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Did You Know There Is Lead In Some Candy From Mexico?

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Presentation on theme: "Did You Know There Is Lead In Some Candy From Mexico?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did You Know There Is Lead In Some Candy From Mexico?

2 Is this true or are people just picking on Mexico?
Candy has been tested in California Lead has been found in candy made in Mexico with chili and tamarind Even small amounts of lead are very dangerous to young children Candy made in Mexico has been found with lead. Both U.S. and Mexican companies make candy in Mexico. The California Health Department tests candies to find out which ones have lead. Lead builds up in the body. Even small amounts are dangerous.

3 How is the lead getting into candy?
Lead in the candy can come from many places The soil where chilies are grown The factories where candy is made The ink on the candy wrappers

4 Why lead is getting into candy
Lead in the dirt Dirty factories Chilies grown in dirt and not washed Chilies packed in bags with lead weights Lead is in the dirt and the air from cars and trucks. Tamarind is sticky so the lead and pesticides in the dirt will stick to it. Factories can be dirty and store old leaded tools and parts with the chilies and tamarind Cleaning chilies can eliminate almost all of the lead but is only done by a few companies. When the chilies are not cleaned, dirt from soil sometimes gets into the candy.

5 What is lead poisoning and how does it hurt children?
Lead is a dangerous metal found in nature Lead is very harmful to a child’s brain It can cause serious problems with learning and behavior Problems can’t be reversed There is no need for any amount of lead in your body. It can cause behavior and emotional problems. It is not possible to reverse the harmful effects of lead poisoning.

6 Lead poisoning hurts children
A child can have lead poisoning and not look or act sick Even very small amounts of lead are not safe for children When there are symptoms, they can include diarrhea, stomach cramps, lethargy, vomiting, or seizures in some severe cases. Again, no amount of lead is needed in the body. Children are smaller and more likely to be poisoned by lead as they are developing and growing.

7 I grew up eating candy made in Mexico and there is nothing wrong with me!
It is only in the last 10 years that candy has been tested for lead No one is sure if lead in candy from Mexico is a new problem or an old problem What we are sure of is that lead may be very dangerous for children, even in small amounts The issue of lead in candy was not known before. Because of this, we can’t be sure if the candy had lead in it before.

8 What should I do for my children and family?
Children and pregnant women should avoid candy made in Mexico that is not on the safe candy list Ask your health care provider to give your child a blood lead test Most children are tested when they have their regular check-up at 1 and 2 years old A blood test for lead is the only way to know for sure if your child has too much lead in their body. Children should be tested at any age if they have never had a blood test for lead. A blood test for lead is especially important for children who just moved to the United States from a foreign country like Mexico.

9 Is there any way to know which candy has lead?
See a list of safe candy at Not all candy has been tested Candy that has been found to have lead so far contains either chili or tamarind Candy companies are starting to change how they make candy and testing for lead The same candy tested for lead may not always have lead in it. This happens because the chili and tamarind used for the candy come from different areas. One type of candy may be made in more than one factory. Because you can be sure it is important not to give children chili or tamarind candy.

10 Good habits also help Give children 3 meals and snacks every day
A full stomach will help keep lead from going into the body Give foods with calcium and iron Eating healthy meals helps to keep lead from staying in the body.

11 Foods High In Calcium Milk Yogurt Dried figs Cheese Broccoli
Bread fortified with calcium The body cannot tell the difference between lead and calcium. Calcium is a mineral that makes bones strong. If a child eats foods with a lot of calcium less lead will get into their bodies. If there is not enough calcium in the body, the body is more likely to absorb lead. Lead, like calcium, remains in the blood for a few weeks. Then it is absorbed into the bones, where it can stay for a lifetime.

12 Foods High In Iron Cereals fortified with Iron Liver
Dark green, leafy vegetables Chicken Dried fruits Lean meats Breads Iron helps produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to body cells. Almost 2/3 of iron in the body is found in hemoglobin. Note: Homegrown vegetables may have more dirt and lead. Encourage parents and caregivers to be careful when cleaning and preparing vegetables gown at home.

13 Have your child tested for lead
All children should be tested at 1 and 2 years old Ask about testing at your doctor’s visit Children should be tested at any age if they have never been tested before You can get tested for free with Medi-Cal or by contacting your local CLPPP for more information

14 What is being done about lead in candy?
The U.S. and Mexico are working together Mexican and American companies in Mexico are being visited Over 100 candies have been tested Some candy is banned from the U.S. Mexican and American companies that make candy in Mexico are working together to make candy safe. Some candy companies are working with the U.S. and Mexico to become certified as selling candy with no lead. Candy from many different countries is being tested for lead.

15 What else is being done? Factories are being cleaned
Chilies are being washed Candy wrappers and containers are being made safe The goal is to have no lead in candy. Candy companies are working on changing. This will take time.

16 What is happening in California?
We have California Law AB 121 Candy with lead can’t be sold in California The health department issues a warning when lead is found in candy Stores that sell candy are being alerted AB 121 says chili and tamarind candy with lead cannot be sold in California. The California Health Department can test, ban and remove chili and tamarind candy with lead from stores. A health advisories is given when lead has been found in candy to warn parents, health departments, schools and candy store owners. Anyone can sign up to get these health advisories through the internet.

17 Candy with lead may still be in stores
Not everyone knows about lead in candy Small stores, ice cream trucks or carts may not know Ask the person you buy candy from if they know Make sure the store owners buy candy from certified retailers A certified retailers must follow U.S and Mexico rules and pass tests to make sure their candy is safe from lead. Family members and friends should not bring chili and tamarind candy from Mexico.

18 Just remember... Chili and tamarind candy made in Mexico may have lead
You can’t tell if candy has lead in it just by looking at it or tasting it Eating candy with lead if you are pregnant may harm your unborn baby.

19 Make sure you... Only give candy made in Mexico to children if it is on the lead-safe list Only eat candy that is on the lead-safe candy list if you are pregnant Get your child tested for lead

20 How can I get more information about lead?
Talk to a health care provider Contact your County Childhood Lead Prevention Program Find out more at or Ask a health care provider and find a Childhood Lead Prevention Program near you. They can give you information about lead and help get your child tested.

21 Where to get information on lead poisoning
California Childhood Lead Prevention Program - CLPPP Programs California Food & Drug Branch California Health Department California Poison Control System

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