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Presentation on theme: " Egypt Looking Forward Managing Changes in MENA Region Dr. Ihab Ahmed Abdelrahman, ICASA 2015 President, SAA President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt Looking Forward Managing Changes in MENA Region Dr. Ihab Ahmed Abdelrahman, ICASA 2015 President, SAA President,

2 Introduction Although Egypt considered as low prevalence country with less than 0.02% 1 among the general population, there was an epidemiological change to concentrated epidemic captured since 2006 2. Egypt has witnessed significant political unrest and deteriorating security since the 2011 revolution with a great socioeconomic impact. 1 HIV/AIDS Situation, Response and Gap Analysis 2010, Ministry of Health, Arab Republic of Egypt 2 Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006, MoHP/FHI

3 Current situation Prevalence rate less than 0.02% 1. PLHIV estimated to be 6,500 in 2013 2. Confirmed cases in 2013 were almost double the cases in 2012 3. There were 3,733 Known PLHIV by the end of 2013, among them 1,171 on ARVs 1. 1 HIV/AIDS Situation, Response and Gap Analysis 2010, Ministry of Health, Arab Republic of Egypt 2 Estimation projection, World AIDS report 2013, UNAIDS 3 GRPR, 2014

4 Modes of Transmission HIV/AIDS Situation, Response and Gap Analysis 2010, Ministry of Health, Arab Republic of Egypt

5 Awareness GARPR, 2014

6 Stigma & Discrimination among HIV infected Women Stigma Index, ESPSRH, Egypt, June 2014

7 Stigma & Discrimination among HIV infected Men Stigma Index, ESPSRH, Egypt, June 2014

8 Key Population Prevalence Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS

9 MSM Sexual Relations Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS

10 MSM Condom Use Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS Condom Use in Last 6 Months

11 PWID Sexual relations Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS

12 PWID Sexual relations with Male Partner Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS

13 PWID Condom Use Biological & Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2010, MoHP/FHI/CDS Condom Use in Last 12 Months

14 Challenges Political Challenges. Stigma and Discrimination. Challenges in Health System. Monitoring and Evaluation Challenges. Travel Restrictions.

15 Opportunities RANAA MENAHRA ENNAA NAHR Arab League Strategic Plan. Inmate harm reduction program. Piloting OST in Egypt. HIV legal services. OFID, and other Bilateral, Multilateral donors.

16 Outcome

17 Way Forward Combating stigma & Discrimination and Key population (Egypt, March 2015) Post 2015 (Algeria, May 2015) Role of CSOs in post 2015 (Morocco, July 2015) Reproductive Health (Zambia, December 2014) ARVs (Cote d’lvoire (Ivory Coast), 2015) Internetworking (SAA)


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