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Welcome to Student Senate 2014! Please: 1. Mingle ( ) 2. Grab your Dinner (Yum) 3. Find your Name Tag (Sit)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Student Senate 2014! Please: 1. Mingle ( ) 2. Grab your Dinner (Yum) 3. Find your Name Tag (Sit)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Student Senate 2014! Please: 1. Mingle ( ) 2. Grab your Dinner (Yum) 3. Find your Name Tag (Sit)


3 AGENDA 1) Call to Order 2) Approval of Previous Minutes 3) Roll Call & Introduction of Senators 4) Guest Speakers: None

4 AGENDA: REPORTS 5) Advisor’s Report Senate Inauguration: January 29 th 3pm 6) Executive Council’s Reports –President: Regent’s Meeting, Parking Spot, Policy Wiki Page –Vice President: Robert’s Rules of Order – Electronic Clicker System –Secretary: Annual Year-end Report –Treasurer: Financial Account Information

5 Account Balances: Foundation Account:Ruben Pamies Outreach: Book value: $35,000.00$1,800.00 + 430.00 Other Cash/Spendable: $6,796.14 Total Balance: $41,646.72 Cost Center (Student Fees): 56,308.16 Petty Cash: $710.32

6 7) Colleges: Allied Health, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Graduate Studies 8) Committees: –Activities: Research Information Day, Pancake “Break”-fast –Issues: Sodexo’s 10% Discount –Education: Mentor Award Update 9) Liaisons: IT, Legislative, Live Green, Security, Student Health Services AGENDA: REPORTS (Cont’d)

7 AGENDA: 10) Shelved Items: Constitution Review & Revision 11) Elections: Executive Board – Secretary, Treasurer Committee Chairs – Education (Academic Affairs) Philanthropy (Activities) Liaisons – IT, Legislative, Live Green, Security, Student Health Services

8 COMMITTEE STRUCTURES Secretary (Ex-officio Advisor) Academic Affairs Committee Chair: Education Treasurer (Ex-officio Advisor) Activities Committee Chair: Philanthrophy Issues Committee Chair: Vice President IT Liaison Security Liaison Student Health Liaison IT Liaison Legislative Liaison Live Green Liaison President

9 VOTING Senators may run for more than one position! Election results will be tabulated after tonight’s meeting (Dr. Carver, Krupa, Alicia) A formal email will be sent out tonight/early tomorrow with election results

10 SECRETARY Duties: Coordinate Senate at-large meetings and communications with Senators Maintain updates on Senate Blackboard group and UNMC Student Senate Website Serve as “Ex-officio Advisor” to the Academic Affairs Committee led by Education Chair Nominations: Levi Zehr (College of Medicine)

11 TREASURER Duties: Coordinate all transactions made by Student Senate with Business/Finance Reimburse any transactions made by members of Senate for any related expenditures Coordinate delivery/payment of food for Senate at-large and committee meetings Serve as “Ex-officio Advisor” to the Activities Committee led by Philanthropy Chair Nominations: Mercury Wu (M.D./Ph.D. – College of Graduate Studies) Brian Coburn (M.D./Ph.D. – College of Graduate Studies)

12 EDUCATION CHAIR Duties: Lead the Academic Affairs Committee Execute proposals related to Academic Affairs passed through Senate Investigate education, curriculum and student policy related issues for students on the UNMC Omaha campus Serve as a contact and representative for Student Senate regarding education, curriculum or student policy related changes, issues or concerns on the Omaha campus Manage selection of the UNMC Student Senate Distinguished Mentor of the Year Award Nominations: Lauren Dahlquist (College of Nursing) Jaree Price (College of Allied Health) Brian Coburn (M.D./Ph.D. – College of Graduate Studies) Brett Wergin (College of Medicine)

13 PHILANTHROPY CHAIR Duties: Lead the Activities Committee Execute proposals related to Activities passed through Senate Organize Senate-sponsored events; in 2014 our events will have an emphasis on philanthropy/outreach/service and professionalism, although we will maintain some traditions which include Raffle Parking Tickets, UNO Hockey Ticket sales, 2 Blood Drives, etc. at the discretion of the Senate Executive Board Nominations: Joe Marion (College of Medicine)

14 IT LIAISON Duties: Assess IT issues, specifically as it pertains to students on the UNMC campus Appropriately address issues regarding IT in a professional manner Manage and moderate the new email system which allows any UNMC students on the Omaha campus to email the entire campus Highly recommended to serve on Academic Affairs or Issues Committee Nominations: Jaree Price (College of Allied Health)

15 LEGISLATIVE LIAISON Duties: Attend UNMC Legislative Team meetings as the student representative. Provide the UNMC Legislative Team with input regarding student interests. Review legislation in the Nebraska State Legislature that may affect student interests. Act as Co-Leader of UNMC Student Delegates, and organize these meetings. Highly recommended to serve on Academic Affairs Committee. Nominations: Janelle Sheeran (College of Nursing – Graduate Student)

16 LIVE GREEN LIAISON Duties: Attend all LiveGreen Meetings and provide student body feedback; specifically as it pertains to students on the UNMC campus and/or at UNMC Student Senate sponsored events. –Can include questions, comments, concerns, etc. about things being done on campus or not being done. Report on all LiveGreen Meetings to Student Senate. Highly recommended to serve on Activities Committee. Nominations: Catherine Tran (College of Medicine)

17 SECURITY LIAISON Duties: Assess campus safety and security issues, specifically as it pertains to students on the UNMC campus and/or at UNMC Student Senate sponsored events Appropriately address issues regarding campus safety and security in a professional manner Highly recommended to serve on Issues Committee Nominations: Jose Morales (College of Medicine)

18 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES LIAISON Duties: Assess issues related to student health services and prescription benefits, specifically as it pertains to students on the UNMC campus Appropriately address issues regarding student health services in a professional manner Highly recommended to serve on Issues Committee Nominations: Danielle Fenster (College of Graduate Studies) Lauren Dahlquist (College of Nursing)

19 AGENDA 12) Next Meeting –1 st Committee Meeting 1/29 5:30pm (Sorrell 2014) –February Full-Senate Meeting 2/5 5:30pm (Sorrell 2010) 13) Adjournment

20 Thank you for Serving on Student Senate!

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