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Aim: How can we find the CONTROLLING IDEA? Do Now: Write a one-word description of your weekend (keep it appropriate please!) We will be doing a one-word.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How can we find the CONTROLLING IDEA? Do Now: Write a one-word description of your weekend (keep it appropriate please!) We will be doing a one-word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How can we find the CONTROLLING IDEA? Do Now: Write a one-word description of your weekend (keep it appropriate please!) We will be doing a one-word check- in. All students will be expected to participate.

2 What is CONTROLLING IDEA? The Controlling Idea of a piece (story, poem, essay, informational text, play, song, etc…) is… The MAIN IDEA or Main Topic. Usually can be stated in ONE WORD.

3 Practice  Assembler My twentieth summer I got a job in Door Locks at the Ford plant where my father has worked for twenty years. Five in the morning we’d stand tired in the glare and old heat of the kitchen, my father fiddling with the radio dial, looking for a clear station. Mostly I remember the back-to-back heat waves, coffee in paper cups that said Safety First, my father and I hurrying away from the time clocks, proud of each other. And my last day, moving shy past their Good Lucks, out into 5:00, shading my eyes.

4 Directions  Read the poem  Read the poem again  With a partner or on your own, consider at least 4 possible choices for the CONTROLLING IDEA (Write them down)  Choose ONE answer.  Write your answer on the poem in big writing.

5 Read the Passage Provided As you are reading, consider what the CONTROLLING IDEA might be. Could your Controlling idea for the passage MATCH the controlling idea for the poem?

6 One work Check out Think about the concept of Controlling Idea. How do you feel about your understanding of this concept? Is it clear? Are you confused? Are you confident? One work Check out and then we can go home.

7 Homework  Answer all Multiple Choice questions for the poem and story.

8 Aim: How can we find the CONTROLLING IDEA?  Do Now: Mini Quiz– Read the passage and answer the multiple choice questions.

9 One Word Check-In  What do you think the controlling idea of the passage is?  Remember: Controlling idea is the Main Topic. Usually only ONE WORD!  Everyone will be expected to check in  Everyone will be expected to check in

10 Linking Passages by Controlling Idea  How can you link –the poem we read yesterday (Night Light) –to the passage you read today (excerpt from The Swimming Pool by Elizabeth Strout)

11 Writing a Task 3 Response GrabberPose a question to open your short response. State the Controlling Idea Use the Controlling Idea word or phrase to begin a sentence that clearly states the Controlling Idea. Provide an example from Passage 1 State the title and author and how it relates to the C.I. Provide an example from Passage 2 State the title and author and how it relates to C.I. ConclusionSum it up.

12 Think, Pair, Share  Share your response with a partner.  Help your partner to make his or her passage PERFECT.

13  Three volunteers to share.

14 Homework  Read the passage provided and answer the Multiple Choice Questions.  Think about the Controlling Idea as you read!!!!!!!!  You will be completing a Task 3 Practice Test in class tomorrow. It will be graded.  You will be completing a Task 3 Practice Test in class tomorrow. It will be graded.

15 Aim: How can we write a paragraph using CONTROLLING IDEA?  Do Now: Today you will be taking a Regents Task 3 Practice Test.  I simply want to see how well you are capable of responding to these types of questions at this point.  YOU will decide if your grade counts or not. DO YOUR BEST.

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