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By: Josh Armstrong and Brandon Lennert

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1 By: Josh Armstrong and Brandon Lennert
Amphibians By: Josh Armstrong and Brandon Lennert

2 Amphibians Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Sub-Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Amphibians

3 Aquatic ties Larvae Gills Tails Herbivores Moist skin
Will suffocate if Co2 can’t be disposed of Adult Must lay eggs in H2o Lack outer shell

4 Terrestrial ties Adults Lungs + moist skin Legs Carnivores
More efficient heart

5 Evolution of amphibians
360 million years ago Evolved from lobed fin fish Bones in pectoral region (Forearms) Pelvic fins (Hind legs) Leg bones strong Support body weight

6 Traits of Amphibian class
Metamorphosis- Change form (Aquatic Larvae -> Terrestrial Adult) Cold blooded- Ectoderms (Use environment to regulate heat) External fertilization Need H2o No shells Jelly crated eggs Feet if present, lack claws and are often webbed Moist porpoise skin Respiration (In O2 and H2o, Out Co2 and H2o)

7 Traits of amphibian class (Continued)
Respire Gills Lungs Skin ?v=bHwAguHqYnU

8 Three orders (Anura) Means: Tailless 3800 species of frogs and toads Lay jelly coated eggs in H2o Tadpoles- Compact bodies Tongue sticky, long

9 Three orders (Urodela)
400 different species Salamanders and Newts Long tails Elongated bodies Moist Skin Four limbs Found almost worldwide

10 Three orders (Apoda or Gymnophiona)
Leg less amphibians 160 species Caecilians Can be up to 12 inches long Lives in tropics and in dirt/soil Eats insects

11 Life of a frog Larvae Small with fish like traits
Tail, gills , no limbs, …, ect. Adult Bigger with no fish like taits Forelimbs, hind limbs, lungs, …, ect. ians/AmphibianGame_1.html

12 External Covering Moist skin Why?!? Used for protection
slippery easier to escape Respiration Takes in oxygen Releases carbon dioxide

13 Nervous System Brain same size as a fish No care process for young
Very good vision Nictitating membrane Goggles underwater Also keeps eyes moist games/amphibian-games/frog-games/sc_letterfall_frog.html

14 Nervous system continued
Tympanic Membrane Picks up vibrations in water No ears Nares For smell Internal and external

15 Internal Structures Endoskeleton Adaptations Radius, ulna are fused
Tibia and fibula are fused the beginning of joints

16 Digestive System Larvae are herbivores Adults are carnivores
mal_and_nature_games/amphibian- games/frog-games/frog-jigsaw.html

17 Digestion Continued from beginning to end
Mouth- 2 types of teeth, forcing it to gullet Pharynx- opening from mouth to gullet Gullet- opening to esophagus Esophagus- moves food to stomach Stomach- starts protein digestion

18 Digestion continued Small intestine No pyloric caeca
Protein, lipid, and carb digestion Large intestine No digestion Food molecules absorbed into blood Cloaca Urogenital and digestion into one

19 Digestion continued Vent Similar to anus (Everything exits)

20 Circulatory system Larvae Adult 1 loop system 2 chambers 2 loop system
3 chambered heart

21 Respiratory system 2 types Respire through moist skin
Mouth-glottis- trachea lungs Take in O2 and release Co2

22 Excretory system Kidneys Waste
2 lie along back wall of frog, under reproductive organs Blood into kidney Kidney filters out nitrogenous waste Waste Urea, salts and H20 (urine) stored in urinary bladder

23 Reproductive System (Male)
Sperm made in testes Travels through sperm ducts to cloaca Exits out vent

24 Reproductive system (Female)
Eggs made in ovaries Travels along oviduct where jelly coating is applied Eggs empty out into cloaca and exit out vent

25 Frog life cycle Embryonic development Fertilization Fertilized egg
Cleavage Yolk plug Neutral fold Organ formation

26 Frog life cycle continued
Larval development Hatching External gill Operculum Hind legs Fore legs Tail resorption

27 Frog life cycle continued
Adults (Metamorphosis) Legs form Mouth broadens Develops teeth and jaws Lungs become functional Circulatory system becomes 2-loops, 3 chambered heart Terrestrial and aquatic

28 Mating During warm spring frogs emerge from hibernation
Migrate to ponds/ moist areas Males, which have vocal sacs, call to attract females of their own species Females respond to call Male climbs on the back of female and amplexus occurs forcing female to pass mature eggs Male disperses sperm into water near the eggs mes/amphibian-games/frog-games/frog-word-o-rama.html

29 Amphibian fun facts Hundreds of millions of years ago, amphibians became the first vertebrates to live on land. Some turtles and tortoises, including the Eastern box turtle, can live for more than a century. More than 75 percent of all toad and frog species in the world live in tropical rainforests. The word amphibian means “Double life” -games/frog-games/sc_spelling_frog.html

30 Work citied
(funny video) (dissection) (difference in reptile and amphibians) "Amphibians." Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan "Amphibian Quiz." Amphibian Quiz. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan  "Amphibian Quiz." Amphibian Quiz. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan

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