add the Donation Start in Constituent360 Find the Donor Edit the Donation

8 Adding Confirmed Gifts to a Swimmer 1)Start in the TeamRaiser & then Choose the swimmer 2)Search for an existing donor 3)One time gift, amount, cash/check/credit (we don’t allow cash) 4)Date – It will default the date to the entry date 5)Batch - Every offline Donation has a batch associated with it 6)Mark Confirmed Adding Confirmed Gifts to an Event 1)Start in the TeamRaiser & then Event Gifts Tab 2)Record Event Donation 3)Search for an existing donor 4)One time gift, amount, cash/check/credit (we don’t allow cash) 5)Date - It will default the date to the entry date 6)Batch - Every offline Donation has a batch associated with it 7)Mark confirmed Adding Confirmed Gifts

9 Adding Unconfirmed Gifts to a swimmer 1) We are not adding Unconfirmed gifts to swimmer’s unless extenuating circumstances call for it Adding Unconfirmed Gifts to an Event 1)Start in the TeamRaiser & then Event Gifts Tab 2)Record Event Donation 3)Search for an existing donor 4)One time gift, amount, cash/check/credit (we don’t allow cash) 5)Date - It will default the date to the entry date 6)Batch - Every offline Donation has a batch associated with it 7)Mark Unconfirmed Adding Unconfirmed Gifts

10 1)Start in the TeamRaiser 2)Manage Unconfirmed Gifts 3)Confirm or reject 4)Notes Check number does not carry over when you confirm it You have to go to 360, find the donor, edit the gift and add check number Very little info in the confirm/reject functionality to figure out which gift is which gift – BE CAREFUL Confirming Gifts

11 1)Start in 360 2)Find the donor 3)Transactions Tab 4)Make changes 5)Record Cash 6)Change should kick to the Online page immediately Editing Gifts

12 Pull a Basic Tie Out Report we have created for you 1)Data management  Reports  Report Writer 2)Choose your “Center” 3)Checks Entered Today 4)Run Report 5)Change the date/TR if you want Make Changes to your Output 1)Data Management  Reports  Report Writer 2)Choose your “Center” 3)Checks Entered Today 4)Edit 5)Select Columns 6)Bang Around Tips: Click next from step2 to step3 or it won’t save. Click last step on the left and save it – if you run it you will view results but your changes won’t save. Tie Out Report

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