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How to Implement ABCD. Outline Background of my organisation Implementation strategies Plan to implement ABCD Challenges Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Implement ABCD. Outline Background of my organisation Implementation strategies Plan to implement ABCD Challenges Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Implement ABCD

2 Outline Background of my organisation Implementation strategies Plan to implement ABCD Challenges Opportunities

3 Background Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) was funded in 1986 by Dr. Norman Borlaug (Nobel Laureate), Mr. Ryoichi Sasakawa (Nippon Foundation Japan), and former US President Jimmy Carter. SAA is an international agricultural development NGO registered in Geneva, Switzerland. SAA has worked with the Carter Center’s Global 2000 Program to establish Sasakawa Global 2000 (SG 2000) SG 2000 Ethiopia was established In 1993. Works in all regions of the country. The goal is to increase production and productivity and help achieve food security

4 Implementation Strategies Since 2010 the strategy focuses on value chain approach 5 Thematic areas; 1. Crop productivity enhancement 2. Postharvest and agro processing 3. Public private partnership and market access 4. Human resource development 5. Monitoring, evaluation, learning and sharing

5 Implementation Strategies Main focus is on smallholder farmers and rural women Works in collaboration with different partners  Ministry of Agriculture on overall project implementation  Other GOs; Research institutes, cooperative promotion, seed agency, women affairs  Donors; NF, BMGF, JICA, CIMMYT, WFP  NGOs; ATA, Oxfam America, WISE  Cooperatives (PCs, CUs) and farmer groups  Private companies and individuals

6 Implementation Strategies Need based approach Farmers contribute their assets

7 Plan to Implement ABCD Feedback of ABCD training to the management More detail reflection during quarterly staff meeting for half day.  Advantage of ABCD than need based approach  Briefly discuss ABCD tools Plan with WISE to implement ABCD in one pilot area ◦ Discuss with Oxfam Canada to get human resource support ◦ Organize ToT for extension staff

8 Plan to Implement ABCD Facilitate training for leaders and active members of the group Follow up the activities of the group ◦ Identifying assets and opportunities (community mapping and leaky bucket) ◦ Identifying low hanging fruits ◦ Action planning Evaluate their activities and plan for introduction of high hanging fruits

9 Challenges Changing the approach of the organisation might take time Implementation might not possible in 2014 as panning time is over Extension staff turnover and reshuffling

10 Opportunities Good culture of the organisation (flexibility if convinced ) Availability of motivated farmer groups and leaders in the project areas Availability of organisations who implemented ABCD

11 Thank You

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