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Management Meeting Month X, 20XX

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Presentation on theme: "Management Meeting Month X, 20XX"— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Meeting Month X, 20XX
Lean in Action 5S System: Techniques for Efficient Workplace Organization Management Meeting Month X, 20XX

2 What is 5S? A visual method of workplace organization 5S helps to:
Have needed material, tools, supplies, and documentation at hand, organized, and identified Maintain a clean work area with tools and equipment in top condition Standardize workplace organization Maintain a occupationally-safe, ESD-safe, FOD-free workplace

3 In short, an organized workspace
Why employ 5S? An organized, clean workplace: Shortens Span Times Reduces the non-value added work of searching for materials, tools, equipment and paperwork Reduces Floor Space requirements Prevents and detects errors and defects Raises team pride and job satisfaction Makes work easier to accomplish In short, an organized workspace enhances safety improves quality and reduces cost and cycle time

4 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain

5 5S - Down to Basics SORT Remove all non-essential items from around the work area. Any essential items that do not fit or work, or are broken, are tagged for action. SET IN ORDER A place for everything and in its place. Arrange items so they can be found, retrieved and returned easily. SHINE Remove dust, dirt & debris. Cleaning will also highlight any previously unforeseen problems. Prioritize safety, quality and reliability issues. STANDARDIZE Spread through the work place. Checklists are made showing exactly where and when regular maintenance should take place. SUSTAIN Everyone who uses the work area is encouraged to adopt the new system. Eventually the new arrangements will become the culture. For 5S to be effective, everyone must take full responsibility for their own area of work, while supporting 5S throughout the shared workplace

6 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
Eliminate the clutter “When in Doubt, Throw It Out!” Create a place for everything and put everything in its place Arrange needed items so that they are easy to use and label them so that “anyone” can find them and put them away Use Visual Aids to aid understanding and minimize complexity Shadow Boards Labels (“Return addresses”) Clearly marked places for items that are movable Area Identification signs Lines on the floor Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain

7 Sort: Workstations What work is being Performed?

8 Sort: Workstations Before After

9 Sort: 5S Holding Area If unsure whether or not to discard an item, a 5S Holding Area should be established Items should remain in the area for a short period of time, reassessed, and either discarded or (if needed) placed back into the work area All items should have a 5S Holding Tag for identification (next slide) Items will be logged in a database and tracked

10 Sort: 5S Holding Tag (example)
Tag is used for tracking and maintaining items that are in the 5S Holding area that are to be reevaluated for either disposal or for placement back into appropriate area 5S Holding Tag should be filled out completely and logged into database Date placed in Holding Area Individual that tagged the item Area item came from (stock, assembly, Test area etc.) Short description (include P/Ns if necessary) Reason why in Holding Area (obsolete, not needed, broken, etc.) Proposed next steps to take Used to track all items example

11 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order
Organize and label, set boundaries and limits “A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place” Why: Makes things easy to locate, easy to put away, readily apparent if missing Results: No wasted time looking for tools or documents; they are identified and on hand when needed One-Step Rule: Nothing that is used daily is stored more than a step away. Improve economy of motion, save valuable seconds, and make the job less frustrating. 45 Degree Rule: Arrange the immediate work area layout to minimize twisting, especially applicable for bench work. If something weighs more than a few pounds, make sure it is beyond immediate reach so the lifter must reposition the body properly for lifting. Strike Zone Rule: Store things above the knees and below the chest. This will help to reduce the chance of back strain. Higher the Pounds - Closer to Knuckles: Locate heavy items to eliminate bending, stooping or unnecessary arm movements during lifting.

12 Set In Order: Tool Crib Before Organization

13 Set In Order: Tool Crib After Organization

14 Set In Order: Unorganized Toolbox

15 Set In Order: Organized Toolbox

16 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
Clean everything, inside and out “Inspection Through Cleaning” Why: Nobody works well around a mess; FOD can ruin or delay a mission; a clean workplace promotes pride and demonstrates an interest in quality; cleaning allows us to find problems with equipment and tools in time to prevent delays Results: A bright, clean, organized, work area that promotes confidence, quality, and on time delivery Standardize Sustain

17 Shine: Before Cleaning

18 Recognize and Reward the Team !!
Shine: After Cleaning Recognize and Reward the Team !!

19 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
Document the standard method for workplace organization so we always do things in the same way “Everything in a State of Readiness” Why: Standardizing the way we maintain a work area and perform our work promotes consistency in how work is approached and accomplished, and allows easier cross training and movement of personnel Results: Standardized presentation of work areas, material and tools for work Sustain

20 Standardize: Best Practices for Organization
Old way New Standard

21 Standardize: Best Practices for Organization
Old way New Standard

22 Standardize: Shadow Part Kits

23 Elements of a 5S Program Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain
Maintain discipline through systems and a supportive culture “Launching quality with persistence.” Why: Without sustaining the first 4 Ss, they will die; promotes a continuous improvement environment Results: Ever improving quality, cycle times, on time commitments; high motivation, recognition for excellence

24 Sustain: Teams set Standards to meet Customer Demand
Communications Board in the area shows the Continuous Improvement List, Current Schedules and Metrics White board is for anyone to post any issue to be put on the Continuous Improvement List

25 Sustain: Teams set Standards to meet Customer Demand – Show progress
Publicity !

26 Sustain: Standard Assessment Score (spider web chart)

27 Getting Started Form 5S Teams: Conduct 5S Kaizen event:
All players who regularly work in the work are/ center If you use tools, hook up & use test equipment, handle parts, or regularly handle travelers, drawings or Work Procedures in the area, we want you on the team Conduct 5S Kaizen event: Learn what a 5S workplace looks like Only needed things present Clean; dustless All things organized, arranged and identified Visuals help tell at-a-glance the state of the workplace (signs, posters, arrows, charts, schedules, etc.)

28 Getting Started Plan for Success: First Steps: Set team 5S goals
Appoint 5S champion(s) First Steps: Post 5S team roster with leader, champions, and backups for calibration, shelf life, job supplies Create a 5S holding area Sort unneeded items and move them to the 5S holding area Conduct monthly 5S Assessments Using Standard 5S Assessment

29 Monthly 5S Scoring -- example only --

30 What Level is Your Work Area?
Levels of Achievement What Level is Your Work Area? SORT SET IN ORDER SHINE STANDARDIZE SUSTAIN LEVEL 1 Just Beginning Necessary and unnecessary items are mixed together in the work area. Tools, supplies and materials are randomly located. Work/break areas and machinery are dirty and disorganized. Work place methods are not consistently followed and are not documented. Work place checks are randomly performed and there is no visual measurement of 5S performance. LEVEL 2 Focus on Basics separated. Designated location established for all items as needed. machinery are cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis. Key items identified. Methods are being improved, but changes have not been documented. A recognizable effort has been made to improve the condition of the workplace. LEVEL 3 Make It Visual All unnecessary items have been removed from the work area. Designated locations are marked to make organization more visible (color, outlines, labels, numbers, etc). Visual Controls are in place for labeling and quantity levels. Machines are cleaned daily. Working environment changes are documented and performed the same by all employees. Visual Controls are in place for labeling and quantity levels. 5S schedules and safety practices have been developed and are utilized. LEVEL 4 Focus On Consistency A dependable, documented method has been established to keep the work area free of unnecessary items. Documented method of visual sweep to identify items out of place or exceeding quantity limits. 5S techniques are understood and practiced continually. 5S schedules are posted and followed. Substantial process documentation is available and followed. Follow through with 5S schedules and safety practices is evident. LEVEL 5 Focus on Prevention Waste is immediately visible and triggers a planned response with root cause analysis and corrective action. Defined process to evaluate and improve movement and motion. Dependable, documented method of preventative cleaning and maintenance. Everyone is continually seeking the elimination of waste with changes documented and information shared. There is a general appearance of a confident understanding of, and adherence to, the 5S principles.

31 Let’s Go ! Designate and identify location(s) for cleaning gear
Tape aisle ways and perimeter of work areas Shadow box all needed tools; hang large tools on outline boards Sweep/ shine floors; post a cleaning schedule w/ names & assignments Clean in corners, around I-beams & columns; wipe off wire molds, vents, equipment, cabinets so that there is no dirt, dust, paper clips, loose pens, loose papers, sticky notes, throw away or put away ANYTHING laying around Remove things from the top of cabinets, consoles, tables, chairs, etc.

32 Let’s Go ! ANYTHING that HAS to be stacked is stacked neatly (90°) in a designated location Implement visual helps to indicate where things go, including cleaning and safety gear Conscientiously conduct FOD and ESD surveillance Perform TPM on equipment Keep aisles clear; limit extension cords; no tripping or tipping hazards; call attention to safety equipment locations Visually highlight equipment safety features (emergency stops, stay out areas, etc.)

33 Let’s Go ! Post evacuation routes near exits
ID chemical storage cabinet locations and check frequently ID and Wear protective equipment Have MSDS sheets in a clearly marked area Find a place for EVERYTHING; mark its perimeter and identify it Maintain the 5S bulletin board Evidence “clean-as-you-go” throughout the day Assess the area monthly; discuss and act on results Post results in 5S display area Hang posters, signs, etc. to sustain 5S

34 Management Meeting Month X, 20XX
Lean in Action 5S System: Techniques for Efficient Workplace Organization Management Meeting Month X, 20XX

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