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Raising the Bar on Information Governance in Primary Care Dr Lorna Ramsay Clinical Lead NHS Scotland IG Programme, ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising the Bar on Information Governance in Primary Care Dr Lorna Ramsay Clinical Lead NHS Scotland IG Programme, ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising the Bar on Information Governance in Primary Care Dr Lorna Ramsay Clinical Lead NHS Scotland IG Programme, ISD

2 Information Governance “Information governance aims to support the provision of high quality care by promoting the effective and appropriate use of information.” Confidentiality Data Protection Information Security Records Management Freedom of Information Data Quality Assurance

3 Primary Care IG Baseline Benchmarking Information Governance and Data Quality Standards, Directed Enhanced Service, circular PCA(M)(2007)11 All practices should: –be compliant with a basic list of standards for information governance –have completed and implemented an action plan (agreed with the host NHS Board) on how they will improve data quality and information governance

4 What’s been going on? –high profile data disclosures –growing expectations of the general public –continued eHealth progress What’s changed in IG? –updated guidance from professional bodies –evolving requirements from regulators How can NHSS ‘raise the bar’? –new guidance –ongoing activities –training and awareness Session overview

5 GMC Confidentiality Guidance Principles “Confidentiality is central to trust between doctors and patients. Without assurances about confidentiality, patients may be reluctant to seek medical attention or to give doctors the information they need in order to provide good care. But appropriate information sharing is essential to the efficient provision of safe, effective care, both for the individual patient and for the wider community of patients.”

6 Regulator changes: Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) DP registration changes Extended Powers & Penalties –Fines - monetary penalties for reckless breaches –Enhanced powers of inspection –Prosecution - prison sentences for s55 offences New offence: –Wilful or reckless breach of the DP Principles leading to damage or distress

7 Regulator changes: Freedom of Information Sets out types of information routinely made available by a public authority. Should specify classes of information, how available, and if charge. Current NHS schemes expire on 31 May 2010 5 updated NHS model schemes proposed, including one specifically for General Practices – developed by SGPC of the BMA Consultation: Nov to mid Dec Revised submissions by 28 Feb 2010 http://www.itspublicknowledge

8 Patients Bill of Rights Consultation Sept 08 -Jan 09 Patients' Rights Bill and introduction of legislation in 2010 Includes patient rights to privacy and confidentiality

9 Scottish Government Draft Identity Management and Privacy Principles Developed by expert group for Scottish Ministers –Help public service organisations comply with data protection and human rights legislation –Enable public organisations to build on these requirements and to achieve good practice Aimed at both policy makers and practitioners in public service organisations 5 sections: –Proving Identity and Entitlement –Governance and Accountability –Risk Management –Data and Data Sharing –Education and Engagement Closes 23/11/2009

10 NHS Scotland IG programme Standards & Toolkit Communications & Networks Education & Training Knowledge Base National IG Framework of Policies & Guidelines Developing & Implementing Fully Implemented Evaluation & Monitoring Changes Implemented Continuous Improvemen t Cycle

11 National IG Guidance 1 NHS Scotland Code of Protecting Patient Confidentiality (review) NHS Scotland Information Security standards and guidance (review) –Mobile data protection standard (encryption) Caldicott Guardians Manual, July 2008 (review/ replacement)

12 National IG Guidance 2 Refreshed NHS Scotland Code of Practice in Records Management –Health and administrative records into single document –Improved guidance re disposal of records, esp. in site decommissioning - Strathmartine review recommendations Develop dataset for compiling records inventory (Nov 2009) Develop guidance on operational physical security and transportation of manual records (Dec 2009)

13 Ongoing national IG activities IG Access Framework for national systems Role Based Access Control model for clinical portal Information Classification Scheme Incident Reporting guidance Guidance for patients seeking opt out from electronic records Training requirements and awareness raising tools for NHSS staff

14 Training in place/ in development IG Educational Competency Framework, NES Advanced practitioners: –Postgraduate educational programmes for IG Practitioners –Initial and ongoing training for Caldicott Guardians Intermediate 2: –DOTS – IG module for junior doctors –Flying Start – IG module for newly qualified nurses, midwives and AHPs Various materials: –Brief Guide to IG –Information Security Good Practice Guide

15 Proposed Training Model Intermediate 2 Intermediate 1 Foundation Supervisory roles Middle managers Health Professionals Administrators Medical Records Clinical Coding Healthcare Assistants IG Leads IG Practitioners Clinical/ professional System administrators Clinical Administrators Healthcare Administrators All NHS employees/ contractors Advanced IG competency Levels (NES) Role (RBAC Model) Indicative staff groups (NES)

16 Training Plans/ Proposals Proposals for comprehensive programme of IG a wareness raising, training packages and work- based assessment : Intermediate 2: –Senior medical, nursing, midwifery and AHP staff –Other healthcare professionals Intermediate 1: –Administrative and clerical staff –Health Records staff, etc Foundation: –All NHS employees and contracted staff

17 Future activity NHSS IG standards for Primary Care Self assessment using electronic IG toolkit

18 Key Contacts/ Sources of Advice Internal:Line Manager Practice Manager GP Lead External:

19 Specialist e-Library/ IG Portal IG Bulletin eHealth Website Further Information

20 Contacts NHSS IG Team: Lorna Ramsay, Clinical Lead, IG team, ISD Kim Kingan, Information Governance Lead, SGHD David Armstrong, Enterprise Architect-Security, SGHD Robert Bryden, Records Management Lead, SGHD

21 How might primary care respond to ‘raising the bar’ around IG? –Participation in developments –Implementation of new guidance –Compliance with evolving requirements What barriers and enablers might there be? Discussion points

22 Questions? Better information.….better decisions…..better health.

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