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“Man’s heart away from Nature becomes hard.” -Standing Bear.

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Presentation on theme: "“Man’s heart away from Nature becomes hard.” -Standing Bear."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Man’s heart away from Nature becomes hard.” -Standing Bear

2 Water is the Enemy High volume and high velocity water must be taken into consideration in trail design Where other areas can get by with 10% grade, desert trails should aim for no more than 5-7%

3 Soils are Less Stable Sandy and rocky Little clay No organic binders Low shear strength

4 Design a Positive Experience

5 Design For Safety Calming devices Sight Lines Appropriate Width

6 Protect Resources Habitat Historical/Cultural Trails that meet needs

7 Give ‘em What They Want! Viewpoints Loops Places of interest Or they will go there anyway!

8 Make it Fun! Contours, turns and dips Variety is the spice of trails

9 Be Consistent Sudden changes = bad Sudden changes without warning = very bad

10 Safety First Calming devices can be fun Open sight lines Wide at beginning Wide on steep side slopes

11 Construction

12 Crossing Drainages Check dams above and below Contour into large drainages Cross at a right angle

13 Crossing Large Drainages Build up with crib walls Direct flow to middle Downstream side higher

14 Rocks Rock

15 Molars If placed by Nature they work well If placed by man, not so good If necessary, think big If not big, use several rocks to interlock

16 Crib Walls Good when bedrock or big rocks make benching impossible Must be stable; pass the “jump test” The bigger the rocks the better… …But sometimes smaller rocks fit better

17 Crib Wall Construction On rocky side hills, let wall be above tread a few inches to hold soil When possible, weather side out Fill big to small

18 Armoring When all else fails… Leave an option for stock Find a molar

19 Getting Water Off Rolling grade dip, not so good Grade reversal is best Done properly, knicks work well

20 Diversions Why wait? Sometimes you can take the water off before it hits the trail

21 Outslope Aggressive is good (5-8%) Ankle roll test

22 Aesthetics Build with a light touch The desert recovers slowly Make a new trail look old

23 Aesthetics Tips 1 Take clippings out of sight, cut end away from trail Palo Verde branches can be put under another tree, cut end to trunk (1-2) Prune for a natural look No hat racks Rub dirt on fresh cut

24 Aesthetics Tips 2 Work dirt lengthwise on trail to keep it from spreading downhill from tread Pile dirt in middle, then broadcast (far) or cart away Save rocks with weathered side above trail, place strategically after tread is done

25 Aesthetics Tips 3 Rocks without weathered surfaces (excavated) should be out of sight If you mine rocks above the trail, cover holes (and slides) with weathered rocks After work is complete, look above and below for any construction debris, cuttings

26 Maintenance No trail is maintenance-free, but sustainable trails require minimal work Walk completed trail several times to look for potential trouble spots Walk after first significant rain to check performance

27 Thank You!!

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