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LOC Design with CAD Lecture Slides. Learning Objectives  Learn creating LOC part file using Solidworks  Learn to do basic dimensioning for the LOC part.

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Presentation on theme: "LOC Design with CAD Lecture Slides. Learning Objectives  Learn creating LOC part file using Solidworks  Learn to do basic dimensioning for the LOC part."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOC Design with CAD Lecture Slides

2 Learning Objectives  Learn creating LOC part file using Solidworks  Learn to do basic dimensioning for the LOC part file

3 Lab-on-a-Chip Designs  For this class you will create two LOC designs per team sequentially through the semester.  The two designs are created to adapt your design ideas to two different chipholder designs and explore different design approaches  4-Hole Chipholder  3-Hole Chipholder  The Chip Requirements document on the Nano Lab Documents Page describes the requirements of the two designs.

4 Leveraging Lab 1 Experiences  What went wrong or did not work well? How can this “generic benchmark” be improved upon?  What prevents good performance (e.g., dirt, scratches, poor seals, channel/well proximity, well geometry, etc.) and how can this knowledge be used to create a better design and better practices when testing the design?  Use your observations! Be creative! Use multiple approaches.  Your design should be a marriage of function and form!

5 LOC Design  Goals  Optimize fluid flow from staging to detection and waste wells  Completely fill the detection well for examination  Design choices  Number of wells and channels  Shapes of wells and channels  Location and size of wells

6 LOC in Chipholder

7 LOC Manufacturing Constraints  LOC designs will be milled from an acrylic wafer  The milling machine will be using a very small circular bit.  Should not create any internal sharp corners since a circular bit cannot make that shape.  For such features, round the internal corners with a radius of curvature of at least 200 microns.  Also no channel or opening can be smaller than 300 microns.  Extruded part file should be 1/8” (5000 microns) thick with wells and channels 200 microns deep. Put your group letter on one side of the chip for identification.

8 Round the internal corners with a radius of curvature of at least 200 μm LOC Manufacturing Constraints – Internal corners

9 Deliverables Design Deliverables Each team will provide two chip designs for the LOC device – One design for each chipholder Initial Sketch Design Submission for the 1 st chip Preliminary 1 st design 1st Chip Design Submission 2 nd Chip Design Submission Hand-drawn sketchRequired Not required Solidworks DeliverableNot required Dimensione d Part File to GTA Dimensioned Part File to GTA 1.Printout of dimensioned drawings 2. Send Solidworks part file to GTA Operational ProcessNot required Per Chip Requirements Revised CalculationsNot required Detection well Volume Per Chip RequirementsPer Chip Reqts. Doc.

10 LOC Specifications  Chip Diameter – 50800 μm  Chip Thickness – 5000 μm  Depth of ALL Features – 200 μm  Channel widths – 300 μm – 400 μm  Detection Well Volume – 3 μl  Round all sharp corners!  Refer to Project Documentation, Checklist, and Deliverables document

11 Preliminary Design  Solidworks Part File emailed to GTA, due per website.  Includes: Use of 4-hole chip holder design (seed file) to ensure well alignment  Dimensioned Part File  Calculation of detection well volume  Include separate simple logo to identify your chip  Instructional Team will provide feedback of the designs


13 1st Design Submission  Based on the feedback from the preliminary design by your GTA  Send the part files (.SLDPRT) to TA (insure proper extrusion)  Operational Process  Calculations for all features per Chip Requirements document

14 2 nd Design Submission  Based on the revisions suggested in the 1st design Should be drawn on 3 hole chip holder design (seed file) to ensure alignment.  Dimensioned Chip Design drawing file with top view scaled up to 3:1.  Send the part files (.SLDPRT) to TA (insure proper extrusion)  Revised Operational Process  Calculations for all features per Chip Requirements document

15 Solidworks Part File  Use the 4 Hole (1 st Design) and 3 Hole (2 nd Design) chipholder templates to create your design.  The templates are in the seed files on the website (dimensions set to microns and has chipholder geometry)

16 Chip Holder Design with Chip

17 Solidworks Steps  Go to lab webpage and open Seed File from Solidworks  Extrude circular shape back into sheet 5000 microns  Put sketch plane on circular shape  Turn on visibility of chipholder access holes 17

18 Solidworks steps (cont.)  Design your features using the access holes locations. Put a simple team logo. Connect wells with channels.  Dimension the size all features  Finish sketch, features and logo  Extrude the features into the sheet 200 microns.  Send part file to GTA with correct naming convention. 18

19 SolidWorks: Dimensions Dimensional Constraints can be added using the Smart Dimension Button 1.Click on the entity 2.Move cursor off object 3.Click once more to place dimension When Constraints are applied the following dialog box will appear displaying Dimension Name Editable Dimension Value Options (direction, etc.)

20 SolidWorks: Dimension Options Or even 2 points as long as the correct direction is chosen ( the Smart Dimension tool shows options when moving the mouse) Dimensions can be added between 2 lines by selecting the lines sequentially Between a point and a line

21 SolidWorks: Circles and Arcs Circles or Arcs can be dimensioned by the diameter (Ø) or radius (R) A circle can be located by its center point by constraining both the x and y directions

22 SolidWorks: Angular Dimensions Angular Constraints can be added by clicking one line and then the other line. SolidWorks will automatically assume angular constraint.

23 Generic Dimensioned Design Locate dimensions for ease of readability Provide dimensions for size and shape of wells and size of channels Team letter only needs overall width and length dimension

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