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San Diego City Schools Recycling Program Goal: To Reach a 50% Recycling Rate by 2005.

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1 San Diego City Schools Recycling Program Goal: To Reach a 50% Recycling Rate by 2005

2 Findings From 2000 Waste Audit Close to $1,000,000 in trash disposal and mixed paper collection costs (less than $2.45/YD) 900, 3-cubic-yard-bins at 200 sites (176 schools) 59% of total wastestream is paper Recyclables are contaminated in the classroom

3 Barriers to Implementation Can not use instructional minutes for recycling education Varying generation over large geographic area (huge system) Budget cuts limit custodial involvement No SDCS implementation funds Schools need money

4 B E G Better form strategic partnerships Eagerly seek donations Grant writing

5 Highest Priorities Institutionalize recycling education at each school campus Increase mixed paper recycling Provide an incentive to recycle

6 Plan: Implement Educational Clubs at All Schools Must be done during non-instructional minutes Students operate beverage container recycling program (keep revenue from sale of materials) Educate campus about district recycling programs Monitor paper bins for contamination

7 Conservation Club Beverage Container Recycling Program Sponsored by the California Department of Conservation Keep California Beautiful (KCB) grant buys 188 recycling bins, locks, signage and 4,000 lids Pacific Waste Services donates 4,000 red recycling bins Form conservation clubs at middle/high schools through ASB’s/after school clubs

8 Conservation Club Beverage Container Recycling Program Urban Corps of San Diego educates and provides container collection City of San Diego provides one presentation to each club utilizing their education contract San Diego Baykeeper provides club 20 presentations

9 Planet Protector Beverage Container Recycling Program Sponsored by the California Department of Conservation SDCS buys 400 recycling bins, locks and 1,000 jackets with DOC grant Use 2,000 Pacific Waste Services donated red recycling bins and lids

10 Planet Protector Beverage Container Recycling Program Form Planet Protector Clubs at elementary schools through after-school program EPA provides 2,000 educational packets City of San Diego provides one presentation to each club and buses selected Planet Protectors to EnviroSchool

11 Volunteers Lead Club Meetings Facilitate a 45-minute club meeting monthly until the end of the school year During the meeting, lead an environmental awareness activity During the meeting, teach the students how to recycle on campus Serve as a liaison between the SDCS recycling office and the school site

12 Restructure Trash/ Mixed Paper Collection Contract Paper collected free of charge with revenue tied to an index Waste hauler to collect landscape materials and trash Optional food collection

13 Payment for Paper School will be paid by the weight of the paper in each bin Recycling truck has scales that weigh the amount of paper at the time of pickup School will receive a check by the 15 th of each month for the paper recycled in the previous month

14 District Savings The District saves in two ways: Free collection of recyclables Trash bins are emptied less, therefore the district pays less This program alone saves the District more than $300,000 per year Public agency clause

15 Recycling Programs to Reach 50% Paper Mixed Beverage Containers Wood and Wooden Pallets Metal Food Concrete/Asphalt Donations/Reuse

16 Closing Remarks Significant barriers surmounted by partnerships, education and incentives District will reach a 50% recycling rate and save more that $475,000 once fully implemented

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