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BCTC Presents: Fall Conferen ce October 24 th -25 Training for BCTC / ACBC Certific ation Winter & Summer Sessions Biblical Counseling Resources Master.

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1 BCTC Presents: Fall Conferen ce October 24 th -25 Training for BCTC / ACBC Certific ation Winter & Summer Sessions Biblical Counseling Resources Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling Support for Local Churches

2 Friday, Oct. 24, 2014 Individual $25 Mother/Daughter $40 Our Gift to You: Friday’s Luncheon is included with your registration! “I Feel, therefore I do!” Charlotte Richardson “A Mother’s Heart” Sandi Nieman “I Think, therefore I Do!” Janet Gustafson “The Christian Woman and her Friends” - Robyn Bloomquist Q&A time with an all female panel of trained and experienced Biblical Counselors Credit Card registration is available at Registration & Coffee starts at 9 AM Our day together ends at 4 PM. ………………. Topics Of the Day

3 FRIDAY EVENING & SATURDAY October 24-25, 2014 Pastor Dave Harvey’s conference messages: When Sinners Say "I Do": Sin, When Sinners Say "I Do": Mercy, and When Sinners Say "I Do": The Quest for Contentment. Dave will also be offering a workshop on Marriage and Family.

4 BCTC Fall Conference Workshops: “Marriage and Family: Faith for Barren Times” - Pastor Dave Harvey “The Sufficiency of God’s Word & Counsel from Psalm 119” - Pastor Tom Angstead “Yours, Mine, Ours, or God’s – The Blended Family” - Wayne & Sandi Nieman “Prioritizing your First Love” - Pastor Trey Richardson “High Signs” A Familiarization with Common Drugs and Their Effects. - Police Commander Pete Smith “Our Role as Helper” - Charlotte Richardson "Sufferology: Learning to Suffer with the Counselee” - Pastor Nick DeBenedetto “What is Biblical Counseling?” - Pastor Darrell Gustafson “LOGOS Workshop" “When it Hurts to Live!” - Understanding the World of the Self-Injurer - Janet Gustafson "Physicians of the Soul, the Puritans and Counseling" - Pastor John Giarrizzo

5 BCTC FALL CONFERENCE This year, the annual BCTC Fall Conference and our 2014 Women’s Day will be hosted by Sovereign Grace Church 1280 N. Cooper Rd. Gilbert, Az. 85233. Please register today. This promises to be an exciting two days. We wouldn’t want you to miss it! BCTC Fall Conference Registration (Friday Evening & Saturday, Oct. 24-25, 2014) Individual $50 Couple $85 Saturday Luncheon is included with early registration! (Part time registration is also available.)


7 Visit the Logos Booth at the BCTC Fall Conference

8 BCTC Training Opportunities Our Next Training Session: Saturday January 10th, 24th, February 14th, 28th, March 14th and 28th Where: Grace Covenant Church 1255 N. Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ Times: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Brown Bag Lunch) Cost: Single - $375 Couple - $500 (Textbooks will be extra) Contact: 480-813-0883 ext. 3 go to our website:

9 Master’s in Biblical Counseling Coming The Biblical Counseling Training Center (BCTC) of Arizona and Harvest Bible Chapel are excited to bring the first non- integrationist biblical counseling master's degree program to the state of Arizona through a partnership with Faith Bible Seminary (FBS). Faith Bible Counseling Ministry has in the past educated with excellence thousands of biblical counselors over the years. Now FBS is taking the counseling training to new level with their Master's in Biblical Counseling (MABC) degree program using a combination of internet courses and on-site internal residency weeks, one-week per semester for specific courses.

10 How does Master’s in Biblical Counseling Work? Online Classes These classes are 100% online. 5 of our 12 classes are in this format Module Classes These classes are a mix of online and class time. 5 of our 12 classes are in this format. Go to for more information

11 Where can I go for biblical counseling? Churches that have BCTC/ACBC trained counselors: Grace Covenant Church – Gilbert, Az. - Contact - Pastor Darrell Gustafson – Harvest Bible Chapel of North Phoenix – Contact – Pastor Nick DeBenedetto – Sovereign Grace Church – Gilbert, Az. Pastor Trey Richardson – Grace Bible Church – Chandler, Az. Contact – Pastor Tom Angstead – Calvary Goodyear – Goodyear, Az – Contact – Pastor Ian Wolter – Cottonwood Bible Church – Cottonwood, Az – Contact – Pastor Jim Masters

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