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Published byGeorgina Allison Modified over 9 years ago
Software Agent - architecture-
Outline Overview of agent architectures Deliberative agents
Deductive reasoning Practical reasoning Reactive agents Hybrid agents Summary
Agent Architectures An agent is a computer system capable of flexible autonomous action Autonomy, reactiveness, pro-activeness, and social ability Kaelbling considers an agent architecture to be A specific collection of software (or hardware) modules, typically designated by boxes with arrows indicating the data and control flow among the modules. A more abstract view of an architecture is as a general methodology for designing particular modular decompositions for particular tasks. Maes defines an agent architecture as: A particular methodology for building [agents]. It specifies how… the agent can be decomposed into the construction of a set of component modules and how these modules should be made to interact. The total set of modules and their interactions has to provide an answer to the question of how the sensor data and the current internal state of the agent determine the actions… and future internal state of the agent. An architecture encompasses techniques and algorithms that support this methodology.
Brief History of Agent Architectures
Originally ( ), pretty much all agents designed within AI were symbolic reasoning agents Its purest expression proposes that agents use explicit logical reasoning in order to decide what to do Problems with symbolic reasoning led to a reaction against this — the so-called reactive agents movement, 1985–present From 1990-present, a number of alternatives proposed: hybrid architectures, which attempt to combine the best of reasoning and reactive architectures
Types of Agent Architecture
Deliberative approach Deductive reasoning agents Practical reasoning agents Reactive approach Hybrid approach
Deliberative Agents (1)
We define a deliberative agent or agent architecture to be one that: It contains an explicitly represented, symbolic model of the world It makes decisions (for example about what actions to perform) via symbolic reasoning It suggests that intelligent behavior can be generated by such representation and manipulation of symbols This paradigm is known as symbolic AI Explicit symbolic model of the world in which decisions are made via logical reasoning, based on pattern matching and symbolic manipulation Sense-plan-act problem-solving paradigm of classical AI planning systems Examples of deliberative architectures BDI GRATE*, HOMER Shoham: Agent-Oriented Programming
Deliberative Agents (2)
o r E f c t World Model Planner Plan executor Agent
Problems of Deliberative Agents
Performance problems Transduction problem time consuming to translate all of the needed information into the symbolic representation, especially if the environment is changing rapidly. Representation problem how the world-model is represented in symbolically and how to get agents to reason with the information in time for the results to be useful. Late results may be useless Does not scale to real-world scenarios
Deductive Reasoning (1)
Deliberative Agents Deductive Reasoning (1) How can an agent decide what to do using theorem proving? Basic idea is to use logic to encode a theory stating the best action to perform in any given situation Let: be this theory (typically a set of rules) be a logical database that describes the current state of the world Ac be the set of actions the agent can perform ├ mean that can be proved from using Agent internal state: a set of rules the current state of the world Environment Agent see action next ,
Deductive Reasoning (2)
Deliberative Agents Deductive Reasoning (2) /* try to find an action explicitly prescribed */ 1. for each a Ac do 2. if ├ Do(a) then 3. return a 4. end-if 5. end-for /* try to find an action not excluded */ 6. for each a Ac do 7. if ├ Do(a) then 8. return a 9. end-if 10. end-for 11. return null /* no action found */
Example of Deductive Reasoning (1)
Deliberative Agents Example of Deductive Reasoning (1) The Vacuum World: A robot to clean up a house Environment 3 x 3 grids The vacuum world changes with the random appearance and disappearance of dirt Always starting at (0, 0) and facing north Always a definite orientation d {north, south, west, or east} Agent perception: only perceive dirt beneath it Possible actions: Ac = {turn, forward, suck} Goal: traverse the room continuously searching and clear dirt
Example of Deductive Reasoning (2)
Deliberative Agents Example of Deductive Reasoning (2) Representation of the world Use 3 domain predicates to solve problem: In(x, y) agent is at (x, y) Dirt(x, y) there is dirt at (x, y) Facing(d) the agent is facing direction d Update the world model of two stages In and Facing predicates: update: D Ac D Dirt predicate: next : D Per D Rules for determining what to do:
Discussion of Deductive Reasoning
Deliberative Agents Discussion of Deductive Reasoning Advantages Simple Elegant logical semantics Problems: How to convert video camera input to Dirt(0, 1)? Time complexity for reasoning (search the space) decision making assumes a static environment: calculative rationality decision making using logic is undecidable!
Practical Reasoning (1)
Deliberative Agents Practical Reasoning (1) Practical reasoning is reasoning directed towards actions “Practical reasoning is a matter of weighing conflicting considerations for and against competing options, where the relevant considerations are provided by what the agent desires/values/cares about and what the agent believes.” (Bratman) Human practical reasoning consists of two activities: Deliberation: deciding what state of affairs we want to achieve Means-ends reasoning: deciding how to achieve these states of affairs The outputs of deliberation are intentions
Practical Reasoning (2)
Deliberative Agents Practical Reasoning (2) Intentions The state of affairs that an agent has chosen and committed to It plays a crucial role in the practical reasoning process Intentions drive means-ends reasoning Intentions are persist Intentions constrain future deliberations Intentions are closely related to beliefs about the future Means-end reasoning Basic idea is to give an agent: representation of goal/intention to achieve representation actions it can perform representation of the environment Have it generate a plan to achieve the goal Known as planning in AI community state of environment goal/ intention/ task possible actions planner plan to achieve goal
Example of Practical Reasoning (1)
Deliberative Agents Example of Practical Reasoning (1) The Blocks World Contains a robot arm, 3 blocks (A, B, and C) of equal size, and a table-top Use the closed world assumption: anything not stated is assumed to be false Representation of the environment On(x, y): obj x on top of obj y OnTable(x); obj x is on the table Clear(x): nothing is on top of obj x Holding(x): arm is holding x ArmEmpty: arm is empty A goal is represented as a set of formulae Here is a goal: OnTable(A) OnTable(B) OnTable(C) A B C Clear(A) On(A, B) OnTable(B) OnTable(C) A B C
Example of Practical Reasoning (2)
Deliberative Agents Example of Practical Reasoning (2) Actions= {stack, unstack, pickup, putdown} Actions are represented using STRIPS operators Pre-condition/delete/add list notation Each action has: a name: which may have arguments a pre-condition list: list of facts which must be true for action to be executed a delete list: list of facts that are no longer true after action is performed an add list: list of facts made true by executing the action Example “stack” The stack action occurs when the robot arm places the object x it is holding is placed on top of object y. Stack(x, y) pre Clear(y) Holding(x) del Clear(y) Holding(x) add ArmEmpty On(x, y) A B
Practical Reasoning: Plan
Deliberative Agents Practical Reasoning: Plan A plan A sequence (list) of actions, Π=(a1, ....., an), determines n+1 environment state Δ0, Δ1, , Δn A plan is correct Δ0 is the initial state the precondition of every action is satisfied in the preceding environment state Δn is the goal state Plan generation becomes search problem Forward search Backward search Heuristic search I G a1 a17 a142
Discussion of Practical Reasoning
Deliberative Agents Discussion of Practical Reasoning Problem: deliberation and means-ends reasoning processes are not instantaneous. They have a time cost. Suppose the agent starts deliberating at t0, begins means-ends reasoning at t1, and begins executing the plan at time t2. Time to deliberate is tdeliberate = t1 – t0 Time for means-ends reasoning is tme = t2 – t1 So, this agent will have overall optimal behavior in the following circumstances When deliberation and means-ends reasoning take a vanishingly small amount of time When the world is guaranteed to remain static while the agent is deliberating and performing means-ends reasoning, so that the assumptions upon which the choice of intention to achieve and plan to achieve the intention remain valid until the agent has completed deliberation and means-ends reasoning When an intention that is optimal when achieved at time t0 (the time at which the world is observed) is guaranteed to remain optimal until time t2 (the time at which the agent has found a course of action to achieve the intention).
Behavior Languages Brooks has put forward three theses
Intelligent behavior can be generated without explicit representations of the kind that symbolic AI proposes Intelligent behavior can be generated without explicit abstract reasoning of the kind that symbolic AI proposes Intelligence is an emergent property of certain complex systems He identifies two key ideas that have informed his research Situatedness and embodiment: ‘Real’ intelligence is situated in the world, not in disembodied systems such as theorem provers or expert systems Intelligence and emergence: ‘Intelligent’ behavior arises as a result of an agent’s interaction with its environment. Also, intelligence is ‘in the eye of the beholder’; it is not an innate, isolated property
Subsumption Architecture
A hierarchy of task-accomplishing behaviors Each behavior is a rather simple rule-like structure Each behavior ‘competes’ with others to exercise control over the agent Lower layers represent more primitive kinds of behavior (such as avoiding obstacles), and have precedence over layers further up the hierarchy The resulting systems are, in terms of the amount of computation they do, extremely simple Some of the robots do tasks that would be impressive if they were accomplished by symbolic AI systems
Reactive Agents (1) Reactive agents have Behavior-based paradigm
at most a very simple internal representation of the world provide tight coupling of perception and action Behavior-based paradigm Intelligence is a product of interaction between an agent and its environment. Do we really need abstract reasoning?
Reactive Agents (2) Agent . S e n s o r E f c t
Stimulus-response behaviours State1 State2 Staten Action1 Action2 Actionn .
Reactive Agents (3) Each behavior continually maps perceptual input to action output Reactive behavior: action: S -> A where S denotes the states of the environment, and A the primitive actions the agent is capable of perform. Example: action(s) = Heater off, if temperature OK Heater on, otherwise
Discussion of Reactive Agents
Advantages: simplicity, economy, computational tractability, robustness against failure, elegance Problems Agents without environment models must have sufficient information available from local environment If decisions are based on local environment, how does it take into account non-local information (i.e., it has a “short-term” view) Difficult to make reactive agents that learn Since behavior emerges from component interactions plus environment, it is hard to see how to engineer specific agents (no principled methodology exists) Typically “handcrafted” Development takes a lot of time Impossible to build large systems? Can be used only for its original purpose
Comparison between Two Approaches
Hybrid Agents (1) Combination of deliberative and reactive behavior
An agent consists of several subsystems Subsystems that develop plans and make decisions using symbolic reasoning (deliberative component) Reactive subsystems that are able to react quickly to events without complex reasoning (reactive component) Examples: InteRRaP Touring Machines Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) 3T
Hybrid Agents (2) Agent . S e n s o r Reactive component World Model
f c t Reactive component State1 State2 Staten Action2 Actionn . World Model Planner Plan executor Deliberative component Action1 observations modifications
Hybrid Agents: Layered Architectures
Action output Layern Layern Layern-1 Layern-1 . Action output Sensor input Layer2 . Layer2 Layer1 Layer1 Sensor input Action output
Hybrid Agents: InteRRaP
Cooperation layer Social knowledge Plan layer Planning knowledge Behaviour layer World model World interface Perceptual input action output
Summary Features of each agent architecture
Deliberative agents Reactive agents Hybrid agents How to organize information processing of agents? Hierarchical modeling Functionalized modularization Learning of internal modules Next lectures Implementation of agent architectures Multi-agent systems
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