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Let’s Play! Please listen carefully and think before answering. Good Luck!!

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3 Let’s Play! Please listen carefully and think before answering. Good Luck!!



6 Build it, Guide it, Blow it up



9 Americas The Beautiful

10 American Inventors

11 200 300 400 500 dyNASTY Questions Build it, Guide it, Blow it up Japan Cultural Diffusion S-S-S Samurai Americas: The Beautiful American inventors 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100

12 The civil service exam created this new class in China’s government

13 Who are scholar officials?

14 These two dynasties improved commerce and agriculture in China

15 Who are the Tang and the Song?

16 The meritocracy in China was well educated in this type of philosophy

17 What is Confucianism?

18 These people made religions like Christianity popular in China during the Yuan Dynasty

19 Who are the Mongols?

20 This is the name of China’s first emperor

21 Who is Qin Shihuandi?

22 This discovery was made when alchemists were searching for a long life potion

23 What is gunpowder?

24 This was the name given to the first compass invented by the Chinese

25 What is the “fish?”

26 These two inventions led to the invention of paper money

27 What are paper and wood block printing?

28 This discovery gave people small doses of disease to help prevent future sickness

29 What is inoculation (vaccine)?

30 This delicate white material was used to create fine pottery

31 What is porcelain?

32 This religion came to Japan from China by way of Korea

33 What is Buddhism?

34 This regent from the Soga clan was very interested in bringing Chinese ideas to Japan

35 Who is Prince Shotoku?

36 Like the Mandate of Heaven in China, the Japanese thought this about their emperor

37 What is descended from the Gods?

38 Japan adopted their writing system and literary style from this country

39 What is China?

40 Shinto, the ancient religion of Japan worshipped these spirits of nature

41 What are kami?

42 This religion appealed to samurai because of its emphasis on discipline

43 What is Zen Buddhism?

44 This was the title of a landowning noble in Japan’s military society

45 What is a daimyo?

46 Daily Double!

47 This was the name of the first shogun

48 Who is Minamoto Yoritomo?

49 This was the punishment for failing to live up to the code of Bushido

50 What is seppuku (suicide)?

51 Amida Buddhism promised escape from the life cycle if followers said the name of Buddha this many times in their life

52 What is once?

53 This civilization was centered in the Valley of Cuzco.

54 Who are the Inca?

55 This practice was believed to give power to the gods

56 What is human sacrifice (offering blood)?

57 In this society, warriors could rise in social class through warfare.

58 Who are the Aztec?

59 The Aztecs received this sign from their god to settle in Tenochtitlan

60 What is an eagle, holding a snake, sitting on a cactus?

61 This civilization was the one not ended by Spanish conquest or disease

62 Who are the Maya?

63 These were at the center of many cities in the Americas

64 What are temples, pyramids, or religious centers?

65 These are two functions of architecture in the Americas

66 What are sites for ceremonies, tombs, calendars, observing astronomy?

67 The Maya invented this important tool that the Aztecs later adopted

68 The solar calendar and sacred round

69 This civilization did not invent a writing system

70 Who are the Inca?

71 Daily Double!

72 The most important animal to the Inca

73 What is the llama?

74 Final Jeopardy

75 Social Structure

76 Name the smallest organizational units for each civilization of the Americas

77 Maya (City-state) Aztec (Calpulli) Inca (Ayllu)

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